
Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

author:Butterfly Hall Culture

Traditional solar terms Winter solstice

Wait for the earthworm to knot

The second candidate is the elk horn solution

Three waiting for the water spring to move

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Today's winter solstice

The ancients believed that since the winter solstice, yang energy was born, the sun was southern, the day was short, and the shadow was long, so it was called "winter solstice". For women who are "feminine and cool", the winter solstice is an "auspicious time" for health care. So, what are the 6 principles of winter solstice health?

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Keep warm

When going out in winter, you should pay attention to cold protection and warmth, add clothes in time when the temperature drops, and choose a soft and loose style with good warmth performance to facilitate smooth blood circulation. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the warmth of the neck and abdomen, so as not to cause symptoms such as irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea, which will damage health.

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Take a tonic in moderation

Meat is rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats, which has the effect of replenishing qi and invigorating blood, and is a good product for tonic in warmth. Therefore, after the winter solstice, you can eat more meat to neutralize the cold, speed up the endocrine, and enhance the body's resistance to cope with the severe cold.

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Pay attention to nourishing the liver

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that women's liver is the main one, which has the purpose of dredging menstrual blood. Therefore, once the liver is damaged, it is easy to have gynecological problems. Therefore, women should pay attention to nourishing and protecting the liver, not getting angry, and eating more liver-nourishing foods every day, such as spinach, celery, etc.

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Acupuncture and moxibustion

The winter solstice moxibustion Shenque acupoint can nourish qi and replenish yang, warm the meridians and channels, and is very beneficial to physical health. In the four days before and after the winter solstice, plus the winter solstice for a total of nine days, the moxa sticks are lit and smoked around the navel to have a warm feeling. Once a day, 15-20 minutes at a time.

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Soak your feet at night

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the cold in the human body enters the human body from the earth through the feet, so soaking the feet more can help women keep warm from the cold. At the same time, foot soaking must be insisted on for a long time in order to play the role of health preservation, cold protection and warmth.

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Emphasis on sleep

Protecting the sun and avoiding cold is the key to winter health, and going to bed early and getting up late is conducive to "winter storage". Therefore, for most women, they need to "go to bed early and get up late" in terms of daily life, that is, try to go to bed as early as possible and prolong the sleep time, which is more conducive to physical health.

Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!
Underwear Weekly|Love: 6 principles of winter solstice health, not 1 less!

Article source: Love

Image source: Internet invasion and deletion

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