
The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend


Popular science articles

Title: The Legend of Deyun Club: The Old Generation and the New Generation, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua Create a Happy Legend

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend


Entertainment Xiaoqi interpreted the video of the members of Deyun Club together in his humorous style, especially paying attention to the appearance of the old-timers Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua. By analyzing the laughter and laughter of the moment, the article explores the tacit understanding and warmth between the older generation and the new generation of cross talk actors in Deyun Club.

Article Analysis:

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend

1. Introduction and main idea

The article uses the video shared by Shi Fukuan's daughter as an introduction, highlighting the scene where the members of Deyun Club get together, and focusing on the appearance of the older generation of cross talk actors Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua. The central idea is the exchange and inheritance between the older generation and the new generation, and the role played by Shi Fukuan in supporting the younger generation.

2. Solidarity and respect in laughter

describes the picture of the members of the Deyun Club gathering together, especially the aura of the old-timer Shi Fukuan. emphasized the united and cheerful atmosphere of Deyun Club, and highlighted the communication between the older generation and the new generation of cross talk actors.

3. Genuine in-game outpouring

Through the filming site of "North Latitude Road No. 1", the scene of the members' participation in the game was introduced. It depicts the scene of everyone sitting tightly around and laughing, highlighting the cordial friendship between the members of Deyun Club.

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend

4. A display of respect and solidarity

It describes the old gentleman Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua sitting in the middle in the photo, surrounded by the actors of Deyun Club. The performance of respect and unity was emphasized, as well as the common photo of the old, middle-aged and young actors in Deyun Club.

5. A blend of humor and sensuality

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend

It depicts the respect of the young members of Deyun Club for the old-timers, and the scene where they appear cautious in laughter. Through Luan Yunping's humorous performance, the joyful atmosphere is highlighted.

6. Co-creation by Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua

Emphasizing the co-creation of Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua, through the description of the scene of the two old gentlemen sitting on the sofa and the disciples of the Deyun Society around them, it shows the resonance of peace and happiness.

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend

7. Respect and expectation for Shi Fukuan

The article expresses his respect for Shi Fukuan as a cross talk actor and his expectations for the role he plays as a role model in supporting the younger generation. Through a review of Shi Fukuan's contributions in the radio era, his artistic value is highlighted.

Questions & Answers:

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend

Question: What is the reason for the tacit understanding between the older generation and the new generation members of Deyun Club in the video?

Answer: The article explains that the tacit understanding between the older generation and the new generation of Deyun Club stems from long-term cooperation and inheritance. The unity and respect they show when they play together is the accumulation and inheritance of the cross talk tradition over the years.

Question: How did the co-creation of Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua affect the atmosphere of Deyun Club?

The old generation and the new generation of Deyun Club, Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua jointly created a happy legend

Answer: The article points out that the co-creation of Shi Fukuan and Li Jianhua has injected a profound artistic heritage into Deyun Club, and through the display of peaceful and happy scenes, it conveys a warmth and sensibility, which affects the joyful atmosphere of Deyun Club.


Entertainment Xiaoqi vividly interpreted the party video of Deyun Club with its unique style, highlighting the tacit understanding of the older generation of cross talk actors and the vitality of the new generation. The article's tribute to Shi Fukuan and the expectation of his role in supporting the younger generation have drawn a warm pen ink for the laughter legend of Deyun Club.

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