
Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

author:International Online
Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

On December 13, General Secretary Xi Jinping returned to China from his state visit to Vietnam and came directly to Guangxi for investigation and research.

From the 14th to the 15th, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Nanning, Laibin and other places in Guangxi to conduct in-depth inspections of opening up projects, communities, rural areas, enterprises, etc.

The key for a region to firmly grasp its strategic positioning in the overall situation of national development is to clearly recognize and give full play to its own comparative advantages.

During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Guangxi to "give full play to its own advantages" and put forward new requirements and give new missions to strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Guangxi.

"Micro Observation of Current Affairs" will take you through the unique advantages of Guangxi to understand the new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

Create a convenient place for domestic and international dual-cycle market operations

Nanning, Guangxi is China's closest provincial capital to Vietnam and is the permanent venue for the China-ASEAN Expo.

The first stop of General Secretary Xi's Guangxi inspection tour came to the China-ASEAN Information Port Co., Ltd. in Nanning.

The main business here covers three major areas: industrial Internet, government and enterprise digitalization, and cloud communication services.

In recent years, cooperation between China and ASEAN countries in the field of digital economy has blossomed in many places. By the end of 2022, Guangxi had carried out nearly 20 projects in the fields of digital government, digital enterprises, and digital industries in nine countries, including Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, and Vietnam, and built a number of national and autonomous region-level Internet platforms for the ASEAN region.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

△On December 14, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected China-ASEAN Information Port Co., Ltd. in Nanning, Guangxi to learn about China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation.

"One bay saves eleven countries, and benign interaction between the east, the middle and the west". Guangxi has a unique geographical advantage: at the same time, along the river, along the coast and along the border, it is co-connected with ASEAN and integrated with the Greater Bay Area.

During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Guangxi should continue to expand its opening up to the outside world. It is necessary to strengthen internal and external linkages and build a more dynamic open economic system.

Guangxi's development potential is opening up, and its stamina is also opening up. To stimulate the motivation of opening up, it is necessary to unleash the potential of the "sea", stimulate the vitality of the "river", and do a good job of "side" articles.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

△ The construction site of the Pinglu Canal, the backbone project of the new western land-sea channel

General Secretary Xi Jinping drew up a blueprint for Guangxi's internal and external linkage development, connecting with the new industrial layout of developed coastal areas, accelerating the development and opening up of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt, and building Guangxi into an important strategic hinterland of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area......

Today's Guangxi has a better open environment, more dynamic vitality, and a more prominent strategic position in the country's construction of a new development pattern. For Guangxi to achieve high-quality development, General Secretary Xi Jinping has placed new expectations on building a convenient place for domestic and international dual-cycle market operations and deeply integrating into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road".

Let more "Guizihao" agricultural brands be called the north and south of the country

"Sugar is an important non-staple food, and everyone has worked hard to bring 'sweetness' to thousands of households. ”

On the afternoon of December 14, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and investigated in Laibin City, Guangxi. He successively came to the Huang'an high-quality "double high" sugar cane base and Dongtang Phoenix Co., Ltd. in Laibin National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park to learn about the breeding of sugarcane varieties, planting and harvest, and the development of sugar industry.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

△On December 14, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the high-quality "double high" sugar cane base in Huang'an, National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, Laibin City, Guangxi.

Nearly half of Guangxi's land is located south of the Tropic of Cancer, and it is located in the southern subtropical monsoon climate, with abundant heat and rainfall. Moreover, sugarcane grows in the same season as rain and heat, so sugarcane cultivation in Guangxi has unique geographical and climatic advantages. About 2 out of every 3 spoonfuls of sugar in China comes from Guangxi.

Relying on agricultural and rural characteristic resources is a key part of the development of rural industries, and only by adapting measures to local conditions can we be efficient, labor-saving and accurate.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Guangxi should give full play to the advantages of Guangxi's rich characteristic resources such as forests, fruits, vegetables, livestock and sugar, vigorously develop modern characteristic agricultural industries, and let more "guizihao" agricultural brands be known in the north and south of the country.

To develop rural industries, it is necessary to expand the space for industrial value-added and efficiency through the whole industrial chain, and create more opportunities for employment and income. At the same time, it is also necessary to vigorously develop the processing industry of agricultural products, optimize the industrial layout, and promote the transformation of rural areas from selling original brands to selling finished products.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

△ Guangxi Laibin City National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park Huang'an high-quality "double high" sugar cane base

During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that based on resource endowments and industrial foundations, we should focus on advantageous industries, concentrate superior resources, and create a number of pillar industries that reflect Guangxi's characteristics and advantages, have a large scale and strong driving force.

Today, Guangxi aims to transform and upgrade traditional industries such as sugar, aluminum, nonferrous metals, iron and steel, petrochemical and chemical industries, cultivate and expand a new generation of information technology, new energy vehicles, new energy and energy storage, biomedicine, new materials and other emerging industries, and look forward to the layout of future industries such as deep-sea aerospace and aerospace.

The modern industrial system of all parts of the country and all regions can be in full bloom in order to paint the beautiful scenery of the spring garden.

Build a demonstration area for forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation

Guangxi is the autonomous region with the largest ethnic minority population in mainland China, accounting for 37.6% of the region's permanent population.

Since ancient times, Guangxi has had the fine tradition of "sharing the same sky, cultivating the same fields, drinking the same river water, and building the same homeland" of all ethnic groups. It is a homeland where all ethnic groups coexist in harmony and help each other.

The common unity, progress, prosperity and development of all ethnic groups is where the life, strength and hope of the Chinese nation lie.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

△On December 14, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping had cordial exchanges with people of all ethnic groups in the community during his inspection of Panlong Community, Liangqing District, Nanning City, Guangxi.

Panlong Community in Nanning City is a multi-ethnic community. In the community cultural and sports activity room, General Secretary Xi Jinping watched with great interest as community residents Xi calligraphy and singing folk songs. The general secretary pointed out that Guangxi's construction of a demonstration area for forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation should start from the grassroots communities, and create a strong atmosphere of people of all ethnic groups as one family through solid community building, effective community services, and rich community activities, so as to make national unity better.

In April 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection tour in Guangxi that Guangxi is a national demonstration zone for ethnic unity and progress, and it is necessary to continue to play a good role in demonstration and leadership.

From the National Demonstration Zone for Ethnic Unity and Progress to the Demonstration Zone for Strengthening the Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation, the connotation is richer and the requirements are higher.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The new blueprint of "Eight Gui Fragrance".

△On September 30, 2023, residents performed folk dances at the National Day party held in Panlong Community, Nanning City, Guangxi.

To build a demonstration area, we must go further and better. The "pomegranate seeds" will be held tighter and more closely by implementing the sense of community into various tasks such as economy, education, employment, community construction, cultural construction and cadre team building, and continuously improving the environment and conditions for gathering, learning, co-building, sharing, working and enjoying together.

The general secretary pointed out that Guangxi should take the forging of the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line of all work in the autonomous region, as the fundamental direction for promoting the work of national unity and progress, and consolidate and develop the good situation of the people of all nationalities working in unity.

Guangxi is rich in products and full of vitality, and the flower of national unity often blooms here. By giving full play to its own advantages, Guangxi will be able to realize a new development blueprint.

Producer丨Geng Zhimin

Producer丨 Xinglai

Editor-in-Chief丨Ning Lili

Writer丨Cheng Yu

Vision丨Jiang Yuhang

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