
Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

author:Released by Longnanli County

The value of sesame leaves and processing

Sesame leaves are known as "golden leaves" because of its value that should not be underestimated. In addition to being used to garnish pasta dishes and cooking tea, sesame leaves have many other new uses. In the fields, villagers brave the morning mist and carry tools to pick sesame leaves. This process is not simple, and the villagers need to go through a series of processing processes to get the final "golden leaf".

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems
Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

In the first step of picking, the aunts rinse the sesame leaves in clean water repeatedly to remove dust and impurities from the leaves. Next, they blanch the sesame leaves in boiling water, a crucial step that removes the bitterness of the leaves. Finally, the villagers choose a sunny day and spread the sesame leaves on the kang to dry. After many treatments, the sesame leaves become crisp and delicious, so that the processing of the sesame leaves is completed. These processed sesame leaves have become a very valuable agricultural product, bringing farmers a good income.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

In addition, sesame leaves are also an important source of livelihood for rural villagers. For those who make a living from farming, a good harvest of sesame leaves means a year-round livelihood. They sell these sesame leaves to other places, because the market demand is now large, and the price of a pound of sesame leaves can be sold for 30 yuan, which is more expensive than meat. As a result, farmers have become beneficiaries and are more convinced of the value of their farming.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

A delicious garnish of sesame leaves

At Master Li's house in the countryside of Henan, I was fortunate to taste his special "Golden Leaf" noodles. He garnishes the noodles with tender sesame leaves, adding a unique flavor to the noodles. The surface of the noodles is firm and chewy, but the inner core is particularly soft, and the sesame leaves mixed in with it are fragrant, giving the whole bowl of noodles a fragrant taste. I had a lot of memories of such deliciousness, and I didn't expect the addition of sesame leaves to bring such a unique flavor. Master Li said with a grin that this is the technique he has developed over the years, and he has slowly figured out this unique formula.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

The deliciousness of sesame leaves is not only reflected in the noodles, but can also be used as a garnish in other diets. For example, a common heat-relieving tea in Henan is made from fresh sesame leaves. This kind of tea is sweet and refreshing, which can give people a refreshing feeling and has a natural air-conditioning effect. I tasted this sesame leaf tea in a small farmhouse courtyard, and I only felt sweet and delicious, and my whole body felt much cooler. The aunts praised it one after another, saying that this is a century-old family heirloom summer relief product, and they can't express the refreshing taste in words. This kind of drink can bring a refreshing and comfortable feeling in the hot summer.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

Health benefits of sesame leaves

In addition to being delicious, sesame leaves have a range of health benefits. For example, sesame leaf soup can be used to relieve symptoms of diarrhea. At one point, I was unwell and it lasted for a week. When I visited Uncle Wang's house, a neighbor in my hometown in Henan, I told him about my troubles. Uncle Wang smiled and said that it was simple, and he immediately made a pot of secret sesame leaf soup for me.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

Uncle Wang plucked a few tender sesame leaves from the backyard, washed them and put them in a pot to boil with other ingredients. After a while, the soup gave off its aroma, and a bowl of sweet and smooth sesame leaf soup was ready. When I took my first sip of sesame leaf soup, I felt a sweet and smooth flow of soup rush into my stomach, and my entire gastrointestinal tract was relaxed. Uncle Wang explained that sesame leaves have a laxative effect, and regular drinking is of great benefit to the stomach. From that day on, whenever I felt unwell, I would go to Uncle Wang to ask for some sesame leaf soup to drink, and not only did the gastrointestinal symptoms gradually subside, but my whole body also felt a lot more relaxed.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

In addition, sesame leaves also help eliminate bad breath and improve oral health. Sesame leaves are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which can clean the mouth and reduce the growth of bacteria, thereby improving bad breath. Some studies have also found that sesame leaves also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which can prevent the occurrence of oral diseases.

Sesame leaves, also known as "golden leaves", have a new use that has helped many people solve their problems

Reflections on sesame leaves

Through this understanding, I have a deeper understanding and thinking about sesame leaves. As a traditional agricultural product, sesame leaves not only have high economic value, but also have rich food and health benefits. In the countryside of Henan, sesame leaves are an important source of income for farmers and their livelihood throughout the year. For those who love food and health, sesame leaves can be used to garnish pasta, cook tea, make drinks to relieve heat and relieve gastrointestinal problems. These are the unique features of sesame leaves, and they also reflect its infinite value. What's more, by understanding the processing and application of sesame leaves, we can also discover the possibilities of innovation and extension of traditional agricultural products. The concept of Western-style confectionery is starting to feel new because of the influence of agricultural products, so if you want to make something new, you can try it. Sesame leaves have also become a great way for farmers to increase their income and improve their quality of life. Whether it is the sesame leaves in the field or the delicacies on the table, it makes us think and admire this seemingly ordinary agricultural product more deeply.

Source: Originated from Baidu Jingfeng said three farmers

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