
More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Guangming Daily]

Danqing is endowed with colorful songs, and Hanmo Liuxia paints gorgeous rhyme. On December 20th, the "Ink Rhyme Danqing - Exhibition of Chinese Modern and Modern Famous Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces from the Collection of Heilongjiang Provincial Museum" was opened to the public.

More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics
More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics

The Heilongjiang Provincial Museum combed and researched the collection resources, deeply excavated and refined the artistic value and social value behind the works, and selected the collection of modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, integrating more than 70 pieces (sets) of works by 20 giants such as Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, and Lin Fengmian. It is reported that this is the first time that Longbo presents the treasures of Chinese modern and modern famous calligraphy and painting in an all-round and multi-angle way, and the largest art exhibition since the establishment of the museum, and the exhibition will last until March 2024.

More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics
More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics

"Qi Baishi painted crabs before the age of 40, and his painting method was taken from the Qing people's painting method, 'round body and bamboo legs', which was slightly dull and lacked aura. This work was made by the old man Shiraishi when he was 85 years old. At this time, the painters were getting older, and the brushwork became more and more free. Accompanied by the vivid explanation of the narrator, I saw that the crabs in the painting were lively and vivid, playing in the water. The depth of ink and the penetration of moisture into the dry and wet make the texture and plush of the crab vividly expressed, ready to come out.

More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics

("Ink Crab Picture Axis", Qi Baishi, 1945, Heilongjiang Provincial Museum)

"Wu Changshuo loved plum blossoms the most in his life, and once had the wish of 'Ande Mei Border Thatched House'. "You know, this "Momei Zhongtang" was created by Mr. Wu Changshuo in 1916 shortly after the beginning of summer, reminiscing about the old days of enjoying plum blossoms in the Xiangxue Sea. The penmanship of the large seal and cursive script is blended between the branches and leaves, giving the plum blossoms a sense of texture and full of ancient charm. This year's 67-year-old Harbin citizen Mr. Bai has been associated with calligraphy and painting since childhood, and has a deep understanding of Wu Changshuo's paintings.

More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics

("Momei Middle Hall", Wu Changshuo, 1916, Heilongjiang Provincial Museum)

Walking into the depths of the museum, a painting that seems to be clear and light, but has a deep and agile appearance, comes into view. Mo Mei soars into the sky from the bottom of the lower right corner, vertically connecting the entire picture. The pine trees climb up from the lower left corner, and then slope and fall ruggedly, across the entire stretch. The chapter is like a clash of swords, criss-crossed, like rushing out of paper, forcing people's eyebrows. The one in front of me is Pan Tianshou's "Finger Ink Songyue Plum Picture Axis". Finger ink, which is painted on paper with fingers dipped in ink combined with bald brushes, is a very favorite expression of Pan Tianshou in his later years. The docent of the exhibition hall introduced.

More than 70 masterpieces reproduce the meaning of oriental aesthetics

("Finger Ink Song Moon Plum Picture Axis", 1962, Pan Tianshou)

"The collection of Chinese modern and modern masterpieces of calligraphy and painting in this exhibition shows the oriental aesthetic spirit hidden in the excellent traditional Chinese culture with the brushwork, cultural charm and spiritual pursuit of the masters, and narrows the distance between art and the public. Qin Jin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Museum, said that in the process of inheriting and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, this exhibition not only reflects the profound artistic attainments of the masters, but also allows the public to improve their aesthetic quality and strengthen their cultural self-confidence in a strong cultural atmosphere. In the future, the Heilongjiang Provincial Museum will further give full play to the advantages of its collection resources, plan and launch exhibitions such as "Butterfly Exhibition" and "Bronze Mirror Exhibition", promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, and transform tourism "flow" into cultural "retention".

(Guangming Daily all-media reporter Zhang Shiying photography Zhou Yumo)

Source: Guangming Daily all-media reporter Zhang Shiying Photo by Zhou Yumo

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yongqun

Editor: Xing Yanyan and Zhu Xiaofan

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