
Wuchuan County: Pay close attention to the rectification of problems and promote theme education to achieve results

author:Blue-orange melter
Wuchuan County: Pay close attention to the rectification of problems and promote theme education to achieve results
Wuchuan County: Pay close attention to the rectification of problems and promote theme education to achieve results

Since the launch of the second batch of theme education, Wuchuan County has adhered to the principle of studying, Xi, checking, and rectifying and reforming, and has carried out the outstanding problems of real inspection and rectification throughout the theme education.

Wuchuan County: Pay close attention to the rectification of problems and promote theme education to achieve results

Investigation and visit see rectification. Leading cadres at the county and department level took the initiative to solve 28 topics in industrial development, ecological construction, people's livelihood, grassroots governance, and business environment. In the process of investigation, 114 problems were found, and 58 were rectified. Grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres generally carried out visit activities, visited 3,992 people, solicited the opinions of the masses face-to-face, summarized 893 items in the list of people's livelihood matters, 633 items have been completed, 615 items have been sorted out in the list of problems, and 465 items have been rectified.

Really touch the hard and really rectify. Focusing on the issues that General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee are concerned about, the problems that affect and restrict the high-quality development of Wuchuan, the problems that the people are anxious about, the problems in preventing and resolving major risks, the problems in comprehensively administering the party strictly, and other key and difficult issues, a list of 22 problems has been formed at the county level, and 6 items have been rectified. All problems should be rectified in the form of ledger management and project-based promotion.

Case analysis and rectification. The analysis of positive and negative cases has been carried out, and the positive case "Successful Practice of Revitalizing Zombie Enterprises" and the negative case "The Problem of Private Mining and Illegal Mining in the Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources in Wuchuan County" have been determined, and the purpose of solving "a class of problems" has been achieved through the analysis of "one case".

Wuchuan County: Pay close attention to the rectification of problems and promote theme education to achieve results

Open the door to advise and promote rectification. Relying on the 12345 platform for handling complaints, 506 appeals from the masses were resolved, and the satisfaction rate of the masses reached 100%. We have conscientiously implemented the system of receiving petitions from leading cadres, vigorously promoted the system of handling letters and visits, handled a total of 26 petition matters, and resolved 20 of them.

Up and down linkage to grasp rectification. Do a good job of connecting with the first batch of theme education, combined with the special rectification actions of the autonomous region and the city, and determine the deepening of the "five major doxxing" action, "medical ethics and medical style", and the key service project "slow detour, push and delay" and other three special rectification issues, and have formulated a rectification plan to clarify specific measures to promote rectification. At the same time, we have promoted the rectification of "lying flat" cadres and the rectification of "three more, three less and three slow" problems, and achieved remarkable results.

丨Source: Hohhot Daily, the picture comes from the data map

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