
After middle age, no matter how good your relationship with your siblings is, you must also understand the "herd effect"

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

In the savannah, a herd of cattle grazes and moves in one direction, not falling apart and becoming a mess.

This phenomenon in nature is known as the "herd effect" and is used in market behavior.

There are platforms that choose a certain day as a large-scale event festival, and the advertisements are overwhelming, so as to attract a large number of consumers, and other platforms will follow suit.

In fact, when a family gets along with each other, it is like a herd of cattle living together, and the herd effect has diversified development and wisdom, and if it can pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, it can promote family development.

Brothers and sisters are the closest people and are connected by blood. After middle age, they have entered their heyday, and once they grasp the size of the relationship, the family will naturally be angry.

After middle age, no matter how good your relationship with your siblings is, you must also understand the "herd effect"


"There are thousands of people in the family, and one person is in charge": choose the strongest cow and drive everyone.

The herd effect, to a large extent, represents the "herd mentality".

If a good person likes to do something, then others will follow and thus get a piece of the pie.

But there are times when the horse stumbles. When the leader falls, the people behind him fall, like moths to a fire, one after another, it's terrible.

In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, there was a person who liked to read when he was a child, and when he went out, he hung a book on the horn, walked slowly, and read slowly, which attracted the attention of Yang Su, the prince of Yueguo.

Yang Su also confessed to his son Yang Xuangan, saying: "I see Li Mi's knowledge and bearing, you can't catch up." ”

Later, Yang Xuangan rebelled against the Sui and asked Li Mi as a strategist.

After that, Li Mi became the leader of Wagangzhai.

It's a pity that he was jealous and suppressed by Zhai Rang and others in Wagangzhai, which led to the decline of his strength. After Wagangzhai was destroyed, he took refuge in Li Yuan and died because he wanted to rebel.

It would be wrong to take Wagangzhai as a family and choose Li Mi as the head cow. And Li Mi did not persevere, did not use the wisdom of hanging the horns of the ox on the book, and used it flexibly.

A cousin of mine does e-commerce in Shenzhen, mainly selling to underdeveloped areas. He got better, and took a few of his wife's siblings and worked together.

Although he did not make a fortune, his family all started in the e-commerce industry and settled in Shenzhen.

The more obvious the group behavior of brothers and sisters, the more they must look for someone who can take the lead, and their ability, virtue, achievements, and pattern must be great.

It is not bad for everyone to be in charge of the house by a person of high moral character. Especially when the parents are very old, it reflects the "eldest brother is the father". The eldest brother is not necessarily the oldest, but the one whose status is recognized by everyone.

After middle age, no matter how good your relationship with your siblings is, you must also understand the "herd effect"


"In-house fighting, out-of-house fighting": put an end to the infighting of the herd, and unanimously outward.

People in the countryside should have seen bulls fight.

Two cows, red-eyed, can fight to the exhaustion, and the next time they meet, they will have to fight.

However, when a herd of cattle encounters a wolf, it is weak and will not use its horns to protect itself. While the wolf was attacking one cow, the other cow, still watching, seemed to think, "Hmph, you have today." ”

Why is it so cruel to the same kind of cattle, but gentle to the wolf? This question is a thought-provoking question.

What's even more terrifying is that when the cow's temper comes, his attitude towards his family has become bad. Anytime, anywhere, it's all tense.

I have seen too many families, and everyone feels that outsiders are very good, and their affinity is very great, and they are like enemies to their families. Especially when it comes to calculating money, it can be calculated almost to a cent.

I used my family's money to invite outsiders to dinner, and I was very happy.

If you find that your siblings are Xi to infighting, you need to talk about it and avoid putting the cart before the horse.

During the Three Kingdoms, Cao Pi became the emperor, but he was very worried that Cao Zhi would be unfavorable to him, so he forced Cao Zhi: "If you can't write poetry within seven steps, you will be destroyed." ”

曹植写下:“本是同根生,相煎何太急。 ”

Cao Pi immediately understood, became quiet, and no longer embarrassed Cao Zhi. The brothers were at peace with each other, and Cao Wei's regime slowly grew.

Later, Cao Zhi became the king of Juancheng, no longer taking being an official as his main goal, but focusing on writing articles, leaving famous articles such as "Luo Shen Fu". It also indicates that he took the initiative to show weakness.

When brothers and sisters get along, you pick up your fist and face your family, it's not your ability, people who have the ability are fighting the world.

You put everyone's money in your pocket, and the wealth of this big family does not increase. When you earn money from the outside world, everyone will be really rich.

After middle age, no matter how good your relationship with your siblings is, you must also understand the "herd effect"


"The fittest survive, the unfit are eliminated": give up the lazy cow at home to avoid dragging.

Zen Master Shi Hui of the Song Dynasty wrote a poem: "Without going through the south and the west, I am afraid of the upper shoulders for the plough." The fat and tender grass in the fence is abandoned, and the green poplar embankment is full of wind and smoke. ”

When we like the old cattle, we also have to see some cattle, which are useless, only know how to grow fat.

A merchant with two oxen to carry goods. A cow is lazy, and a cow is diligent.

In order to hurry, the merchant put all the goods on the back of the diligent ox, and the lazy cow followed, thinking that he was too happy.

When they arrived at the bazaar, the merchants sent the lazy cattle to the slaughterhouse. The lazy cow finally woke up, but it was too late.

There is a proverb that says, "An ox makes a cow, but there is no ox that makes a calf." ”

It is better to use a diligent calf than a full-grown lazy cow. It also means that it is necessary to make trade-offs, and not to ruin a pot of porridge because of "a grain of mouse feces".

When brothers and sisters get along, they must understand that one mother gives birth to nine sons, and all of them are different.

There is no way to wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep, so it is better to save some effort and support the person who is willing to stand up.

It's not that it's unkind, but it's benevolent and righteous, and don't have any luck.

After middle age, no matter how good your relationship with your siblings is, you must also understand the "herd effect"


Good family relationship, the cow sings and the cow sits down, and the night returns to lie on the side of the cow.

The family, working together during the day and sleeping together at night, interprets the scenery of "sunrise and sunrise and rest".

Bad family relationships, full of cows, ghosts, snakes and gods, can't be prevented.

After middle age, we have our own small family, and we also have to take care of the big family derived from our parents, and we must always learn some housekeeping methods, have nothing to do, and communicate more with brothers and sisters to form good rules.

Make money together, support parents together, and work together to prosper.

Getting benefits from the group and giving back to the group is the best outcome.

When the big family is harmonious, you will be a son of a cow.

If the big family can't see hope, you will be a lone cow.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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