
DNF: The three major cancers in the game! Civilians are fundamental, and if they don't change, sooner or later the dungeon will be destroyed

author:Gaming Esports Express


Speaking of dungeons, the player's first impression is krypton! In 2008, the DNF open beta was marked as a free-to-play game, and it was the era of point card games, and dungeons became popular with free-to-play games. But now, it has become the most kryptonite game, which is really embarrassing. So what are the three major cancers that cause the DNF to go downhill?

DNF: The three major cancers in the game! Civilians are fundamental, and if they don't change, sooner or later the dungeon will be destroyed

The first tumor: the planner is responsible for the design of kryptonite content;

The most important thing for a game is to continue to output innovative content, and fresh gameplay and balanced mechanics are the guarantee of the game. But now the country is making krypton content with heart, and it is updating the game with its feet. Every update must have bugs, and krypton content is seamlessly connected throughout the year, but the game's activities are all fried and cold, and there is a lack of new content. This phenomenon has undoubtedly exacerbated players' dissatisfaction with the game.

DNF: The three major cancers in the game! Civilians are fundamental, and if they don't change, sooner or later the dungeon will be destroyed

The second tumor: the big anchor guides the progress of krypton + boosting;

While planning the continuous release of krypton gold props, the major anchors are crazy to guide krypton, and the two can be said to echo back and forth. Not to mention the fact that the two of them make a lot of money by playing the game, the game is even more smoky, and regular players are tired of 156 points to play offline. These big streamers rely on power-leveling to be online 24 hours a day, and the balance of the game is completely broken. Open the server on the second boss, open the graduation, it's really a dungeon and legendary page game. This kind of gaming experience has lost its original fun.

DNF: The three major cancers in the game! Civilians are fundamental, and if they don't change, sooner or later the dungeon will be destroyed

The third tumor: studio replication + pork ribs party gray interests;

Look at the sweep of the auction house and the bricks on the street, you can see the gray interests of the studio and the planning, the so-called TP hammer only sanctions regular players, and the real studio is at large. This phenomenon not only undermines the fairness of the game, but also harms the rights and interests of players.

DNF: The three major cancers in the game! Civilians are fundamental, and if they don't change, sooner or later the dungeon will be destroyed

In short, the three major tumors of the dungeon take care of each other, making the balance of the game meaningless, and the game environment has deteriorated in recent years, which is the credit of the three major cancers. The three major problems of the DNF are intertwined and together lead to the deterioration of the game environment. If it is not improved, this once popular game is likely to decline. Therefore, we need to address the root causes of these issues in order to bring DNF back to life.

DNF: The three major cancers in the game! Civilians are fundamental, and if they don't change, sooner or later the dungeon will be destroyed

The above content is purely the personal opinion of the game e-sportsman, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! The article is original, the picture is from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete. Reproduction without permission is prohibited! Players who like it can like and follow, there are new game information and skills every day, and at about 10 o'clock every night, they will reply to players' messages and questions in a unified manner!

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