
Wang Baoqiang refused! Xie Qingshuai's father's wish was disappointed!

author:Traveler Claire 9P1b
Wang Baoqiang refused! Xie Qingshuai's father's wish was disappointed!

Recently, a report on the story of Xie Qingshuai's search for relatives has aroused the attention of the majority of netizens, and they have said that this is really a cool article into reality! Everyone knows that this Mr. Xie Kefeng is a big boss, and he plans to adapt this touching story into a movie, and he can't wait to invite Wang Baoqiang to star. However, Wang Baoqiang politely declined the invitation, believing that the story was more suitable for a documentary.

So, why is Wang Baoqiang reluctant to remake a movie about Xie Qingshuai's search for relatives? Everyone must be very curious. According to Wang Baoqiang's answer, he believes that this story lacks dramatic conflict, and the characters have thematic depth, which is not suitable for making a movie. To put it simply, it's a bit bland and not good-looking enough.

Wang Baoqiang refused! Xie Qingshuai's father's wish was disappointed!

Some netizens commented: "It's normal to be happy when you find your son, don't use this as a business to hype or make money, it's too much." Indeed, it is very normal for Xie Qingshuai's father to find his son, and it is very normal to have such joy. As we often say, "family affection is the most precious treasure", so of course we should express our understanding and blessings for such joyful things.

Throughout Wang Baoqiang's career, he has always given people a sincere and credible image. Whether in film and television works or in real life, he not only has outstanding acting skills, but also is very frank. Therefore, the reason for his refusal may be more worthy of our consideration. Is it because this opportunity involves too many commercial interests, so Wang Baoqiang resolutely refuses in order to maintain a simple and true image? Is it because he feels that this opportunity is too far away from his own values, and resolutely says: "No, I refuse!"?

Wang Baoqiang refused! Xie Qingshuai's father's wish was disappointed!

He believes that the story can be expressed in the form of a documentary, which can better show the real emotions and the story itself. After all, the touching and resonance brought by this story is real and does not need to be fictionalized. Therefore, making a documentary is more in line with the authenticity and expression of the story.

In any case, Wang Baoqiang's decision deserves our respect. After all, everyone has their own life trajectory and choices. Maybe this opportunity is nothing to Wang Baoqiang, but we can see his way of behaving in the world, and we can feel that he is so committed to the three views of the entertainment industry.

Wang Baoqiang refused! Xie Qingshuai's father's wish was disappointed!

Wang Baoqiang's attitude towards the story of Xie Qingshuai's search for relatives also gave us some inspiration. To be a good filmmaker, you must not only have the ability to create a good-looking plot, but also have aesthetic and emotional depth. Only in this way can we make our films more colorful and bring real touch and emotion to the audience.

The entertainment industry has always been a colorful place, where money and interests are intertwined, sometimes making people full of desire, sometimes making people confused. Wang Baoqiang's refusal may be a "positive response" in this context. He wants to use his words and deeds to tell everyone that there can be positive energy in the entertainment industry, and there can also be sincere and frank stars. Such a spirit gives us a kind of inspiration and thinking, and allows us to see a clear stream.

Wang Baoqiang refused! Xie Qingshuai's father's wish was disappointed!

In any case, the big stars in the entertainment industry are always unforgettable, and Wang Baoqiang is one of the best. Whether in film and television works or in real life, his sincerity and positive energy have always accompanied him and become a unique and beautiful flower in the entertainment industry. Therefore, this rejection may be just part of Wang Baoqiang's pursuit of truth. Let's look forward to more surprising performances from him in the future!

I would say that the entertainment industry is a place full of many opportunities and challenges, everyone has their own way of creating and expressing, and we must respect everyone's choice. The story of Xie Qingshuai's search for relatives, whether it is a remake of a movie or a documentary, has its own unique charm. We look forward to seeing more excellent works in the future, so that we can grow together in laughter and emotion!

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