
The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

author:Xia Xinhong, a pediatrician of traditional Chinese medicine

After more than 30 years in the pediatric outpatient clinic and more than 30 years of rhinitis, I found that there are more and more children suffering from rhinitis.


Parent Reflections · Here are two questions

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

First question:

Why is it that in autumn, other children have nothing to do, only your children sneeze and runny nose? Why is it that in spring, pollen is everywhere, and other children are safe and sound, and their own children have snot, sneezing, and tears?

The answer is: there is a problem with the bell jar that comes with the child's body, there is a hole, and the external conditions are always there, and it is the human body itself that has a problem, resulting in an overreaction.

Second question:

Why is it okay to be fine in summer, but when autumn comes, the doll begins to have rhinitis and sneezes as soon as the breeze blows? Why does the child start sneezing and nasal congestion again as soon as he enters the air-conditioned room when he is fine outdoors in the warm sunshine? Why does he start to run out of water when he gets up when he gets up when he is fine?

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

We see that it is often stimulated by the cold, so that the surrounding pollen, insects and other things become the source of stimulation, and when there is no cold wind, the child coexists with the pollen.

In fact, the child's reaction to the cold is that the yang energy is insufficient, and the health qi is not solid. Therefore, the body is more sensitive to cold stimuli. This is why rhinitis is more likely to attack in winter, because this season is already astringent.

Children with rhinitis often have runny nose, which means that they feel the cold evil, not the fever, nasal congestion and nasal itching, which are also the manifestations of external evil stasis obstructing the nasal cavity.

The typical symptom of rhinitis, sneezing, is actually the result of the "fight" between yang energy and cold evil.

Such a child has a pale tongue coating and a fat tongue, resulting in tooth marks on the side of the tongue, which indicates that the yang energy in the doll's body is insufficient.


Telling the Doctor · How does Chinese medicine treat rhinitis?

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

One of my young patients, 13 years old, had allergic rhinitis for 5 or 6 years. Perennial paroxysmal episodes, incessant sneezing and runny nose. Especially in the morning, before class, blow a little cold wind, and you will catch a cold immediately, afraid of the wind and cold.

My parents never gave up the treatment, took them everywhere, and took some anti-allergy drugs, but they couldn't stop, and they would commit it immediately if they stopped. Parents are also becoming less and less confident.

The child's mother accidentally brushed up on my popular science and felt that she was saved, because she was very close to her child's situation, so she asked me for a video consultation and asked me if there was a good way to eradicate the root of Chinese medicine.

Combined with the child's performance, the cold wind rhinitis will be aggravated, the appetite is not good, easy to sweat, dry stool, because of the problem of rhinitis, the child is relatively thin and short, because of poor sleep at night, affecting the secretion of growth hormone.

The comprehensive pattern differentiation is yang deficiency pattern.

In layman's terms, it is a lack of yang energy. Use the method of benefiting temperature and yang to dredge the nasal passages, replenish the yang qi, and the rhinitis will naturally be cured.

I used the jade screen to scatter the cinnamon branch soup plus or minus.

Composition: Astragalus membranaceus, Atractylodes macrocephalus, Parsnip, Xinyi, Angelica dahurica, Cinnamon Branch, White Peony, Cicada Coat, Silkworm Pupa, Ginger, Jujube, Glycyrrhiza Root.


The result · Symptoms disappear in one cycle

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

After only one cycle for her, her symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose were significantly relieved. In the last video follow-up, all the symptoms were gone, and she was given a prescription, focusing on replenishing qi and improving immunity, and there was no recurrence in the follow-up.

The child's mother told my assistant that she doesn't have a runny nose when she goes out in winter now. The child also sent a voice message saying, "Thank you, Dr. Xia, your method really works." "Listening to the child's voice, I am happy from the bottom of my heart, and there is no greater happiness for a doctor than this.

In fact, her allergic rhinitis has a relatively long course of illness, which is in line with the problem of "long-term illness must be deficient" in traditional Chinese medicine, and this deficiency is reflected in her is the lack of yang deficiency and yang qi.

Yang is weak and unable to resist the wind and cold of the outside world, so it is easy to be afraid of cold and wind.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis is led by the lungs, and if the lung qi is deficient, the nasal passages will be congested and the ventilation will be poor.

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

It is recorded in the "Lingshu Benshen Chapter": "The lungs hide qi, the qi is relieved, and the lung qi is deficient and the nose is congested," "The five flavors are hidden in the spleen and stomach to nourish the five qi, and the five qi are hidden in the heart and lungs, and if the heart and lungs are sick, the nose is not good." "Once the lung qi is weak, it is susceptible to wind and cold, and the nasal passages are unfavorable, and with the development of the disease, nasal mole is formed. Lack of lung qi, lack of solidity outside the guard, and disharmony between the camp and the guard can also cause nasal scabies.

Therefore, allergic rhinitis is based on lung qi deficiency, and spleen, lung, and kidney deficiency are the main pathogenesis.

The cold evil easily invades the body, entrenched in the lungs and spleen, and in order to expel the cold, it will keep sneezing and runny nose, and even have diarrhea.

If you want to solve this kind of problem, you need to make up for the yang energy, so that you can make up for it.

The prescription I prescribed, dispelling wind and dissipating cold, strengthening the foundation, nourishing the lungs, and at the same time clearing the nose, replenishing the qi and strengthening the surface, the qi is sufficient, and the golden bell jar that protects the body is naturally strengthened.

This recipe is very suitable for replenishing our yang energy in winter and regulating allergic rhinitis.

Fangzhong Astragalus membranaceus nourishes qi and nourishes blood, Atractylodes atractylodes invigorates qi and strengthens the spleen, wind-proof and wind-dispels the surface, Xinyi dispelles the wind, Angelica Angelica dispelles wind and dehumidification, cinnamon branch Xin Wen relieves the surface, white peony collects yin and sweats, nourishes blood and softens the liver, ginger invigorates blood and drives away cold, warms the lungs and relieves cough, jujube nourishes and nourishes qi, nourishes blood and calms the nerves, and licorice harmonizes various medicines.

Studies have shown that Yuping Sanhe Guizhi decoction can enhance the body's immunity, has a two-way effect on the regulation of the body's immune function, can inhibit bacteria, antiviral, anti-allergic reactions, and can improve the phagocytosis of macrophages and enhance cellular immunity.

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

Conditioning allergic rhinitis is a long-term process, which can follow the principle of "treating the symptoms if it is urgent, and treating the root cause if it is slow".

After the seizure period, it is necessary to do some treatment for the symptoms so that the child does not feel too uncomfortable. When there are no symptoms, it is necessary to help the child support righteousness and enhance physical fitness.


Yingxiang acupoint has a miraculous effect on rhinitis

In addition, I recommend an acupuncture point to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis - Yingxiang acupoint

The reason why rhinitis cannot be cured is that the golden bell jar that comes with the body is broken, and the old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to pull out the root of the disease

Yingxiang acupoint is an acupuncture point on the upper part of the large intestine meridian of the human hand, which is located on both sides of the nasal wing and the nasolabial fold. It has the effect of treating nasal congestion and nosebleeds and invigorating blood circulation.

Evacuate wind and heat, and clear the nose.

This acupoint belongs to the large intestine meridian of the hand Yangming, located next to the nose, the pulse qi goes straight to the nasal passage, so the effect of the meridian activation and the nasal passage is very strong, and it is the key acupoint for the treatment of various nose diseases;

The main diseases of this acupoint are: rhinitis, nasal congestion, sinusitis, runny nose, nasal disease, toothache, cold, etc. Especially when you have a toothache in your upper teeth, acupressure on this point can quickly relieve the pain.

Massage method: Place the tip of the index finger on the Yingxiang acupoint and do a rotary rubbing. Snort and exhale. Rub outwards and upwards when inhaling, and inwards and downwards when exhaling, 8 times in a row, up to 64 times, such as colds and flu, runny nose or nasal congestion. Rubbing the Yingxiang acupoint during nasal congestion usually relieves nasal congestion. If it does not work, you can press the Yintang acupoint (the Yintang acupoint is in the center between the left and right eyebrows). Press the tip of your middle finger on the Yintang acupoint, push it up a little harder, and then press down slowly. With a few such irritations, the nasal congestion will disappear.

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