
Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

author:Lol lol bagua

Hey, melon-eating people, today we are going to talk about a "slow-heated" star in the entertainment industry, she is Wang Zihan who has the bloodline of director Wang Jing. This girl in 1995, although she has a father who is a big director, her journey in the entertainment industry is different from that of many second-generation stars, she does not have so much aura and smooth sailing, which can be said to be quite down-to-earth. I have to mention that Wang Zihan's father is a familiar face in the entertainment industry, and the name of director Wang Jing is believed to be familiar to many partners who like Hong Kong movies.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

Wang Jing's works are diverse and changeable, from police films to comedies, he can play almost every genre. And his daughter, Wang Zihan, also seems to want to find her own place in this starry sky. Wang Zihan's acting career can be described as extraordinary, with enthusiasm and acting skills, she appeared in her father's movie "Seven Captures and Seven Vertical Seven Colored Wolves" in 2007, but she did not attract much attention at that time.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

It wasn't until 2015 that she officially signed a contract with TVB, a local TV giant in Hong Kong, which used to be the place where many star dreams began. However, Wang Zihan's star journey in TVB, how to say it, is mediocre, although there are works, but it is like an invisible air current, which failed to make too many waves in the hearts of the audience. However, don't underestimate this lady, her performance in the situation drama "Love Home: Happy Express" is what makes her stand out. As Cai Yujiao, the secretary of the horse, her professional and humorous temperament finally made people see her light.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

But just when people thought that Wang Zihan would shine in TVB, things took a turn - in August 2023, she suddenly announced that she would leave TVB. Wang Zihan's departure from the nest is like a bolt from the blue for some fanatical fans. Her speech on social platforms at that time was also full of suspense, just saying that she wanted to "find another better me", what does this imply? Is it to seek new development opportunities, or to have new thoughts about her acting career? The answer seems to be elusive for a while.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

Fans' speculation is like a sky full of stars, each with its own light. But Wang Zihan's true thoughts are only known to herself. On her social accounts, she occasionally shares some life moments, but she is silent about her future plans, like a mysterious explorer, keeping a mysterious silence about her next stop. The turning point occurred in early September, when Wang Zihan posted a set of wedding photos on social media, many people speculated whether she was going to get married?

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

However, the young lady quickly broke this speculation, she clarified that she "can't get married yet", and even jokingly said that if there is really a happy event, she will naturally tell everyone generously. And just when everyone was still speculating about what her plans were, Wang Zihan spoke out on social media again, this time she revealed that she had started a new job and was living a 9-to-5 OL life.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

This surprised many people, because she had worked hard in the entertainment industry for many years, and suddenly transformed to live a familiar "white-collar" life, which made people both curious and expectant. Wang Zihan's new job obviously gives her a new sense of mission, and although she did not disclose which industry it is, it is not difficult to see from her words that she is full of enthusiasm and anticipation for this new beginning. At the same time, Wang Zihan has not forgotten her dream of acting, she revealed that she is still nostalgic for the showbiz and hopes to continue to meet the audience in other forms.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

Wang Zihan's social media also recently shared a photo of having a birthday dinner with friends, wearing an OL look, she looks like a working woman, and she looks full of ability and charm of a working woman. Her bits and pieces on social platforms undoubtedly cheered up fans, although she temporarily left the familiar stage, but this calmness and elegance have not changed. Wang Zihan's story tells us that everyone's life is a unique adventure.

Wang Jing's 34-year-old daughter left TVB to work as a white-collar worker!

In this starry sky of entertainment, whether flying high or landing temporarily, the most important thing is to stay true to your heart and your dreams. Wang Zihan has chosen a different path from others, she has the courage to challenge herself and try new ways of living and working. The world doesn't stop because of your choices, but your choices may bring a new color to the world. Wang Zihan's transformation allows us to see another side of an artist, that is, courage, wisdom and the spirit of continuous exploration.

I believe that no matter what her future path is, she will continue to deduce more wonderful stories on the stage of life with this courage and persistence, and hope that everyone can find a better self on their own path.

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