
Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie
Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes


Responsible for editing & typesetting|to the evening

2023 has come to an end, and the 2024 Spring Festival Gala is also on the agenda.

A few days ago, the @春晚 officially announced the theme of the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Dragon, "Long Xing Lu Xinxin Family Country", and in the comment area, the discussion about the program and actors was in full swing.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Someone said: "Can the Spring Festival Gala sketch make people happy and laugh, don't dumplings dumplings." ”

Some people also said: "Refuse traffic actors to act in sketches, and return the sketches to professional comedians." ”

No wonder netizens have such an appeal, it is really the Spring Festival Gala that has gradually lost its former taste.

The Spring Festival Gala in those memories has too much joy, and there are many classics achieved due to mistakes.

01 Ni Ping: 4 blank pieces of paper almost ruined his career

Since the first Spring Festival Gala was successfully held in 1983, watching the Spring Festival Gala on Chinese New Year's Eve has become a fixed ritual every year.

Especially in the eighties and nineties, entertainment was relatively scarce, and it was rare to watch such a large-scale party on the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.

However, due to the fact that the Spring Festival Gala is a live broadcast, whether it is the host or the actors, there must be no mistakes, otherwise they will not be able to give the audience a good viewing experience, and individuals may also ruin their future.

In the Spring Festival Gala in 1991, Ni Ping, who was temporarily emerging in the hosting industry at that time, served as the host of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and her partner Zhao Zhongxiang was proud.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

But it was this Spring Festival Gala debut that almost ruined her career.

The hosting of the day has been relatively smooth, and it has also calmed down Ni Ping's originally nervous mood.

But during the show, the director team temporarily decided to add a link to read the audience's letters, and the staff gave Ni Ping an envelope and told her that there were 4 blessing letters inside, and asked her to read it in the next link.

She took it without thinking, and when she opened it, she found that there were 4 blank sheets of paper inside.

Her brain was "buzzing" at that time, and there was a momentary blank, and goosebumps crawled all over her body.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

However, she still said calmly: "We have received many telegrams and telephone calls from more than 30 provinces and municipalities across the country, as well as from Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and overseas Chinese..."

At that time, she thought in her heart that there were more than a billion people watching her, and she couldn't mess around. So, after a moment of stunned, she began to "make up".

She regained her composure and began to "read aloud" the letter in a subdued tone.

The soldiers of the Nansha Islands, the armed police force of the Pamir Plateau, and the overseas Chinese on the other side of the ocean were successively used as the recipients of the letters, expressing their blessings to the motherland and the people.

During the whole process, she was full of emotion, her expression was calm, and even her eyes were still moving on the paper, giving people the feeling of reading word by word, and everything looked the same.

But if someone is careful, they will find that Ni Ping's hands are shaking all the time.

And after she made up three letters, she was also a little overwhelmed.

After going back and forth through the paper several times, she gave up reading the letters, saying, "There are so many such letters, so I won't read them aloud." "That's the end of the session.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

The director team on the other side of the stage also realized the problem at the beginning, because when the camera swept the letters, it was obvious that there was no word on them.

It wasn't just Ni Ping who sweated, but the director was also frightened.

Fortunately, Ni Ping, with her excellent business quality and superb acting skills, told a "big lie" in front of the national audience, but pushed the beautiful atmosphere of reunion to a climax.

After she stepped off the stage, she was hugged and thanked by the director excitedly.

Because, if it weren't for Ni Ping's outstanding on-the-spot performance, a major Spring Festival Gala accident would be inevitable, which is a consequence that neither the director nor Ni Ping can bear.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

After this incident, Ni Ping became a rising star in a war, standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and accompanying us through Chinese New Year's Eve.

02 Zhao Benshan: The god who frightened the director

If Ni Ping is the eternal host sister in our hearts, then Uncle Zhao Benshan is the happy expectation that we keep in front of the TV every year.

His sketches can always make us laugh and see the shadow of life from it.

Since the 1990 Spring Festival Gala "Blind Date" was well-known, Zhao Benshan has spent 21 Chinese New Year's Eve with us.

If you want to say which of his sketches is the most classic, everyone may have a different answer, but 2006's "Talking Things" should be unforgettable.

At that time, as soon as the show opened, Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan walked on the stage, and Zhao Benshan was still eating a boxed lunch with relish.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

When they sat down, they realized that they had forgotten to take the prop bag on stage.

For a while, Zhao Benshan panicked, and Song Dandan was also anxious, but he didn't know how to resolve it.

After all, their next performance will take out "Confinement 2" from the bag, and without the bag, the show will not be able to continue.

At such a critical moment, Zhao Benshan did not mess up, he gave Song Dandan a look, indicating that he wanted to step down and get the bag.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

With years of tacit understanding, Song Dandan received this signal, and took advantage of Cui Yongyuan to come to the stage and greeted him with an exaggerated action, attracting the audience's attention.

At the same time, the director team, who was as panicked as the actors, was also very cooperative, and the cameras were aimed at Song Dandan and Cui Yongyuan.

Zhao Benshan turned around and stepped off the stage and took back the prop bag on the side of the stage.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Back then, we saw Uncle Zhao turn around and leave, but we thought he was going to throw the lunch box, but we didn't know that it was his divine salvation.

The whole sketch performance was very exciting, and the audience responded enthusiastically. But Zhao Benshan, as a party, was under tremendous pressure, so when he stepped down to rest, he couldn't help crying.

Later, when Song Dandan talked about this performance, he said happily that fortunately it was wrapped on the side of the stage, and if it was in the dressing room, it would really be difficult to save the immortals.

However, it is not always so lucky. Once the partner can't cooperate in time, mistakes in the performance are inevitable.

In the Spring Festival Gala in 2011, when Zhao Benshan, Wang Xiaoli and others performed the sketch "You at the Same Table", because of the 6-second error, the effect of the sketch was greatly reduced, and it also became the last straw that overwhelmed Zhao Benshan.

The sketch went very smoothly at the beginning, but when Zhao Benshan and Wang Xiaoli were drinking, something went wrong.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Wang Xiaoli, who was supposed to say the lines: "Watch Zhao Benshan's sketch for a while!", was only concerned about eating and drinking, and forgot to say the words.

This shaking of the mind was not tight, which directly made Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyang panic.

Seeing that Wang Xiaoli hadn't reacted yet, Uncle Zhao had to gently touch his arm with a rolling pin to remind him, and Wang Xiaoli hurriedly answered, but it was still too late.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

In the next link, the prelude to the song sung by Xiao Shenyang had already sounded, and Xiao Shenyang had to make a gesture to signal that he was going to sing, otherwise he would not be able to keep up with the rhythm.

Therefore, Zhao Benshan's sentence behind Wang Xiaoli, "Look at our elegant people, look at his stuff is too vulgar", and Xiao Shenyang's singing voice intersected, which made the effect of the show discounted.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Zhao Benshan, who was under a lot of pressure, fainted after stepping down.

Since then, we have never seen Zhao Benshan's sketches on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and we have lost the happiness we once had.

03 Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao: Mistakes make classics

sketch actors who are as popular as Zhao Benshan, as well as Zhu Shimao and Chen Peisi, and they became famous earlier.

In 1984, they went to the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the performance sketch "Eating Noodles" was a great success, and since then the novel performance form of sketch has been left on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

They became an instant hit and started an 11-year journey to the Spring Festival Gala.

But in the Spring Festival Gala in 1990, when the sketch "The Protagonist and Supporting Role" was performed, something went wrong not long after the performance started.

While doing an action of pulling out a gun, Zhu Shimao's prop gun strap suddenly broke. This prop is the highlight of the next performance, and if it is not repaired, the show will be ruined.

It is said that this strap should not be broken, it is made of old cowhide, very strong, and it has been rehearsed dozens of times before, and it has never been broken, but the chain fell off at this critical time.

But no matter what caused the accident, the most important thing is to fix the strap.

Zhu Shimao could only try to repair it while performing, and tried at least 3 times before and after.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

At the beginning, when Chen Peisi interacted with the audience, Zhu Shimao hurriedly lowered his head to repair the props. Obviously, this time he failed, and in the later performances, he could only hold the matching gun in his hand.

But he never gave up, while cooperating with Chen Peisi, in between speaking lines, he kept fiddling with props in his hands. I tried two more times and still can't recover.

Seeing that it was about to be the point where the two of them were about to exchange roles, Zhu Shimao had to tie the belt, tie a knot, and deliberately exert his hands, obviously worried that it would break again after a while.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Because of this knot, the strap has become significantly shorter, and when Chen Peisi is cross-carried, his image is even more funny, and the contrast between the positive and negative roles of the two is more obvious.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

This shape immediately won thunderous applause.

At that time, we thought that this was the burden of sketch design, but no one expected that it was a classic of mistakes.

Although Zhu Shimao and Chen Peisi's composure avoided a performance accident, they were not able to save the day every time.

In the Spring Festival Gala in 1998, the two performed "The King and the Postman", and the situation was frequent.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

As soon as he came on the stage, Zhu Shimao's microphone fell off for some reason, and without the microphone, he could only rely on rubbing Chen Peisi's microphone to speak, so as not to let the audience hear it.

But there is a scene where the two are far apart, and Zhu Shimao can only shout lines desperately.

During the performance, Chen Peisi also wanted to pin Mai back to Zhu Shimao, but it was obviously to no avail.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

If it's just this problem, it's not too much of a mistake, but they are greeted by an even bigger collapse.

For the performance effect, they prepared a sound effect in advance, but when it came to the playback link, the staff forgot about it!

In addition, Chen Peisi's wig cover almost fell off many times.

All this directly made Chen Peisi unable to hold back, and couldn't help crying after stepping down. Because of this, the two decided to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Nowadays, it is difficult to see the sketches of these two on the screen, so you can only revisit those classics over and over again and recall those happy times.

04 Fan Wei: In the end, I lost to myself

Those who withdrew in regret are not only Zhao Benshan, Zhu Shimao and Chen Peisi, but also Fan Wei, who is well-known to the audience for "Selling Abduction", is also the same.

In the 2001 Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Benshan, Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei performed "Selling Abduction", which had a lot of laughs and became popular all over the country, and "taking two steps" also became a hot stalk at that time.

But what no one knew was that there was an accident on the show.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Because the Spring Festival Gala program has extremely strict control of time, the duration of each program is even accurate to the second. But during the live broadcast that day, the director team temporarily added a program, so other programs had to squeeze out time for this 3-minute program.

In the end, Zhao Benshan took on this heavy responsibility and chose to streamline "Selling Abduction", but it was too late to rehearse, so he could only rely on on-the-spot performance.

Therefore, Fan Wei was originally scheduled to ride a bicycle around the stage twice before speaking lines, but when it came to the performance, he had just ridden half a lap, and Gao Xiumin began to speak.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Fan Wei was very confused, which completely disrupted his rhythm, but fortunately, he adjusted in time, stabilized, and caught Gao Xiumin's words, and the performance behind him was also outstanding.

In this performance, the three formed an "iron triangle" combination and repeatedly created many classic works, such as "Selling Cars" and "Kung Fu".

But the first time he went to the Spring Festival Gala, he faced such a big challenge and crisis, which brought a big shadow to Fan Wei.

It was also under great psychological pressure that when he performed "Kung Fu" in 2005, he said the wrong word at the beginning, saying "lend you a pair of discerning eyes" to "lend you a pair of discerning eyes".

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

When it comes to "very 6+1" later, it also becomes "very 6+7".

Because his character setting is comical, the audience doesn't know that it's a mistake and thinks the script is like this.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

By mistake, the effect of the program was not affected, or even better, and "very 6+7" became an Internet buzzword at that time.

But Fan Wei broke down and cried, feeling that he had reached his limit and would never go on stage again.

Turning away, he is going farther and farther on the road of film and television actors, and it is also another kind of light blooming.

05 Shen Teng: Turn mistakes into "burdens"

Since one "old man" after another left the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it is difficult for the sketches to have the original joy, and the sketches over the years have always been complained about as "moving China".

But Shen Teng still stood out in the increasingly "declining" sketch performances and became the comedy leader over the years.

The Spring Festival Gala sketches he performed always won laughter and applause from the audience. But if you want to talk about mistakes, he can be regarded as a big family.

Over the years, whether it is forgetting words or actions, it has happened more than once.

The most classic is the forgetting of words caused by Shen Teng's selflessness in "Help or Not".

At that time, when Shen Teng was lying on the ground imitating the old lady, he was too involved in pretending to be in pain, and he didn't answer Mary's lines directly.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Mary was a little confused, but she didn't hesitate, and after a slight pause, she repeated "That's not my bike." It was also like this that Shen Teng reacted and quickly answered.

Because the performance of the two could not see flaws, but there was a sense of harmony that should have been so, the "laughing" fruit was naturally very good, and it has become a classic in recent years.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

In fact, Shen Teng made a small mistake when he went to the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

When performing "Today's Happiness 1", there was an action of taking money out of his pocket, but Shen Teng didn't clean it, and there was a 100 yuan banknote hanging on the side of his pocket.

However, Shen Teng continued to perform very calmly, and later found an opportunity to throw him out, which did not affect the presentation of the show.

In the second year's "Today's Happiness 2", he also forgot the words, and said "It's me, Hao Jian with a clear conscience", and said "What a strange stay." ”

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

With the scenes and actions at the time, it seems more appropriate and the jokes are more sufficient.

It was such a mistake all the way, and in the popularity all the way, Shen Teng had a lot of experience in facing unexpected situations.

However, in this year's Spring Festival Gala, "The Pit" is really a bit of a pit, and it even made the director team activate an emergency plan.

At the beginning of the show, Mary accidentally dropped an extra heel, but this didn't affect the performance much, and she calmly picked it up and put it in her pocket. The audience also thought that this was just the established plot.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Shen Teng's spare microphone fell down, but fortunately, the main microphone was still there, and the sound transmission was fine. Later, Shen Teng was also very old enough to see an opportunity to let him go.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

Then, when Shen Teng was filming Mary's down jacket to create the "open screen" effect, he didn't shoot a few feathers for the first time, so he had to reshoot it again with heavy force, so that he had the feeling of "opening the screen" with feathers flying all over the sky.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

When talking to Allen, Shen Teng temporarily changed a line because he forgot the words, which made Allen look confused, but fortunately, he was stuck in time for a moment.

A series of mistakes made the whole sketch rhythm not go as expected, and the duration was more than 2 minutes less than the original plan. In the later programs, the host can only say more blessings and fill in this time gap.

Although Shen Teng always has some vignettes, his sketches are still extremely popular, I wonder if he will bring more surprises in the upcoming Spring Festival Gala?

06 The black 3 minutes of the Spring Festival Gala and Ren Luyu's divine rescue

When it comes to the mistakes of the Spring Festival Gala, the most serious one should be the black three minutes in 2007.

The accident occurred before the zero o'clock time of the "accident-frequent", and from the time Zhang Zequn sent the couplet, a series of mistakes followed.

According to the original plan, Zhang Zequn read the upper couplet, Liu Fangfei read the lower couplet, and then read the horizontal batch together.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

But at this point, Zhang Zequn may be nervous, not only mispronounced the couplet, but also read it all directly, and Liu Fangfei next to him had to try to maintain a decent smile.

This mistake also affected the mentality of several other hosts.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Li Yong, who is the best at enlivening the atmosphere, picked up the microphone and began to play temporarily:

"Well, I'm about to send off Bingxu to usher in Ding Hai, in the new year, what about our six hosts, I also want to wish the audience, as well as the audience and friends in front of the TV, especially this year, comrades who gave birth to the baby..."

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

This is a blessing with a series of tone words, which does not match the hosting style of the Spring Festival Gala. It was also at this time that Zhu Jun snatched Li Yong's unfinished words and began to predict that the New Year's bell was about to ring.

Li Yong obviously didn't expect to be robbed by Zhu Jun, and after being taken aback, he actually snatched Zhu Jun's words and said, "Let's count down." ”

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

But it was obviously not a little bit at the time, which made the hosting scene extremely chaotic.

Everyone became frightened birds, and they didn't dare to answer at will.

So when Liu Fangfei finished speaking, "As the spring bell rings, let us put our most heartfelt and best wishes for the New Year...", no one answered the word, and there was a 2-second blank.

In the awkward silence, Zhou Tao answered: "Sowing on the land of the motherland...", but was robbed by Li Yong: "Sowing in the minds of every Chinese."

Zhou Tao, who smiled bitterly, estimated that she was also flustered in her heart, so when Zhu Jun was about to count down, she actually said with a big stab: "There are still 15 seconds." ”

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

finally completed the zero-point broadcast, but when everyone said the blessings, Zhu Jun made a mistake again.

I don't know what kind of turbulent waves were in the hearts of several hosts on the stage at that time, but the extremely torturous 3 minutes finally ended.

This major accident also left lessons for the Spring Festival Gala organization, and it was not repeated.

Not only that, in the 2021 Spring Festival Gala, in the face of accidents, Ren Luyu also had a god to save the scene and avoid the accident.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

At that time, due to the deviation in the length of the previous program, 90 seconds were freed. After all the hosts sent their blessings, there was still a gap of dozens of seconds, during which Ren Luyu, who undertook the task of card points, took the initiative to shoulder the burden of saving the scene.

He raised the microphone five times before and after, sent blessings, interacted with the audience, and finally carried out a perfect countdown. During the whole process, he was calm and passionate, and he couldn't see that he was playing on the spot.

If it weren't for Zhu Jun's later gratitude to Ren Luyu on social media, we in front of the TV wouldn't have known the 90 seconds of thrill.

Major mistakes in the Spring Festival Gala: Ni Ping lied, Zhao Benshan cried in fright, and the most embarrassing thing was the black 3 minutes

This rescue is also a strong stroke in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

07 Write at the end:

Before you know it, 2023 is coming to an end, and we will usher in the Spring Festival Gala of the new year.

Recalling those classic Spring Festival Gala pictures, I can't help but feel that those actors who have accompanied us through one Chinese New Year's Eve after another have retired from the stage for so many years.

When revisiting the classics again and again, I also admire those people who have turned decay into magic.

What kind of surprises will the Spring Festival Gala in 2024 bring us!

—End of this article—

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