
How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

author:Thoughtful client

[Editor's note]

Investigation and study is the heirloom of our party. Party members and cadres at all levels in Minhang have gone to the front line, worked hard to practice the fundamental position of upholding the supremacy of the people, and listened to the "true public opinion" among the masses; adhered to the fundamental requirement of seeking truth from facts, and went straight to the front line to grasp the "real situation"; adhered to the fundamental orientation of solving problems, and came up with "real countermeasures" for the right medicine.

"Today's Minhang" launched the "Research Notes" column, presenting the research results in an all-round and three-dimensional way, and striving to become a true record of Minhang's "starting with research, opening the way with research" and "three close combinations", helping investigation and research to investigate the facts, make practical moves, do practical things, and seek practical results.

This issue focuses on the research notes of Chen Xuan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Minhang District Talent Service Center.

Precise attack "Tie your heart to keep people",

Be a good "practitioner" of talent service

Chen Xuan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Minhang District Talent Service Center

Talent is the first resource of an enterprise. In the process of regular visits and investigations, many companies have raised the problems of "difficult to introduce" and "easy to lose" talents. We aim at the stubborn and difficult pain points, prescribe the right medicine, promote the construction of an all-round and full-cycle talent service system, focus on the key links of "introduction, education and retention", further open up the closed-loop chain of talent services, and attract more talents to take the initiative to take root in Minhang with better services.

How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

Broaden the new idea of "attracting talents".

Solve the problem of talent shortage

Talent is the source of enterprise development, and the discovery and introduction of talent is the first step of enterprise talent work. Shanghai Sazhi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise focusing on robot intelligence and digital breakthroughs, with more than 150 intellectual property rights.

Our survey found that such high-growth technology enterprises are still insufficient professionals and leading talents, lack of high-quality innovative and compound talents, and there is a situation where "the right people can't be recruited, and the people recruited are not the right people". To this end, we took the initiative to invite Sazhi Intelligent to participate in the 2023 Minhang District Talent Recruitment and Intelligence College Tour Series Job Fair, and finally signed a two-way agreement with 3 Shanghai Jiao Tong University graduates, and a second-year graduate student majoring in mechanical engineering came to report for Xi, and the harvest was full!

How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

Since the beginning of this year, we have relied on the three-level talent service carrier in the district, united towns, streets and industrial zones to build a bridge between supply and demand for key enterprises and college graduates in the district, adhered to the on-demand talent introduction and two-way selection, organized and carried out more than 20 series of activities to recruit talents and attract talents, promote the precise link between the "enterprise side" and the "talent side", and attract more than 2,500 college graduates to take root in Minhang.

At the same time, we take "one south and one north" as the main battlefield for recruiting talents and attracting talents, continue to launch the talent work brand of "Haiju Talents, Zhihui Minhang", and actively hold 15 activities such as "Haiju Talents and Zhihui Minhang" job cloud promotion and special action for recruitment in 100 days, giving full play to the role of government agencies as a link and expanding the new breadth of recruitment.

Improve the new system of "cultivating talents".

Systematic planning of talent matrix

The key to talent work in the new era is to "cultivate talents". We regularly sort out the pain points of enterprises and employees such as insufficient awareness and understanding of talent policies with talent commissioners at the district and town levels, deepen the work pattern of upper and lower linkage, and loosen the constraints on enterprises and talents. It has carried out 121 activities such as policy lectures, talent roundtables, and intensive matchmaking meetings on a regular basis, trained more than 24,600 people, answered more than 5,000 problems in enterprise policy consultation and talent introduction, provided "one-stop butler service", and built a solid foundation for "zero-distance talent service circle".

How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

In addition to the form of inclusive services, we also closely focus on the "directional" demand for talents for industrial development, carry out "order-based" talent training for enterprises, aim at the "demand" and focus on the "demand" supply.

Dr. Dong, the founder of Nafan Testing, voluntarily received zero salary in the early stage of enterprise development and used all the revenue for the purchase of top scientific research instruments and technology research and development. However, it was her "zero salary" in the early stage that made her not meet the conditions for international students to settle down and missed the "golden period" of settling down. After learning about Dr. Dong's difficulties, we took the initiative to provide services to fully understand and analyze his growth trajectory after returning from studying abroad, and established the "Enterprise Talent Growth Manual" based on the actual situation, accurately provided settlement planning, and followed up the handling process in a timely manner. Eventually, Dr. Dong was able to settle in Minhang.

How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

At present, we have established the "Enterprise Talent Growth Manual" for 12,838 key talents of enterprises, and through regular follow-up and evaluation, we ensure that there are no detours in the process of talent business declaration, and improve the talent retention rate and development potential. At the same time, relying on the "easy employment" human resources sharing service platform, we will increase the filing, tracking and application scenarios of the "Enterprise Talent Growth Manual" to expand the "reservoir" of talents.

Stimulate the new vitality of "talent retention".

Optimize the talent development ecosystem

In order to make every effort to build an "international talent parlor" in the south and north, in response to the demands of enterprises to stabilize and retain talents, we have carried out research in enterprises, parks, and grassroots windows in the form of talent service classes, and set up "can't do things" to reflect the window to solve the "key small things" of enterprises and talents.

How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

With the perception of service objects as the core, we carry out experiential research to optimize the process, "go through the process", "sit at the window", "cloud services" and "go to the grassroots", change roles, enter the masses, collect, analyze and judge the common problems of many key enterprises such as Saint-Gobain, Tofflon, Cabot, etc., superimpose "digital" means to innovate to create a "cloud position" for talent services, and gradually promote service cloud measures such as "cloud window" and "remote E acceptance" for talent services, and continue to promote link simplification and process optimization to ensure a "zero-distance talent service circle" Implement the implementation to help enterprises retain talents more conveniently.

How to tie the "heart" of the enterprise and retain the "people" of the enterprise, the "trick" lies in......

During the research and visits, we also found that many enterprises have a common "pain" point - the lack of a perfect enterprise communication platform. We have linked the resource advantages of various towns and towns, gathered 552 key enterprises in the district to establish the Minhang District Enterprise HR Alliance, promoted the resource sharing and group development between different industries, and simultaneously promoted the establishment of HR alliances for key industrial enterprises such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and integrated circuits.

This year, we have held several research activities of the HR Alliance of Biomedical Enterprises in Minhang District, and successively established the biomedical industry bases of the HR Alliance of Minhang District Enterprises in Zhuanqiao, Wujing and other regions to help solve the bottlenecks in talent demand, industrial development and achievement transformation, and empower the ecological integration of industrial chain, talent chain and innovation chain in the region.

In the next step, we will continue to integrate investigation and research into daily life and turn it into a regular one, insist on keeping our eyes downward and our feet downward, and further build an "excellent" ecology with "fast" service and "full" closed loop, so that talents can be attracted, cultivated and retained in Minhang.

Source: Minhang Today