
The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

author:Rizhao Daily

The National Health Commission (NHC) held a press conference on Sunday, December 17, to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter.

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)


Spokesperson of the National Health Commission and Deputy Director of the Publicity Department

Mi Feng

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, and welcome to the press conference organized by the National Health Commission.

Recently, the total number of outpatient and emergency respiratory diseases in medical institutions across the country has shown a downward trend.

All localities are actively expanding medical resources and continue to increase the number of relevant outpatient and emergency clinics and inpatient beds. Secondary hospitals, maternal and child health hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and primary medical and health institutions have effectively played a diversion role. According to monitoring, the number of fever clinics and clinics at the grassroots level accounts for about 44% of the number of fever clinics and clinics in medical institutions across the country, effectively adapting to the medical needs of patients.

It is necessary to continue to strengthen the monitoring and situation research and judgment of the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases, strengthen the overall allocation of medical resources, optimize the service process in the hospital, smooth the referral channels up and down, give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, promote "Internet +" services, ensure the diagnosis and treatment needs of the masses, and improve the medical experience of patients.

It is necessary to wear masks scientifically, do a good job of personal protection, and maintain good hygiene Xi.

It is necessary to continue to strengthen vaccination to prevent respiratory diseases such as influenza.

Recently, heavy rain, snow and strong cold wave weather have occurred in many places across the country, and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention has issued the "Guidelines for Public Health Protection of Cold Wave". The National Health Commission has issued a circular to all localities, demanding that medical and public health care and emergency response work in rain, snow and cold wave weather be earnestly carried out, and that medical institutions take measures to prevent cold and keep warm, so as to ensure the safety of personnel and the normal operation of equipment and facilities in cold weather; in view of frequent diseases such as fractures and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in cold weather, it is necessary to strengthen the relevant outpatient and emergency forces; at the same time, strengthen on-duty duty, and make medical emergency preparations for emergencies.

Sudden temperature drops can induce respiratory and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, exacerbate chronic underlying diseases, and may also cause frostbite. It is necessary to do a good job of cold protection and warmth, especially the head, chest and abdomen, pay attention to anti-slip and anti-fall when going out, and try to avoid staying outdoors for a long time.

Cold weather is a special concern for respiratory pathogen infections. Infants, children, pregnant women, and the elderly should reduce going out and have balanced nutrition; people with chronic underlying diseases should seek medical attention in time if they have aggravated symptoms; outdoor workers should stop working and enter a warm place as soon as possible in case of emergency.

The theme of today's conference continues to revolve around the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter, and we have invited:

Ms. Shen Haiping, Deputy Director-General, Department of Maternal and Child Health, National Health Commission;

Ms. Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the Department of Infectious Disease Management, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention;

Ms. Li Caihong, President of Xinmi Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Henan Province;

Mr. Lu Gen, Director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangdong Province;

Mr. Guo Qinyuan, Director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liuzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Ask them to come together to answer questions from reporters.

Next, I would like to invite all journalists to raise their hands and ask questions, and please inform your news organization before asking questions.

Reporter of Hong Kong China Review Press

Please tell us about the overall situation of pediatric medical resources in the maternal and child health system, and what are the main measures taken to deal with respiratory diseases in children this winter?

Shen Haiping, deputy director of the Department of Maternal and Child Health of the National Health Commission

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

Thank you for your question. Maternal and child health institutions play an important role in ensuring the health of children. At present, 98 per cent of the country's tertiary maternal and child health hospitals have pediatrics, 91 per cent of the second-level maternal and child health hospitals have pediatrics, and there are 67,800 pediatric beds in maternal and child health hospitals at all levels. Recently, as the incidence of respiratory diseases in children has entered a period of high prevalence, the National Health Commission has issued a document to co-ordinate, guide and promote the expansion and efficiency of maternal and child health care institutions at all levels, and make every effort to ensure the needs of children for medical treatment.

First, the resources of pediatric services have been expanded. Guide maternal and child health care institutions to strengthen the deployment of personnel, all pediatricians are on duty to receive treatment, and qualified personnel are transferred from relevant departments such as child health care and internal medicine, so as to enrich the outpatient strength of pediatrics. It is emphasized that pediatric outpatient clinics should be opened as much as possible, and during peak periods, the outpatient hours should be extended, the number of outpatient clinics increased, the number of outpatient clinics increased, the consultation rooms and diagnosis and treatment areas increased, and the night outpatient clinics and weekend outpatient clinics should be opened to meet the medical needs of children to the greatest extent.

The second is to optimize the spatial layout and treatment process. Guide maternal and child health care institutions at all levels to optimize the layout of outpatient and emergency care, so that the diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases and children's health care services are separated, and separated from other areas for the diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases. The outpatient and emergency departments, blood collection and other areas for children are relatively concentrated to provide convenient services, reduce the cross-flow of children and parents in the hospital, and reduce cross-infection. Promote pre-diagnosis examination and testing services, optimize the process of diagnosis and treatment, and shorten waiting time. Smooth the green channel for the treatment of acute and critical diseases, and gradually realize the hierarchical and hierarchical triage of children's medical treatment.

The third is to promote "Internet +" services. Guide maternal and child health care institutions at all levels to promote the establishment of Internet hospitals, and reduce the pressure of offline medical treatment through methods such as online outpatient follow-up, online prescriptions, and offline logistics and delivery of drugs to your home. Promote smart medical services for children, adopt methods such as time-based appointments and online inquiry of test results to guide staggered medical treatment, improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, and improve the medical experience.

Our monitoring of services in nine major cities, including Beijing, shows that the average daily number of outpatient and emergency visits for pediatric respiratory diseases in maternal and child health institutions increased from 31,000 in September to 47,000 in mid-December, an increase of 52%, and maternal and child health institutions have played an important role. Thank you!

Xinhua News Agency reporter

We know that wearing a mask is an effective way to protect against respiratory infectious diseases, and I would like to ask how often masks need to be changed?And how do people choose between N95 and ordinary surgical masks? and the recent cooling and cold wave in many places, in order to keep warm, can everyone wear ordinary cotton masks effectively protect against respiratory infectious diseases? Thank you.

Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

Thank you for your question. Wearing a mask correctly is a prerequisite for the role of masks in preventing the spread of respiratory diseases. The mask change and mask selection you just mentioned are issues that need to be paid attention to when wearing a mask correctly.

Let me start with the issue of mask replacement. First, the mask is dedicated to a special person and cannot be cross-used, and the mask that is worn by mistake or wrong should be replaced in time. The second is disposable medical masks and medical surgical masks, and it is recommended that the cumulative use time of a single mask should not exceed 8 hours. Masks for occupationally exposed persons should be used for no more than 4 hours, but they cannot be reused. There is no special difference in the frequency of replacement of KN95 and N95 protective masks, disposable medical masks or medical surgical masks. Third, when going to the hospital for treatment, accompanying and escorting, after close contact with people with respiratory symptoms, the mask should be changed in time. Fourth, the mask should be replaced immediately after being contaminated with respiratory or nasal secretions, as well as other body fluids. Fifth, when the mask is dirty, deformed, damaged, or smelly, it should be replaced in time. In addition, when the mask is used beyond the time limit, or does not meet the current national or industry standards, it should be replaced in time.

Let's talk about the choice of masks. Cotton masks cannot effectively block the effect of respiratory droplets and aerosols transmitting pathogens, so it is recommended that the public choose masks scientifically according to the mask guidelines based on their own health reality, the risk of infection in the environment, and the guidance and advice of medical staff. It should also be noted that it is not advisable to wear multiple masks to keep warm or prevent infection, because wearing multiple masks not only does not increase the protective effect, but increases breathing resistance and may disrupt the fit of the mask.

Recently, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued the Guidelines for the Prevention of Respiratory Infectious Diseases and the Public Wearing Masks (2023 Edition) and policy interpretations. Thank you.

Reporter of Sansha Satellite TV

Some parents are concerned that maternal and child health care facilities are inexperienced in treating childhood diseases.

Li Caihong, President of Xinmi Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Henan Province

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

Thank you for your question. Maternal and child health care institutions specialize in providing health care and disease diagnosis and treatment services for women and children, taking our hospital as an example, the following measures are mainly taken to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases.

The first is to improve the capacity of personnel. In response to the recent increase in the number of visits to children with respiratory diseases, we have strengthened the training of medical staff and carried out the treatment of children's respiratory diseases in strict accordance with national diagnosis and treatment standards and medical quality and safety requirements.

The second is to strengthen equipment allocation. In recent years, more than 60 sets of specialized first-aid equipment such as children's ventilators, ECG monitors, and vehicle heaters have been equipped, accounting for 50% of the hospital's first-aid equipment investment, continuously improving the ability of pediatric diagnosis and treatment.

The third is to accept quality control. The Provincial Pediatric Quality Control Center conducts quality control and supervision and inspection of our hospital every quarter, and conducts key inspections and guidance on the early identification and treatment of children's acute and critical diseases, the rational use of drugs for children, and the standardized diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in children. Every month, we conduct quality control of medical behaviors such as diagnosis, treatment, and medication of medical staff, including pediatrics, and strictly control the quality of medical services.

Fourth, establish referral channels. Our hospital has established a specialty alliance with provincial and municipal medical institutions to improve the ability of pediatric disease diagnosis and treatment through expert studios, famous teachers and apprentices, and the cultivation of young talents. For children with difficult and complex problems, they will be transferred to relevant medical institutions in a timely manner through the green channel for consultation and referral to ensure that children with severe illnesses receive timely treatment. Thank you!

The Paper reporter

If a family member is infected with a respiratory disease, does the home need to be disinfected?How can I avoid infection among members living in the same household?Thank you.

Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Thank you for your question. If a family member is infected with a respiratory infection, the following prevention and control measures are recommended. First, patients should wear masks, avoid close contact with other members of the family as much as possible, and share daily necessities such as dining utensils. If conditions permit, the patient can live in a relatively independent space, when the patient coughs or sneezes, it should be covered with a tissue or elbow clothing, and the used tissue and other garbage should be stored in a garbage bag and disposed of in time to avoid contact with others. Hand hygiene is also required, especially after blowing your nose or cleaning up contaminants.

The second is to keep the home environment and items clean, and if the pollution is clear or necessary, it can be disinfected. If the patient's mouth and nose secretions are infected with surfaces, they should be cleaned and decontaminated with adsorbable materials such as paper towels and dry wipes, and then disinfected the contaminated surfaces and washed hands in time. The used cleaning items should be disposed of in a timely manner, and chlorine-containing disinfectants or other effective methods should be selected for disinfection of the surface of corrosion-resistant objects. If the surface of such objects is not resistant to corrosion, other effective disinfection methods are selected for disinfection. For small items that are frequently touched on daily life such as mobile phones and keys, alcohol can be used to wipe and disinfect, and the dining utensils should be first boiled and disinfected, and all should be immersed when boiling and disinfected, and the time should start after boiling, and the boiling time should not be less than 15 minutes. When using disinfectants, they should be strictly followed by the product instructions, and personal protection should be done at the same time.

The third is to strengthen hand hygiene for other family members if they go out and return home, when they are at home. If there are clear contaminants on your hands, wash your hands with hand sanitizer under running water, and rub your hands together to disinfect if there are no visible contaminants.

Fourth, strengthen indoor ventilation, regularly open windows for ventilation, and maintain indoor air circulation. In winter, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, so it is necessary to pay attention to avoid colds caused by opening windows for ventilation. Thank you.

Reporter of Guangzhou TV station in Guangdong

At present, the incidence of respiratory diseases in children has entered the high season, what measures have been taken by the Maternal and Child Health Hospital to meet the needs of patients? Thank you!

Lu Gen, Director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangdong Province

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

Thank you for your question. Maternal and child health institutions at all levels play an important role in the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections in children. Taking Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital as an example, we have taken the following measures during the peak season of respiratory infections:

First, we have increased manpower input and strengthened the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment in fever clinics. In the usual pediatric outpatient clinic, the number of people increased from 24 to 36, an increase of 50%, and the number source increased by 400~500 per day, an increase of 31%. In the evenings and on weekends, we have also increased staff and consultation rooms to meet the needs of children. In the fever clinics, we increased the number of fever clinics from the usual 12 to 24 fever clinics during the peak period, and in early December, we received more than 22,600 fever clinics, with an average of 2,266 visits per day, an increase of 27.2% over October.

Second, we have optimized the diagnosis and treatment process. The pre-diagnosis billing service has been added, that is, before the child comes to the hospital, after the pre-examination and triage, the full-time medical staff will issue relevant checklists such as blood routine according to the relevant diagnosis and treatment process, and after getting the checklist, they can return to the doctor for treatment, which can shorten the waiting time of the child.

Third, the hospital has strengthened the support of medicines, informatization and logistics. In other words, the increase in radiology, testing, pharmacy and billing services shortens the time for testing and examination, which directly shortens the entire time of the patient's visit. At the same time, for some children who have recovered well and need follow-up visits, we will guide them to the hospital's Internet to go to the online consultation. During this period, compared with October, the number of online visits to Internet hospitals increased by about 70%.

Fourth, the hospital has coordinated the number of beds in the hospital and strengthened health education. The hospital has coordinated the number of general wards that can admit respiratory diseases, including general wards of internal medicine, general wards of emergency departments, respiratory wards, and infection wards, and increased the number of beds related to respiratory diseases from 265 to 320, an increase of 20.7%. At the same time, the hospital pushes relevant health education information through various channels and pushes the knowledge of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of related diseases, so that our parents and children can face diseases scientifically. Thank you!

Cover News Reporter

What are the good methods of Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in children?

Guo Qinyuan, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Liuzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the introduction of the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter (transcript)

Thank you for your question. Traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in the prevention and treatment of children's respiratory diseases, and its effects on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation are relatively significant. Specifically, we can divide it into three stages, namely, prevention before disease, treatment after illness, and prevention and recovery after recovery.

As long as the child's physique is regulated, eating well, sleeping well, and having normal bowel and bowel movements, the child will be less likely to get sick, and even if he is sick, the symptoms will be mild. How do we regulate children's physique? Boiling yam, lotus seeds, lilies, and white fungus into medicinal porridge for children to eat can improve appetite and sleep. You can rub the child's foot Sanli acupoint, 5~10 minutes a day to strengthen the spleen and appetize, pinch the child's spine 5 to 10 times a day, and pinch the spine from the tail vertebrae to the neck and shoulder junction with the thumb and two thumbs, and pinch the spine can improve the child's resistance.

In terms of disease treatment, traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on children's respiratory diseases, in addition to the well-known traditional Chinese medicine decoction, there are many treatment methods, such as acupuncture, pediatric massage, cupping, scraping, acupoint application, etc., but these need to be used by professional doctors according to the syndrome differentiation of the condition. For children with fever at home, they can squeeze and pinch the large vertebral points, which are the places where the bones at the back of the head and neck are protruding, and squeeze out the sha through the thumb, which can play a role in sweating and reducing fever. For example, if a child has a sore throat, we can squeeze the Shaoshang acupoint at the angle of his thumb and press it 50 times, which has a good effect on the sore throat. For children with nasal congestion, you can rub the Yingxiang acupoint, which is the depression of the midpoint of the outer edge of the alar of the nose, and rub it for 5~10 minutes, which can effectively relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion in children. Drinking boiled water with green onion and ginger every day also has a good effect on nasal congestion caused by wind and cold.

In terms of recovery, this stage is the recovery period of the disease. Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine can restore the child's body to its best state and reduce our recurrent infections. For example, if you have a cough and phlegm, you can use tangerine peel and monk fruit to boil water and take it to dissolve phlegm and relieve cough. If you have a loss of appetite and irregular stool, you can use millet and yam to make porridge to eat to strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. You can also use moxa moxibustion for three miles or large vertebral points in daily life, which can replenish the spleen and help yang qi. Thank you!

Reporter of the 21st Century Business Herald

At this stage, the incidence of respiratory diseases is high, how to improve the health awareness of parents, effectively prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases in children, so as to reduce the incidence of children?

Shen Haiping, deputy director of the Department of Maternal and Child Health of the National Health Commission

Thank you for your question. At this stage, we mainly help parents to improve their health awareness and enhance their ability to prevent diseases from the following aspects.

First, strengthen child health guidance in conjunction with child health services. At present, our country has established a basic public health service system, and the whole country provides a specified number of free health examinations and consultation and guidance services for children aged 0 to 6 in urban and rural areas. We particularly emphasize that when carrying out child health check-up services, maternal and child health institutions and primary medical and health institutions should provide parents with health education, preventive consultation, medication tips and vaccination guidance for children's respiratory diseases, so as to prevent children from getting sick and get sick less. The national systematic management rate for children under 3 years old and the health management rate for children under 7 years old are both above 90%.

Second, continue to increase the intensity of science popularization. Adopt various forms to carry out publicity and education on the prevention and treatment of children's respiratory diseases, so that parents can understand the epidemic situation of the disease and enhance their awareness of active prevention. Since October this year, the country's tertiary maternal and child health hospitals have released more than 7,000 popular science works in the form of WeChat and short videos, with a reading volume of 16.71 million.

Third, strengthen the operational guidance of key institutions. Carry out targeted technical guidance for childcare institutions, primary and secondary schools, and other institutions with a large number of children. In particular, it is emphasized that maternal and child health care institutions should strengthen training for the persons in charge and health workers of childcare institutions within their jurisdiction, guide childcare institutions to do a good job in children's nutritious diet, reasonable exercise, and full-day health observation, provide professional guidance on disease prevention, and prevent the occurrence of clustered diseases. Thank you!

Reporter of China Youth Daily

The JN.1 variant is causing concern around the world, what is the current situation of the new coronavirus variant in the mainland?

Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Thank you for your question. The COVID-1 variant JN.1 is a subclade of the Omicron variant BA.2.86. The results of global monitoring show that since November, BA.2.86, especially the subclade of JN.1, has accelerated significantly in the global growth rate, and has become one of the dominant circulating strains in some countries. On November 21, the World Health Organization (WHO) adjusted BA.2.86 from a variant requiring global surveillance to a variant of concern, with the risk of severe clinical infection as low and the overall public health risk as low.

According to the surveillance results of the new coronavirus variant in mainland China, since the first imported case of the BA.2.86 variant was reported on August 31, 2023, a total of 160 BA.2.86 and its subclade sequences have been reported across the country, of which 148 are imported cases and 12 are local cases, and no severe or critical cases have been found. At present, the BA.2.86 variant accounts for a very low proportion of sequences reported in mainland China, but the proportion of sequences in imported cases has increased rapidly since November, and its growth trend is gradually converging with that of the world. Experts believe that the current epidemic level of new coronavirus infection in the mainland is at a low epidemic level, and the proportion of BA.2.86 and its subclades is relatively low, and the public health risk of this variant in the mainland is low. To date, no new viruses and new bacteria unknown have been detected in the mainland in terms of pathogen surveillance for respiratory diseases. Thank you!

Reporter of the Voice of China of the main station

How can maternal and child health institutions give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of children's respiratory diseases?

Guo Qinyuan, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Liuzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Traditional Chinese medicine plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in children. Taking our hospital as an example, as a tertiary maternal and child health care hospital, the following measures have been taken:

The first is to take the initiative to expand the resources of traditional Chinese medicine. Since September, the number of TCM pediatricians in our hospital has increased from 12 to 23 per day, the number of TCM pediatric clinics has increased from 6 to 12, and the number of night and noon outpatient clinics has also increased, and the number of TCM and Western medicine pediatric beds in the hospital has increased to 315.

The second is to provide internal and external TCM services. In the disease stage, according to the characteristics of children's respiratory diseases, based on the classic prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, one person is formed, and the thick decoction and ointment are made to facilitate the children to take and carry out internal treatment, and acupuncture, pediatric massage, scraping, acupoint application and other methods are used to carry out external treatment to control fever, cough and other symptoms. Through the combination of internal and external treatment, symptoms are relieved, the course of the disease is shortened, and recovery is promoted. In the rehabilitation stage, physical constitution identification is carried out, and the body is conditioned and recovery is promoted through medicinal diet and moderate exercise guidance.

The third is to carry out Internet traditional Chinese medicine services. With the Internet hospital of our hospital as a platform, 10 TCM business backbones are arranged to answer the questions raised by the parents of the children online every day. Relying on more than 300 doctor-patient communication WeChat groups established by our hospital, TCM pediatricians have carried out TCM knowledge popularization and health education, and since September, a total of 12 online live broadcasts of TCM prevention and treatment of children's respiratory diseases have been carried out, 24 popular science videos have been released, and nearly 30,000 online consultations and Q&A have been conducted. The outpatient and emergency treatment of respiratory diseases in our hospital accounts for 20% of the total number of children in the city, more than 80% of children with respiratory diseases of traditional Chinese medicine are treated by internal treatment, external treatment and combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and more than 96% of hospitalized children with respiratory diseases are treated by the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Thank you!

Reporter of the Daily Economic News

What is the current capacity of the county-level maternal and child health institutions in terms of pediatric diagnosis and treatment, and what measures have been taken to deal with the increase in the number of visits for children's respiratory diseases?

Li Caihong, President of Xinmi Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Henan Province

Thank you for your interest in grassroots maternal and child health. Our hospital is a county-level maternal and child health hospital and a tertiary medical institution. In response to the increase in pediatric visits, we are taking the following steps:

First, expand the pediatric capacity. Integrate the medical resources of the whole hospital, increase the allocation of pediatric personnel, let all 32 medical staff with pediatric work experience return to the team, and transfer doctors and nurses from the child health department and neonatology department to expand the pediatric force. Paediatric day clinics increased from 6 to 10 rooms, night clinics from 1 to 2, and pediatric inpatient beds from 90 to 350. In addition, it has opened a noon and nighttime extended outpatient clinic to provide 24-hour uninterrupted service. At the same time, we are also constantly optimizing the service process, implementing staggered peak visits, making appointments for hospitalization, and treating children according to their age groups and zones, and settling at the bedside of admission and discharge. The administrative and logistics personnel set up a vanguard commando team of party members to take the initiative to undertake the service guarantee work such as hospitalization procedures, bed allocation, and bedding delivery in the pediatric ward, so as to deliver the service to the door and let the patients run fewer errands.

Second, improve the ability to treat people. For the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases in children, we have conducted multiple rounds of training and drills for medical staff to improve the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases and the ability of early identification and referral of critical cases. The hospital has also set up an emergency team for the treatment of children's respiratory diseases, and once a seriously ill child appears, the special team will arrive at the scene within 5 minutes to guide the treatment. We have also prepared 9 emergency plans, and dynamically stockpiled drugs, consumables and testing reagents for no less than two months to ensure clinical needs.

Third, give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine. More than 90% of the children are treated with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, with traditional Chinese medicine ointments and granules, combined with traditional Chinese medicine baths, acupoint applications, pediatric massage, moxibustion and other traditional Chinese medicine external treatment techniques to improve the efficacy, shorten the course of the disease, and promote children's recovery. Thank you!

Shenzhen Satellite TV reporter

What should be paid attention to in the clinical medication of respiratory tract infections in children?How to do a good job of home care for sick children? Thank you.

Lu Gen, Director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangdong Province

Ok, thanks for your question. Children's medication is different from that of adults, and parents should pay special attention to the following points:

First, do not give your child antimicrobial medication without a doctor's guidance.

Second, after respiratory tract infection, especially after fever and high fever subside, cough symptoms will last for days or weeks, which is a function of our body's self-recovery and self-protection, and most of them can recover on their own without intervention, so routine use of antitussive drugs is not recommended.

Third, we should pay attention to the interaction of drugs, do not take antipyretics and compound cold medicines containing antipyretic and analgesic at the same time, and also avoid the combined application of Chinese patent medicines with the same function and overlapping ingredients, which will increase the risk of some adverse drug reactions.

After children fall ill, they should choose to rest at home or seek medical treatment in time according to their condition, and it is not recommended to go to kindergarten or class to avoid cross-infection. There are a few things to keep in mind when taking care of your home:

First, when you have a fever, you should appropriately reduce the intake of seafood, eggs and other proteins that are easy to cause allergies, avoid frying, roasting or spicy foods, and try to eat more vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables such as cabbage and tomatoes, such as apples and citrus.

Second, teach children good hygiene Xi. Especially in families with many children, it is necessary to isolate sick children and healthy children as much as possible to avoid cross-infection within the family.

Thirdly, if the child has a change in his condition, such as severe cough, or shortness of breath or high fever that does not go away, he or she needs to seek medical attention in time. Thank you!

Reporter of China News Service

When the incidence of respiratory diseases is high, what measures should maternal and child health care institutions take to strengthen health education and raise the health awareness of the masses in view of the special needs of women and children? Thank you.

Li Caihong, President of Xinmi Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Henan Province

Thank you for your question. Pregnant women and children are the key groups we care about and protect. In our hospital, for example, we try to put the prevention work in the forefront, so that everyone does not get sick and does not get sick as much as possible.

First of all, we use pregnant women's schools and parents' classes to carry out online and offline science popularization to guide pregnant women, children and parents to establish personal protection awareness of frequent ventilation, frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and not gathering. Since late September, a total of 28 lectures have been preached. A WeChat group for parents of pregnant women and children has been established to provide consultation, health education and health guidance online.

Second, we have also strengthened the operational guidance of childcare institutions. We have dispatched 26 backbone physicians from the Children's Health Department to serve as deputy health directors in kindergartens in the city, and have visited 11 primary schools and 121 childcare institutions to publicize disease prevention and control knowledge and guide the implementation of the health care system. We also use the regular health care work meetings of childcare institutions to train the heads of childcare institutions and health workers on child disease prevention, disinfection management and full-day health observation, and provide professional disease prevention guidance.

The third is to release the hospital's 24-hour emergency telephone to the public in a timely manner, publicize the information of outpatient emergency doctors every week, and announce the treatment process of children with different needs, so as to facilitate the masses to seek medical treatment. Thank you!

Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Publicity Department

Okay, thank you, and two final questions.

Reporter of Macau Monthly

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with influenza, can I take medicine to prevent the flu? Some parents have reported that some children have a long course of illness after being infected.

Lu Gen, Director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangdong Province

Thank you for your question. We know that the most effective and cost-effective way to prevent influenza is to get vaccinated. A large number of studies at home and abroad have confirmed that influenza vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of influenza and serious complications, so we still recommend that children receive influenza vaccination to prevent influenza.

At present, regarding the long course of illness after infection in children, it is necessary to look at the specific situation, if it is an influenza virus infection, it is mostly an acute course, most of the symptoms will disappear in 3~5 days, and most of the course of the disease will recover within a week. If it is mycoplasma infection, in fact, most of it is still a self-limited course, and even if it causes pneumonia, most of them are mild, and only a very few will develop into severe disease. Severe and mild cases, after standardized treatment, the prognosis is generally very good, and generally does not cause serious sequelae or irreversible damage to our lungs. We know that the course of mycoplasma infection is relatively long, generally 2 weeks to 4 weeks, and some children have influenza, mycoplasma, adenovirus or respiratory syncytial virus and other successive or superimposed infections, which is also the reason for the prolongation of the course of respiratory tract infection. Thank you!

Reporter from China Daily

There are a large number of children in the mainland, and the construction of pediatrics is very important and necessary. What will be the next step to strengthen the pediatric construction of maternal and child health care institutions? Thank you.

Shen Haiping, deputy director of the Department of Maternal and Child Health of the National Health Commission

Thank you for your question, good question. The National Health Commission will continue to intensify its work and coordinate and promote the further strengthening of pediatric construction in maternal and child health institutions at all levels.

First, from the aspect of strengthening policy guidance. In the construction of departments, it is necessary to include the construction of pediatrics and diagnosis and treatment services in the performance appraisal of maternal and child health care institutions throughout the country, take them as an important evaluation index, and promote a higher proportion and wider coverage of pediatric departments in secondary and tertiary maternal and child health care hospitals throughout the country through the guiding role of the "baton", so as to comprehensively improve the capacity of pediatric diagnosis and treatment services; encourage the opening of pediatric wards in tertiary maternal and child health hospitals across the country, and the proportion of pediatric wards currently opened is 92.8 percent. In terms of service characteristics, we will vigorously promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine services in the pediatric departments of maternal and child health care institutions, so as to treat and diagnose existing diseases. At present, the proportion of secondary and tertiary maternal and child health care institutions in the country with traditional Chinese medicine departments is 56.8% and 89.8% respectively, on this basis, by 2025, the proportion of secondary and tertiary maternal and child health hospitals to carry out traditional Chinese medicine specialized services should be increased to 70% and 90%, maternal and child health institutions should achieve the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and the volume of pediatric outpatient Chinese medicine services should be significantly improved.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen personnel training. Through the implementation of standardized training for pediatric residents, we have strengthened the training of pediatrics, neonatology, and child health care personnel, and continuously enriched the pediatric service strength of maternal and child health care institutions at all levels.

The third is to build a child-friendly environment. We need to promote the construction of child-friendly hospitals, focusing on the environment that meets the psychological characteristics of children, the facilities that meet the physiological needs of children, the buildings that meet children's safety requirements, and the quality and efficiency of health care services, with maternal and child health care institutions, children's hospitals, general hospital pediatrics, and primary medical and health institutions as the main body, improve software and hardware capabilities, and gradually promote the construction of child-friendly hospitals, so as to provide children with emotional, warm, humanistic and high-quality health care services. Thank you!

Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Publicity Department

Thank you, at today's press conference, several guests introduced the relevant situation of winter respiratory disease prevention and control, especially the important role played by maternal and child health institutions at all levels in the process of disease prevention and control, thank you again. In the future, we will continue to hold a special press conference on the theme of winter respiratory disease prevention and control, welcome everyone to continue to pay attention! This is the end of today's press conference, thank you!

(Source: Healthy China)

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