
Cold corresponds to the kidneys, and these tricks are used for health preservation in winter to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold, and nourish the kidneys and support the yang

author:Spine surgery is the same

As the temperature outside the window gradually drops, our bodies begin to quietly signal change. For many middle-aged and elderly friends, winter is not only the coldest time of the year, but also a major test of kidney health. Have you ever felt discomfort in your lower back on a cold morning, or noticed that some of the body's minor ailments seem to become more frequent as the temperature drops?

In TCM theory, the kidneys are regarded as the "origin" of the human body, closely linked to the cold climate of winter. The kidneys are not only responsible for excretory function, but also have a significant connection to our growth, development, reproduction, and the body's overall resistance. Therefore, it is especially important to protect the kidneys during the winter months to protect against the cold and maintain overall health.

Cold corresponds to the kidneys, and these tricks are used for health preservation in winter to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold, and nourish the kidneys and support the yang

The Kidneys and Winter: A Wisdom Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the breadth and profundity of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are endowed with special significance.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are regarded as the foundation of the human body and play an important role in regulating physiological functions and maintaining good health. As the seasons change, especially in winter, the health of the kidneys receives special attention. In winter, the natural world presents the characteristics of convergence and storage, and the human body should also conform to this natural law, focusing on the maintenance of the kidneys.

The kidneys are known as the "innate foundation" in TCM theory and are the root of the body's vital activities. It is not only involved in excretory function, but also closely related to reproduction, bones, hearing, and many other aspects. The kidneys store essence, and essence produces marrow, which is the source of life of the human body. Therefore, the maintenance of kidney health is extremely important for overall health.

During the winter months, the kidneys are especially in need of maintenance. The cold climate may lead to a deficiency of kidney qi, which manifests as symptoms such as back pain, susceptibility to cold, and cold hands and feet. This is because the cold evil invades the human body and is most likely to harm the kidney qi. The decline in the function of the kidneys not only affects the vitality and vitality of an individual, but can also trigger or aggravate other health problems.

Cold corresponds to the kidneys, and these tricks are used for health preservation in winter to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold, and nourish the kidneys and support the yang

In order to cope with this challenge, TCM advocates taking special health regimens during the winter months to nourish the kidney qi. This includes adjusting your diet, maintaining appropriate physical activity, and avoiding overexertion. For example, increasing the intake of arginine-rich foods can promote kidney health, such as black beans and black sesame seeds. At the same time, proper gentle exercise, such as tai chi, can not only enhance physical fitness, but also promote the circulation of kidney qi.

In addition, maintaining good lifestyle Xi, such as avoiding sleeping late, also helps the kidneys repair and regenerate. Going to bed early in winter can follow the natural law of the collection of yang qi from heaven and earth, which helps to fill and maintain kidney qi.

Eat a reasonable diet and protect the kidneys in winter

When the winter wind is cold, the protection of kidney health is especially important. A reasonable diet is like a protective umbrella that provides necessary nutrients and protection for the kidneys. First of all, it is important to understand that the kidneys prefer warmth to cold. Therefore, choosing some warm foods to nourish your body during the cold season is the key to maintaining kidney health.

Black foods are believed to nourish the kidneys in TCM theory. For example, black beans and black sesame seeds are rich in protein and antioxidants, which can effectively promote kidney health. In addition, some foods rich in high-quality protein, such as fish and chicken, not only provide necessary nutrients, but also enhance the body's ability to resist cold.

Cold corresponds to the kidneys, and these tricks are used for health preservation in winter to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold, and nourish the kidneys and support the yang

In winter, warm soups are especially suitable. Bone broth, for example, not only provides warmth to the body, but its abundance of calcium and collagen also contributes to kidney health. Adding a moderate amount of red dates and goji berries to the soup not only adds flavor but also provides additional protection for the kidneys.

At the same time, avoid those raw and cold foods and drinks, such as cold drinks, ice cream, etc. They may cause a cold response in the body and increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, excessive salt intake is the enemy of the kidneys. According to research, excess salt increases the burden on the kidneys, which in turn affects their function.

Energize and warm up: tips for healthy exercise for your kidneys in winter

During the cold winter months, the human body often feels stiff and uncomfortable, which is a warning sign for kidney health. The kidneys, as vital organs in the human body, need moderate exercise to maintain their function, especially during the cold winter months. However, in winter, many middle-aged and elderly friends reduce their activities due to the cold, which virtually poses a challenge to kidney health. Therefore, a reasonable arrangement of winter sports can not only dispel the cold, but also enhance the function of the kidneys.

Gentle aerobic exercises, such as walking and tai chi, are ideal exercise options in winter. These exercises not only promote blood circulation, but also enhance cardiopulmonary function and play a good role in protecting the kidneys. Studies have shown that at least 30 minutes of gentle aerobic exercise a day can effectively improve the body's metabolic rate and immunity, and combat the adverse effects of cold weather on the kidneys.

Cold corresponds to the kidneys, and these tricks are used for health preservation in winter to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold, and nourish the kidneys and support the yang

In addition to walking and tai chi, a moderate amount of indoor exercise is equally important. Stretching exercises and yoga can help relax muscles and reduce joint stiffness. The indoor sports environment can avoid the direct impact of low temperature on the body. Especially for those with joint pain or chronic diseases, indoor exercise is a safe and effective option.

When exercising, take care to maintain an appropriate intensity. Excessive exercise intensity will increase the burden on the heart and kidneys, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, it is important to choose an exercise that suits your fitness level and do it under professional guidance. In addition, warm-up and cool-down before and after exercise are equally important to prevent injuries during sports.

Cold corresponds to the kidneys, and these tricks are used for health preservation in winter to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold, and nourish the kidneys and support the yang

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