
Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering

author:Super Brother understands history

Harvested 1 million "students" in half a year, and the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering!

He is Jin Yong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a leading figure in the field of fluidization and reaction engineering. He has been teaching in the Department of Chemical Engineering of Tsinghua University for more than 50 years, trained three generations of scientists, and won the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of Tsinghua University. After his retirement, Jin Yong has been committed to the cause of science popularization.

In the process of scientific and technological invention to popularization and application, Jin Yong realized the urgency of popularizing scientific and technological knowledge. He participated in the "Science and China" academician and expert lecture tour and the "Thousand Academicians, Thousand Science Popularization" action initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and contributed decades to the cause of science popularization.

In 2009, Jin Yong advocated a group of academicians to popularize chemistry science for young people, and the initial idea was to compile the latest scientific research results into interesting stories and make short video animations to cultivate students' curiosity and imagination about chemistry. However, they encountered "three major difficulties" - difficulty in writing a book, difficulty in funding, and difficulty in making films.

With the rise of short videos, Jin Yong saw a new path for the popularization of chemical science. In May 2013, 88-year-old Jin Yong entered the Douyin platform to popularize science in a more "trendy" way. His short videos cover topics ranging from artificial suns to rocket launches, as well as cutting-edge technology hotspots such as soil pollution and artificial intelligence, attracting 1 million "students".

On Douyin, Jin Yong calls himself a "retired teacher" and calls netizens "children". He believes that popular science is sowing seeds, and modern technology should use newer technology to spread ideas, and short video platforms like Douyin can convey scientific ideas more vividly. His video series "Academician Jin Yong's Innovation Classroom" has received 23.456 million views, which has been well received by netizens and is considered to be the content that Douyin should have. Netizens expect that science for all, even if it is the development of a lighter, it is also a contribution to the country.

The story of Academician Jin Yong is deeply admired and inspired. First of all, he has been teaching at Tsinghua University for more than 50 years, trained three generations of scientists, and won the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of Tsinghua University, demonstrating his perseverance and dedication to the cause of education. Even after his retirement, he did not choose to enjoy his old age, but resolutely devoted himself to the cause of popular science, actively participated in lecture tours and popular science activities, and contributed decades of hard work to spreading scientific knowledge to more people.

Jin Yong's choice and attitude reflect a scientist's commitment to social responsibility. He is keenly aware of the importance of the popularization of scientific and technological knowledge to society, especially the impact on the younger generation. In the face of difficulties in the cause of popular science, he did not flinch, but firmly chose a more "trendy" way, through a short video platform like Douyin, to convey scientific ideas in a more vivid way.

This kind of social responsibility of scientists is worthy of recognition. Through his own efforts, Jin Yong popularized scientific knowledge to the majority of netizens in a vivid and interesting way, and sowed ideas with science and technology. His choice and attitude have inspired more scientists to devote themselves to the cause of science popularization, pass on their professional knowledge to a wider audience, and promote the in-depth development of science popularization.

Nowadays, there are many high-quality science popularizers on Douyin, who use the Douyin platform to convey scientific knowledge to the public, use easy-to-understand language and interesting experimental displays, and make abstract scientific concepts vivid and interesting, which are deeply loved by the audience.

There is no doubt that through short video platforms such as Douyin, popular science bloggers can transform professional knowledge into easy-to-understand content, so that more people can easily understand scientific principles and promote the popularization of scientific knowledge.

At the same time, high-quality popular science content can stimulate the audience's interest in the subject, so that the learning Xi is no longer boring, but full of fun. This is of positive significance for cultivating a strong interest in science among the younger generation.

The rise of popular science bloggers showcases diverse career options in science communication. Scientists can not only conduct research in the laboratory, but also share scientific knowledge with a wider audience through media platforms. As social media platforms such as Douyin have become important channels for knowledge dissemination, popular science bloggers can directly reach the public and expand the boundaries of knowledge dissemination.

Moreover, by insisting on doing popular science on platforms such as Douyin, popular science bloggers can establish their own influence, and at the same time shoulder social responsibility and contribute to the cause of science popularization.

In my opinion, scientific knowledge is not something that is high above, but can be close to life and the public. It is of great significance to insist on doing science popularization on platforms such as Douyin, which can not only make scientific knowledge better serve society, but also expand the possibilities of career development and provide more choices for the younger generation. This has positive implications for promoting the dissemination of knowledge and the popularization of science#88岁院士开抖音半年涨粉百万! #

Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering
Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering
Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering
Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering
Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering
Harvesting 1 million "students" in half a year, the 88-year-old academician was praised as a "treasure blogger" in Douyin popular science chemistry and chemical engineering! He is Jin Yong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, leader of fluidization and reaction engineering

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