
Why does the old Chinese medicine say that "yin deficiency pillow is wet, wet heel deviation, stomach fire waist muscle thin"?

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Why do old Chinese medicine doctors say that "yin deficiency pillow is wet, wet heel deviation, stomach fire waist muscle thinness"?

Why does the old Chinese medicine say that "yin deficiency pillow is wet, wet heel deviation, stomach fire waist muscle thin"?

"Yin deficiency pillow wet" means that people with insufficient kidney yin will often have night sweats at night, and sweating will always wet the pillow. Because the yin deficiency fluid is insufficient, the yang energy can not enter the yin, it is easy to leak out, and at the same time force the sweat to leak out, so it causes night sweats, and it will also be accompanied by dry mouth, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, insomnia and dreams, etc., in this case, you have to clear the deficiency and heat, and the solid jin liquid, you can refer to Zhibai Dihuang soup to add or subtract

Why does the old Chinese medicine say that "yin deficiency pillow is wet, wet heel deviation, stomach fire waist muscle thin"?

"Wet and heavy heels" means that people with heavy dampness in their bodies will have their hands and feet and even their whole bodies as heavy as lead, and they will walk like penguins, and their center of gravity will be unstable, and their heels will easily deviate to one side. At the same time, it will also be accompanied by dizziness, swelling of the limbs, loss of appetite, stool is not formed, etc., which we need to strengthen the spleen and stomach to regulate, because the abnormal movement of spleen deficiency and water is the cause of heavy dampness, so you can refer to Ling Guishu Gantang to do addition and subtraction to regulate

Why does the old Chinese medicine say that "yin deficiency pillow is wet, wet heel deviation, stomach fire waist muscle thin"?

"Stomach fire waist muscle thin" means that people who have stomach fire in their body eat a lot but are hungry quickly, and they don't grow meat when they eat anything, but their bodies are still relatively thin, and there are no muscles around their waists, so they may be hungry just after eating. This kind of stomach fire is too strong, digestion is too fast, the body has not had time to absorb it has been metabolized and discharged, and it will also be accompanied by bitter bad breath, swollen and painful gums, yellow urine, etc., at this time we need to clear the stomach fire to regulate, you can refer to ginseng white tiger soup to add or subtract

Why does the old Chinese medicine say that "yin deficiency pillow is wet, wet heel deviation, stomach fire waist muscle thin"?

That's all for today's sharing, the above content is for reference only, not as a diagnosis and treatment plan, if you feel unwell, please go to a regular hospital for medical treatment, we will see you next time.

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