
"Should this 3,100 yuan be?" The owner was dissatisfied and was fined and sued the law enforcement department

author:Elephant News Client

Elephant News reporter Shen Zizhong/Wentu

"I have obviously done performance testing and grade evaluation, have an inspection report, and it is within the validity period. But the Yuzhou traffic law enforcement officer determined that my car had not been evaluated and fined me 3,100 yuan. Recently, Mr. Wang, the owner of Xinmi City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, reported his experience to Elephant News.

"Should this 3,100 yuan be?" The owner was dissatisfied and was fined and sued the law enforcement department

The owner of the truck was fined less than 3,100 yuan

Mr. Wang said that he was the owner of the Yu A5200R large truck of Zhengzhou Tubang Transport Company. On the afternoon of November 28, the driver, Master Zheng, drove the car to deliver tiles, passing through the boundary of Yuzhou City, and was seized by the local traffic law enforcement brigade to the local parking lot. Law enforcement officials said that the car did not carry out the inspection rating within the specified time, overdue for more than 180 days, and was required to pay a fine of 3,100 yuan according to the regulations. As soon as Master Zheng heard that he was "looking for a short view", the law enforcement officers informed the owner of the car, Mr. Wang, to be there.

"After I arrived, the law enforcement officer said that I had to pay a fine of 3,100 yuan before I could release the car. I was afraid of bearing the liquidated damages for the non-delivery of the goods, and I was afraid that Master Zheng would not be able to think about it again, so I paid a fine of 3,100 yuan. Mr. Wang said that he paid the fine at 8 o'clock that night and signed all the paperwork before he got the release slip and drove away.

"Should this 3,100 yuan be?" The owner was dissatisfied and was fined and sued the law enforcement department

Later, Mr. Wang discovered that the penalty basis indicated in the Administrative Penalty Letter was "failure to conduct comprehensive performance testing and technical rating of vehicles in accordance with the prescribed cycle and frequency for more than 180 days". After inquiry, he found that his Yu A5200R large truck, as early as May 29 this year, was located in Xingyang, Zhengzhou Yuanyu Motor Vehicle Inspection Company, did relevant testing, not only did not exceed the validity period of one year, and the verification results can also be checked online.

On December 6, he sued the Yuzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau in accordance with the interpretation provisions in the "Administrative Penalty Letter".

"Should this 3,100 yuan be?" The owner was dissatisfied and was fined and sued the law enforcement department

The latest response from law enforcement

"It's too difficult to get on the road now, because of the handling of this fine, I couldn't unload the goods for 3 days, and the owner of the goods also refused to pay the freight, I feel very aggrieved. On the morning of December 13, Mr. Wang came to the Yuzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau with the relevant materials, hoping that the law enforcement officers could give him a reasonable explanation on the basis of the punishment.

The relevant person in charge of the law enforcement brigade of the bureau received Mr. Wang and asked the staff of the violation handling room to find the case file and check it face to face. However, after seeing the dossier, the two sides still argued endlessly on relevant issues.

The person in charge said that the vehicle involved had the problem that the operating license had not been inspected annually, and Mr. Wang's test report was suspected of time fraud and needed to be identified by the public security department. Mr. Wang insisted that he would never be able to commit fraud, and that he was willing to bear legal responsibility if he did. If the vehicle is fined for other reasons, the other reasons must be indicated in the penalty, and the legal facts cannot be used as the basis for violating the law.

The final result of the day was that the person in charge said that after communicating with the bureau leaders and lawyers, since Mr. Wang's side had sued the court, everything was subject to the court's trial judgment.

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