
The ancient white tiger decoction is added or subtracted to relieve excessive drinking, eating and urination

author:Professor Fang Zhihui for sugar control and drug withdrawal

When it comes to diabetes, I believe many sugar friends have heard of "three more and one less". Three more and one less, that is, more drinking, more food and more urine, and weight loss, are typical symptoms of diabetes. In this issue, I would like to share with you a common prescription for alleviating this disease and explore its positive significance in the treatment of diabetes.

The ancient white tiger decoction is added or subtracted to relieve excessive drinking, eating and urination

Share a case study

I once met one such diabetic patient, 49 years old, male. Usually smoke and drink without leaving his hands, usually eat fragrant and drink spicy, and there is no moderation in eating. Three years ago, I began to have a dry mouth, drink a lot of water, urinate frequently, be mentally exhausted, and lose a lot of weight. When he went to the hospital, he was found to have a ridiculously high blood sugar and was diagnosed with diabetes.

The ancient white tiger decoction is added or subtracted to relieve excessive drinking, eating and urination
Diagnosis: thin yellow tongue, pulse count.

According to the patient's self-report and immediate diagnosis, the syndrome of this patient is spleen and stomach yin deficiency, which is one of the more common symptoms in diabetic patients.


Gypsum, Zhimu, smallpox pollen, sand cucumber, wheat winter, asparagus, raw land, kudzu, yam, licorice. Water decoction. (Note: Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to one person, so the dosage is not marked.) )

The ancient white tiger decoction is added or subtracted to relieve excessive drinking, eating and urination


After taking it for a period of time, the patient's spirit improved, and symptoms such as dry mouth and thirst were reduced. After 1 month of continuous conditioning, the patient felt that his spirit improved, and the symptoms basically disappeared. The blood glucose was controlled between 5.4~5.8, and there was no discomfort in the recent follow-up.


Looking back at the recipe above, the application of gypsum and Zhimu is derived from the white tiger soup in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever". The use of White Tiger Soup to treat diabetic lung and stomach yin deficiency is not a secret in Chinese medicine. A lot of TCM will. However, there will be adjustments in the specific drug category and individual drug dosage.

The ancient white tiger decoction is added or subtracted to relieve excessive drinking, eating and urination

Gypsum, into the Yang Ming Sutra, can clear the stomach heat. Knowing the mother, on the one hand, can assist the gypsum to clear heat, and on the other hand, it can nourish yin. Smallpox pollen, sand cucumber and wheat dong are commonly used medicines to nourish the yin of the lungs and stomach; asparagus moistens the lungs and kidneys; yam takes them to nourish the lung yin and stomach yin; shengdi nourishes the heart yin and kidney yin; kudzu root grows the qi of the spleen and stomach and cleans the yang, and distributes the liquid to the limbs; licorice strengthens the spleen and harmonizes all kinds of medicines.

The ancient white tiger decoction is added or subtracted to relieve excessive drinking, eating and urination

The whole party is compatible, and it plays the function of clearing heat and nourishing yin. It is undoubtedly a "timely rain" for patients with lung and stomach yin deficiency, so as to alleviate this syndrome.

Tips: Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and the above prescriptions are only for popular science exchanges, not directly taken!

This issue is shared here, if you have diabetes problems, click on the parentheses [online appointment] for guidance after syndrome differentiation.

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