
Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

author:Sister Rong Flower House

Aloe vera is a very beautiful succulent, the leaves are fat and beautiful, and it contains a lot of aloe vera gel, which can not only nourish the skin, but also apply to the hands and face, to moisturize and moisturize. In addition, these aloe vera gels can also be made into delicacies, which have the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire.

Aloe vera also has a good effect on purifying indoor air, even at night, it can absorb carbon dioxide and release fresh oxygen, so it is also very suitable for raising in the bedroom. In addition, aloe vera also has the effect of radiation protection, and small potted plants are suitable for raising next to computers and televisions. It is precisely because of the above that it will not be called a "small family medicine box".

Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

Aloe vera is afraid of the cold, and when raising it in winter, you need to keep warm, otherwise it is easy to frostbite. In December, here are 4 things to do to help aloe vera thrive and burst into small buds the following spring.

1. Control watering

Aloe vera is a very drought-tolerant plant, and it does not need to be watered as often. In December, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering to keep the soil slightly dry. Overwatering can cause the roots of aloe vera to rot, affecting growth.

To see if aloe vera needs watering, just look at its leaves. If the leaves look a little dry or curly, then it's time to water it. To water the aloe vera, use a watering can or dip pot to ensure that the water penetrates evenly into the soil.

Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

If the indoor temperature is below 15 degrees Celsius, watering aloe vera needs to be watered in the morning or noon at high temperatures to prevent the temperature from dropping at night and causing aloe vera root rot. If the temperature is above 15 degrees, you only need to wait for the soil to dry out and then pour it once.

2. Sufficient light

Aloe vera needs plenty of sunlight to grow healthy. In December, in order for aloe vera to receive enough sunlight, it is best to receive at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.

If aloe vera is left in a shady environment for a long time, its leaves will become weak and dull in color. Therefore, if there is too little sunlight, you can also use a fill light to fill the light, in order to meet the photosynthesis of aloe vera and make it grow better.

Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

3. Suitable temperature

Aloe vera prefers warm environments, but can also adapt to slightly cooler temperatures. In December, aloe vera needs to be kept indoors in a warm place to keep the temperature between 15-25 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too low or too high, the growth of aloe vera will be affected.

Controlling the temperature can be solved by sunlight, fill light or air conditioning, and plastic bags, so that aloe vera can grow normally in the cold winter.

For example, Sister Rong's aloe vera is raised in my living room, even if the outdoor low temperature can reach minus 167 degrees, but because of the sunlight, the temperature in the living room will reach about 10 degrees. At such temperatures, as long as the water is properly controlled, the aloe vera can continue to grow.

Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

Fourth, change the soil and turn the pot

When it comes to repotting aloe vera, the time is usually in spring or autumn, because these two seasons belong to the peak growth period of aloe vera, and it is fast to take the pot after turning the pot.

However, if the soil is not repotted in spring or autumn, and the soil of aloe vera is compacted and not breathable, or the aloe vera grows slowly, and the indoor temperature can reach more than 15 degrees, even in the cold winter, it is necessary to repot the aloe vera.

In winter, you can use the original pot for the aloe vera (because aloe vera does not like too large pots, and the soil is watered more, and the roots are easy to rot). But when the aloe vera grows a lot, you need to change to a larger pot.

Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

Before repotting aloe vera, you need to control the water for about 7 days, because the soil is dry, and it is easy to remove the pots. Then use a small spatula to loosen the soil along the edge of the pot, and then gently knock the pot to remove the aloe vera from the pot.

For dry, black rot, and blackened aloe vera roots, it is necessary to cut off them in time, then dry the wound, and wait for the wound to dry before potting. Put the good aloe vera in a warm and bright place with a temperature of more than 15 degrees, and you can take it in about 7 to 10 days. After that, it can be kept in a sunny place to make aloe vera better photosynthesize and store more nutrients.

Do 4 things in December, aloe vera can grow vigorously, and spring is full of small buds!

As long as you do all of the above, when the weather warms up in the spring of the next year, you will not use these nutrients to grow, and you can burst out a lot of small buds, so that the aloe vera will burst into a pot, and the longer it grows, the more vigorous it will be! #头条创作挑战赛#

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