
95-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Don't panic if the blood vessels are blocked, insist on doing this, you can run to the hospital less!

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Academician Huang Kezhi is 95 years old this year. However, we found that he is not only a leader in the academic world, but also a representative of the maintenance of the middle-aged and elderly in China! Today, we will take a look at what kind of health care experience he has.

95-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Don't panic if the blood vessels are blocked, insist on doing this, you can run to the hospital less!

A lifetime of experience as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

blocked three blood vessels, and recovered as usual after six years, this academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is amazing.

He is an academician of our Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the only academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Tsinghua University so far - Academician Huang Kezhi, who is 95 years old this year. However, we found that he is not only a master of the academic world, but also a representative of the maintenance of the middle-aged and elderly people in China!

95-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Don't panic if the blood vessels are blocked, insist on doing this, you can run to the hospital less!

You see Huang Lao's speech in the auditorium of Tsinghua University on the morning of December 10, 2018, which is simply shocking, a living self-care textbook:

Hemangioma was diagnosed 5 years ago, and he gained health without casual surgery.

After blocking three blood vessels 13 years ago, I was not afraid, I insisted on exercising, and finally the doctor said "you don't have to come to the hospital again"!

He has achieved academic success in his life, but he has said a motto: health is the foundation of success in life!

01 Health is the foundation of success

My name is Huang Kezhi, I am 90 years old this year (2017), I graduated from university at the age of 20, and I have been working for 70 years, including 69 years of service at Tsinghua University, so I can be regarded as a real Tsinghua person.

Time flies so fast, I was a young man back then, and now I am a ninety-year-old man, but I am glad to tell you that my age may be the oldest of the comrades attending the meeting today, but my mentality is not old, and my health is okay, I am still working, taking graduate students, and participating in innovative scientific research projects.

I also insist on playing a game of tennis every morning, riding an electric car, and moving around in Tsinghua Garden, all of which stem from having a relatively healthy body, so the topic of my speech today is: Health is the foundation of success! I will talk about my experience in three aspects.

02 "Aging is normal, don't be afraid"

The knife that shouldn't be moved doesn't move, and the blood vessels are blocked, but you must also insist on exercising physically and mentally happy!

A person's mindset is important to put their health in perspective. When people get old, all kinds of organs are aging, which is a natural phenomenon, such as eyes are spent, teeth are lost, and even backache and inconvenience are inconvenient, which is a natural phenomenon, not to be said to be a disease, of course, with the individual congenital, acquired conditions will be different.

Some people appear early, some people appear later, and some never appear in their lifetimes. The aging phenomenon I want to talk about has come out, so don't be too nervous or too afraid, relax your mentality, and cure your illness.

Personal experience 1: Blocking three aorta, no need to go to the hospital after 6 years, relying on tenacity.

Let me give you two examples from myself. In 2005, I was found to have three cardiovascular aortic blockages, and the most serious one has reached 75%, this indicator is the dividing line between putting a stent or not putting a stent. But I feel good about myself, and I don't want to be a patient.

95-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Don't panic if the blood vessels are blocked, insist on doing this, you can run to the hospital less!

So I was introduced to see a young doctor who was the vice president of Fuwai Hospital at the time, and he helped me do a series of tests and told me: "If you feel comfortable mentally and physically after playing, you can continue to play." "I am very excited about this conclusion.

Six years later, I went to Fuwai Hospital for a follow-up, and hung up a special needs doctor for 300 yuan, and within 5 minutes of meeting, he told me: "Your condition is fine, you don't have to come again in the future." "At that time, I thought: this 300 yuan is really worth, and I suddenly feel relaxed.

So far, 13 years have passed, I still insist on playing with my 85-year-old wife (Tsinghua University class of 1955) for 40 minutes every morning, sweating profusely when I come back from playing, and my body feels very comfortable.

◎ I want to do this if the blood vessels are unblocked

Vascular disease is a metabolic disease, people have to eat when they are alive, and metabolism will be produced in the body, eating sugar will hang sugar on the blood vessels, and eating oil will hang oil on the blood vessels. Blood vessels are like water pipes at home, they don't have problems but they don't last long enough or are very well maintained. To stay away from vascular disease for a lifetime, the most important word is to move.

Personal experience 2: Fortunately, there was no casual surgery, and the survival with the tumor was happy

First of all, I would like to warn the middle-aged and elderly: be cautious about surgery when you are old!

Let me give you another example. 5 years ago, a physical examination also found that there was something on my liver, and B ultrasound could not be qualified, so I quickly transferred to Union Hospital, who knew that Xiehe did a series of examinations. Three CT and hepatic blood pool tests...... It was not qualitative, and in the end, the doctor suggested that regardless of the three-seven-twenty-one, the foreign body should be removed surgically.

We didn't understand it at the time, thinking that it was better to remove it earlier than later, so we agreed to the surgery. It happened that there were no beds at that time, and I had to go home and wait, so my son rushed back from the United States and insisted on finding a few more hospitals for examination. We immediately contacted the Air Force General Hospital and the 301 Hospital, and several doctors consulted at the same time, and took 12 MRI films at once, 11 of which were clearly hemangiomas, and another one could not be seen clearly, and the conclusion was a benign hemangioma.

On the third day, a cardiovascular expert, the current vice president of Xiehe Medical College, told me that you are fortunate to have no casual surgery, and that you cannot easily undergo major surgery at this age, which often causes heart problems.

◎ Insist on exercising for 50 years and live a healthy life for a lifetime

Third, I want to talk about exercise. I believe that the three elements of health are: a good attitude, a regular life, and consistent exercise.

I started at the age of 40, I insisted on exercising every day for 50 years, there are a variety of exercises, I must choose the right for myself, and I am interested in the project, at the beginning I chose to run, every morning I ran alone to the Old Summer Palace, and I felt bored while running while listening to headphones to learn Japanese and French, in a few years, my Japanese and French reached the level of being able to read and understand technical books and literature.

95-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Don't panic if the blood vessels are blocked, insist on doing this, you can run to the hospital less!

But after a long time, I always felt very lonely, when my wife retired, we changed to learn to play Tai Chi, insisted on two years, always felt that Tai Chi did not work, and the two punches did not sweat, so we changed to swimming.

I feel that swimming is a very well-rounded workout and a great activity for seniors. However, due to the opening hours of the swimming pool, if you swim for one hour, it will take almost three hours to prepare before and after, and you can't go to work in the morning, and the loss of time is too great.

In the end, I chose to play tennis, and I Xi used to getting up at 4:30 a.m. every morning and doing my homework first. I went out to the court at 6 o'clock, sweated after a ball, and went home to take a shower. After breakfast, you can keep your energy up for work.

◎ Advice: Health is the foundation of success in life

Finally, a few words about my accomplishments.

Over the past 70 years, I have always stood in the front line of teaching and scientific research, I have trained more than 100 graduate students (5 of them have become academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), our Institute of Solid Mechanics has cultivated 13 winners of 100 outstanding papers in the country, I have won three 100 excellent doctoral dissertation supervisor awards, I have published more than 400 academic papers (won 3 international highest journal academic paper awards), I have published 7 monographs, some of which have won the Ministry of Education's Excellent Textbook Award, and I have won more than 50 awards, including 10 national awards, six of which are important awards in the international academic community。

In 1993, I was awarded the National People's Teacher Medal. But what I value most is the "First Outstanding Contribution Award" issued by Tsinghua University in 2004. Because this is an affirmation of Tsinghua University's lifelong work.

According to the magazine "Tsinghua People", Academician Huang studied fracture mechanics at the age of 50, explored the mechanics Xi of intelligent materials at the age of 60, participated in the development of strain gradient plasticity theory at the age of 70, began to study the mechanical properties of nanotubes at the age of 75, and marched to nanoscale mechanics at the age of 78.

At the age of 64, he was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and at the age of 76, he was also rated as an academician - he was elected as the only academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Tsinghua University so far!

All of my achievements have been achieved since I was 50 years old. This shows that because I am healthy and I live a long life, my output is relatively rich, and it shows how important health is. Health is the foundation of success!

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