
Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

author:Curator of the Brain Cave

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Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

Hairtail has become an indispensable presence in the seafood market, and there is a huge demand every day.

In order to meet people's needs, mainland fishermen are also constantly fishing for hairtail fish to supply the market, but in recent years, the production of hairtail fish has been decreasing year by year, and the reason behind this is that the number of hairtail fish has decreased significantly due to overfishing.

You must know that before 2018, the catch of hairtail fish on the mainland was very huge, exceeding 1 million tons for several years, and you can imagine how many hairtail fish were "consumed".

Although it is now less than one million tons, it is still maintained at about 900,000 tons, and the catch is also very large.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

Objectively speaking, in recent years, the overfishing of hairtail fish along the coast of the mainland has indeed caused a significant decline in production, but this will not lead to the extinction of hairtail fish, and at the same time, it will not cause the price to soar in a short period of time.

First of all, as the sixth most important wild-caught fish in the world, hairtail fish is not only found in the coastal areas of China, but also in the coastal areas of other countries.

The only difference is that Chinese prefer to eat ribbon fish than people from other countries, accounting for almost 80% of the market share of ribbon fish, a large part of which is self-produced and self-sold, and only imported some in recent years when production has declined.

Therefore, throughout the world, China is fishing a large number of hairtail fish, and other countries have not overfished hairtail, so that the world's hairtail fish have a good recovery and breeding period.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

If there is a shortage of hairtail fish in the coastal areas of the mainland, we can also import hairtail fish from other countries, and the movement of ocean currents will transport hairtail fish from other seas to the coastal areas of the mainland, so that they will not be completely extinct.

The second is that the reproduction rate and growth rate of hairtail fish are relatively fast, and under normal circumstances, hairtail fish will reproduce twice a year, respectively from April to June and from September to November.

In each breeding period, the hairtail fish can lay tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fish eggs, and the survival rate of fish eggs is high, the growth cycle is short, and basically more than a year can grow and mature and then enter the next round of breeding period.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

This allows the hairtail to multiply in large numbers and has a relatively short recovery period, but despite this, many fishermen overfishing has caused the number of individual species to plummet and may become endangered if left unchecked.

Therefore, the state has ordered that no fishing is allowed during the fishing moratorium, so that the hairtail fish has a recovery period, only in this way can long-term fishing be achieved and species extinction can be avoided, otherwise it will repeat the mistake of large yellow croaker.

In this way, it can not only meet the needs of the market, but also protect the wild hairtail fish, in fact, mainland experts have also thought about this idea, but it is a pity that the cultivation of hairtail fish is far from being as simple as imagined.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

As a migratory fish, the hairtail has certain requirements for water temperature and climatic environment, and will migrate in a fixed season every year to reproduce, which is also for the continuation of the race.

Based on such biological Xi, ribbon fish need to constantly travel back and forth to different waters for reproduction, otherwise it will affect the living Xi of ribbon fish, but the current breeding technology is not enough to meet such conditions.

The second is that hairtail fish also have certain requirements for water pressure, usually they live at a depth of 30 to 200 meters underwater, and will adjust to the appropriate water pressure position according to their own conditions.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

Once it leaves the deep sea, the hairtail fish will die in a short time, so if you want to breed, you must have the right water pressure conditions, but this requires a huge cost of farming, which is not cost-effective for farmers.

In addition, the food of hairtail fish is mainly based on marine organisms, and the artificially manufactured feed is not accepted by hairtail fish, which is also a major problem faced by breeding hairtail fish.

Even after overcoming technical difficulties and difficulties in the farming process, the promotion of aquaculture is only suitable for coastal areas with suitable temperatures, and its scale and production are really not comparable with the fishing of wild hairtail fish.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

However, the mainland has not given up the research on artificial aquaculture, and has now carried out experiments in the Zhoushan area to cultivate hairtails, and has achieved initial success, realizing indoor aquaculture.

In the future, artificial cultivation and propagation will continue to increase the production of hairtail fish and at the same time to breed new species for better farming.

Although artificial breeding is not enough to support the demand for hairtail fish in the seafood market across the country, Zhoushan has been able to reach an annual output of more than 100,000 tons, and at its best it reached 210,000 tons, accounting for 20% of the total hairtail production.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

With artificial cultivation and state control, it is impossible to become extinct, and with the improvement of technical conditions, the breeding efficiency and output of hairtail fish will break through to a new height.

At the same time, we should continue to practice the path of sustainable development and focus on the protection of marine resources and wildlife.

Chinese people eat 1 million tons of hairtail fish every year! The production of hairtail fish is decreasing year by year, will it be eaten and extinct?

After all, many species have become endangered or even extinct due to human destruction or killing, and such a history must not be continued.

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