
What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

author:Xiong Haha Entertainment

1 sweet potato:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: Sweet potato is a tuber plant that belongs to the genus Dioscis in the family Spiraceae. Its underground part is the main storage organ, forming hypertrophic tubers, while the aboveground part has spreading branches and leaves.

Growing Environment: Sweet potatoes are generally grown in warm climates and prefer full sunlight and soil rich in organic matter. It can be adapted to different soil types, but is better suited to loose, well-drained soils.

Physiological characteristics: The tubers of sweet potatoes come in different colors, including red, orange, yellow, and white. The tubers contain starch and cellulose and are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The aerial part of the sweet potato has heart-shaped or palm-shaped leaves, the flowers are funnel-shaped, and the fruit is a capsule.

Uses: Sweet potatoes are an important edible plant whose tubers can be cooked, steamed, or roasted, making them suitable for cooking a variety of dishes and pastries. It can also be used to make foods such as sweet potato flour, sweet potato bread, and sweet potato porridge. Sweet potatoes are rich in nutritional value, rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and minerals, which are beneficial for boosting immunity, promoting digestion, and maintaining healthy vision.

Culture: Sweet potatoes have an important place in Chinese culture. It is one of the important crops of China's agricultural civilization, and is praised as "sweet potato is as sweet as honey, full of hunger and nourishing qi". Sweet potatoes also play an important role in some traditional festivals and Xi customs, such as the Xi of eating sweet potatoes on the White Dew Festival. In addition, sweet potatoes are also used as raw materials for molasses, alcohol, and feed, among others.

2 Flower vegetables:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: Cauliflower is a vegetable that belongs to the Brassica genus in the cruciferous family. It is made up of immature flower buds in the shape of a conical or spherical flower covered with a layer of green leaves on the outside.

Growing environment: Cauliflower prefers warm climates and is suitable for growing in soils rich in organic matter. It needs plenty of sunlight and the right amount of water to grow.

Physiological characteristics: Cauliflower is rich in vitamin B complexes, especially vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. These vitamins play an important role in the body, helping to improve mental state, regulate protein metabolism, and provide energy. Cauliflower is also rich in fiber and other nutrients.

Uses: Cauliflower is a common vegetable that can be eaten as food. It can be used to cook a variety of dishes like steaming, boiling, sautéing, or baking. Cauliflower is delicious, crunchy, and nutritious, making it a part of a healthy diet.

Culture: Cauliflower is one of the popular vegetables in many cultures. It is used as a main ingredient or ingredient in many dishes. Cauliflower is also considered one of the autumn ingredients, and it has certain effects in improving fatigue and refreshing the mind.

3 Carrots:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: Carrot is a rhizome plant that belongs to the genus Carrot in the family Apiaceae. Its underground part is the main storage organ, forming hypertrophic tubers, while the aboveground part has pinnate compound leaves and umbels.

Growing environment: Carrots are suitable for growing in warm climates, preferring full sunlight and fertile, well-permeable soil. It is not strict on soil, but it is best to avoid heavy soils.

Physiological characteristics: Carrots are rich in provitamin A, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which is beneficial for skin health. It is also rich in fiber and other nutrients, which have the effect of smoothing and strengthening the skin.

Uses: Carrots can be eaten raw or cooked. It can be used as an ingredient in vegetable salads or cooked, steamed, or roasted to make a variety of dishes. Carrots can also be used to make foods such as juices, purees, and breads.

Culture: Carrots are widely used in many cultures and are believed to be beneficial. It is used as a medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine, and is believed to have the effects of lowering qi and tonifying the body, and the chest, diaphragm, stomach, and five internal organs. In addition, carrots are considered an emollient ingredient in autumn and can improve rough skin and freckles.

4 Lotus Root:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: Lotus root is an aquatic plant that belongs to the family Lotusaceae. It has a thick tuber with a smooth surface and a white or pink color on the inside. The leaves of the lotus root are large and round, and the flowers bloom on long, thick peduncles.

Growing environment: Lotus root likes to grow in freshwater environments such as lakes and ponds, and requires clear water quality and rich nutrients. It needs the right water temperature and plenty of sunlight.

Physiological characteristics: lotus root is rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium, plant protein, vitamins and starch. It has the effect of invigorating blood and qi, providing the nutrients needed by the body and enhancing the body's immunity.

Uses: Lotus root is a common ingredient that can be eaten as a vegetable. It can be eaten raw or processed for cooking, and is often used for stir-frying, soup, porridge, etc. The lotus root has a crisp, juicy taste and a sweet taste, which is loved by people.

Culture: Lotus root has important cultural significance in many places. In Chinese culture, lotus root is seen as a symbol of good luck and purity, and is often used in celebrations and rituals. In addition, lotus root is also used in traditional herbalism and is believed to have the effects of clearing heat, moisturizing dryness, and calming the nerves.

5 Pumpkins:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: Pumpkin is a fruit and vegetable plant belonging to the genus Pumpkin in the Cucurbitaceae family. It has large, fat fruits with an oval or round appearance with a smooth surface and mostly orange-yellow in color. The inside of the pumpkin is rich in seeds and fiber.

Growing Environment: Pumpkins prefer warm climates and are suitable for growing in fertile, well-drained soil. It needs plenty of sunlight and the right amount of moisture to grow.

Physiological characteristics: Pumpkin is rich in β-carotene and vitamin B6. It is also rich in fiber and other nutrients. Pumpkin has the effects of moistening the lungs and invigorating qi, dissolving phlegm and draining pus, repelling insects and detoxifying, and is also beneficial to the immune system and skin health.

Uses: Pumpkin is a versatile ingredient that can be used to cook a variety of dishes. It can make pumpkin soup, roasted pumpkin, pumpkin pie, and other delicacies. Pumpkin has a sweet and nutritious taste and is widely used in autumn cooking and food processing.

Culture: Pumpkins have an important symbolic meaning in many cultures. In the West, pumpkins are often used to make Halloween lanterns, symbolizing celebration and a bountiful harvest.

6 Mouths:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: A mushroom is a type of mushroom that usually has a round or hemispherical cap with fine folds underneath, and the color of the cap and folds can vary depending on the variety, from light yellow to dark brown.

Growing environment: Mushrooms are usually grown in moist soils and are commonly found in places such as woodlands, grasslands, and fields. They prefer humid environments and are especially active in the fall.

Physiological characteristics: The taste of the mushroom is sweet, the nature is peaceful, and it belongs to the heart meridian and lung meridian. Mushrooms have the effect of promoting the lungs and relieving the surface, invigorating qi and soothing the nerves, which is very suitable for nourishing the lungs in autumn. In addition, the mushroom can also disperse blood fever and penetrate measles, and is often used in the treatment of measles.

Uses: Mushrooms are a common edible mushroom that is widely used in cooking. They can be used as the main ingredient or condiment of dishes and can be used in different cooking methods like stir-frying, boiling, stewing, etc. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which have certain benefits for enhancing physical health.

Culture: Mushrooms have a long history of eating in China and are regarded as a delicious ingredient. It is often used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is believed to have the effect of nourishing the heart and lungs and soothing the nerves. Mushrooms also play an important role in local folk traditions, such as appearing as a specialty dish in certain celebrations or festivals, showcasing the rich diversity of Chinese food culture.

7 Taro:

What vegetables to eat during the white dew season

Structure: Taro is a tuber plant with an oval or elliptical spherical appearance. It has rough cortex, mostly brown or purple in color, and white or yellowish fleshy parts on the inside.

Growing environment: Taro grows in warm, moist environments, usually in moist soil. They prefer warm climates and plenty of sunshine and are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Physiological characteristics: The taste of taro is sweet and spicy, and the nature is peaceful, which belongs to the intestinal meridian and stomach meridian. It has a variety of effects, including invigorating the stomach, widening the intestines, laxative, detoxifying, tonifying the liver and kidneys, reducing swelling and relieving pain, benefiting the stomach and strengthening the spleen, dispersing knots, regulating the middle qi, dissolving phlegm, adding lean marrow, etc. It is especially suitable for patients with weak spleen and stomach, intestinal diseases and the elderly who have been sick and weak for a long time.

Uses: Taro is a versatile ingredient that can be used in cooking, medicinal, and craft products. It can be used as a staple or side dish and is widely used in different cooking methods such as stir-frying, boiling soups, baking, etc. In addition, taro can also be made into desserts such as taro paste, taro balls, and taro cakes, and is used to make traditional cakes and desserts. In terms of medicinal use, taro is considered to have certain medicinal value and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine preparations to treat related diseases.

Culture: Taro is an important ingredient in many parts of Asia. It occupies an important place in the food culture of China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, etc. Taro is also associated with some traditional festivals and celebrations, such as during the Lunar New Year, taro is often used to make traditional dim sum such as taro balls. In the folk culture of some places, taro also symbolizes a good harvest and wealth, and is regarded as one of the symbols of good luck.

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