
Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

author:Kuroko in the countryside


School violence continues to be banned, and this is a problem that cannot be ignored. On campus, some students have been verbally insulted, physically harmed, and even cyberbullied by other classmates for various reasons. This phenomenon will not only cause psychological trauma to the victims, but also affect the atmosphere of the entire campus and the healthy growth of students.


On December 20, Mr. Li of Yizhang, Hunan Province, asked the media for help: "On the afternoon of December 14 last Thursday, my daughter was beaten by five or six people in the dormitory with the door closed in the school. ”

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

According to Mr. Li's daughter, "When I was beaten, I couldn't speak at first, and I couldn't walk. ”

Mr. Li also said: "Now my daughter is in the hospital, and she has been convulsing, and she is still trembling. ”

The school staff said: "The students who hit people must be criticized for education. ”

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

The reporter asked, "Then do we have condolences or psychological counseling for the injured?"

The school staff replied: "If there is a need, it will definitely be, but it depends on the hospital's statement and the results of the examination." At present, the results of her injuries have not been fully identified, and the police are only investigating. ”

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

A staff member of the Hunan Yizhang Education Bureau said: "Parents of students, schools and the Education Bureau of both sides have been coordinating, and a coordination meeting was held at noon on December 20. ”

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

Xiao Hei has something to say

In the video, the injured girl can be seen lying on the hospital bed, also trembling and convulsing from time to time, and there are bandages on her head. And the expressions of the school staff are very infuriating.

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

When the reporter asked: whether there is any condolence or psychological counseling for the injured, the school replied: Yes, yes.

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

Shouldn't the person in charge of the school come to the hospital to visit the student if he injures someone at school? Shouldn't the abuser and his parents be called to apologize to the victim? Is it necessary for the victim to agree to apologize and offer condolences? Is it really bad to get home?

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

Another school staff member said: "The students who beat people have been criticized and educated!"

Is it just criticism of education? It is no wonder that school violence has been repeatedly prohibited, making the perpetrators feel the seriousness of the situation, and making the perpetrators think that the most beatings are just criticism of education, and there is no further punishment. That's why they are unscrupulous and commit school violence again and again.

How should we deal with school bullying?

School bullying is a serious problem that not only causes physical and psychological harm to victims, but can also affect their future development. So what should we do if we are bullied at school?

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

1. Seek help promptly: If you experience bullying at school, you should report it to your parents, teachers, or school authorities as soon as possible. They can provide the necessary support and help, don't be afraid of threats, the more you dare not tell teachers and parents, then they will bully you more and more brazenly in the future.

2. Build a support system: Keep in touch with trusted friends, family or a professional counselor to share your feelings and experiences. If we are bullied for a long time and dare not speak out, then over time, we will not be able to suffer such a continuous blow mentally.

3. Adjust your mindset: Stay calm and positive, believing that you can overcome difficulties. Learn to control your emotions and not let anger, frustration, or self-blame influence your actions and decisions.

4. Seek legal protection: If bullying involves violating your rights and interests, we should take up the weapon of the law to protect ourselves, and if it is not a threat to personal safety, then we should not act excessively, so as not to cause irreparable consequences.

5. Learn self-protection: Xi some self-protection skills, be vigilant, avoid acting alone, walking in groups, etc. At the same time, take care to protect your privacy and security.

6. Seek professional help: If the situation is severe, consider seeking help from a professional counselor. They can provide psychological support and treatment advice to help you overcome your trauma.

7. Build self-confidence: Build self-confidence and self-esteem through active Xi, exercise, and engaging in meaningful activities. This will help you stay calm and firm in the face of bullying at school.

Junior high school girls were beaten and convulsed by many students!

Finally, when we encounter bullying at school, we should seek help in time, adjust our mindset, seek legal protection, learn to protect ourselves, seek professional help, and build self-confidence. At the same time, schools and families should also strengthen education and guidance to improve students' psychological quality and social adaptability, and reduce the occurrence of school bullying.

It is very important to maintain a positive mindset when facing bullying in school. Don't let fear and anxiety control your emotions, trust yourself. Remember, you're not fighting alone. Bravely take up legal weapons to protect yourself.

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