
Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Exposure: Equipped with a single-point ultrasonic fingerprint

Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Exposure: Equipped with a single-point ultrasonic fingerprint

On December 4th, it was reported that the digital blogger @digitalchatstation released the latest revelations of a certain Snapdragon 8 Gen3 super cup model on Weibo today, and the exposure information is likely to come from the Xiaomi 14 Ultra mobile phone.

It is revealed that the 8 Gen3 super large cup engineering machine has begun to test the "single-point ultrasound" fingerprint scheme, but it is still not determined whether the scheme has landed, and it is being actively verified, but the dual-supplier scheme has reserves, and there is a high probability that the ultrasonic scheme will be launched next year.

Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Exposure: Equipped with a single-point ultrasonic fingerprint

Source: Weibo

"Single-point ultrasound" is one of the ultrasonic fingerprint detection methods of mobile phones, which is different from the principle of "wide-area ultrasound", which generates ultrasonic waves from multiple parts and then completes fingerprint detection according to the reflected wavelength, the range of ultrasonic transmission is only around the point where the ultrasonic wave is sent, and there is a certain difference in the size and sensitivity of the transmission range between the two.

According to the leaked information previously released by the same blogger, Goodix's ultrasonic under-display fingerprint recognition solution has been tested and may be officially commercialized by the end of the year, and compared with Qualcomm's ultrasonic under-screen fingerprint recognition solution, the cost of Goodix's solution is lower, so it is not impossible for the Xiaomi 14 Ultra to adopt Goodix's ultrasonic under-screen fingerprint recognition solution.

Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Exposure: Equipped with a single-point ultrasonic fingerprint

Source: OPPO

At present, under-screen fingerprint recognition has almost become the standard biometric solution for high-end models in the Android camp, and is widely used in unlocking, quick payment and other functions, but most models use optical fingerprint recognition solutions. In fact, there are many subdivision schemes for under-screen fingerprint recognition, such as optical fingerprint and ultrasonic fingerprint, etc., and there are multiple technical classifications under these two general directions.

The Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra may use the "single-point ultrasound" belongs to the ultrasonic fingerprint solution, compared with the optical fingerprint, the ultrasonic sensor has higher accuracy, it can form 3D depth data according to the pulse to give more accurate feedback to the mobile phone, and it can also be unlocked in the off-screen state, without turning on the maximum brightness of the screen;

Judging from Xiao Lei's description above, ultrasonic fingerprints seem to be really better than optical fingerprints, but in fact, ultrasonic fingerprints also have a very headache enemy, that is, "mobile phone film", especially when encountering a relatively thick tempered film, ultrasonic waves are easy to penetrate and then unable to accurately identify fingerprints.

This is undoubtedly an unacceptable defect for domestic users who are generally accustomed to film protection mobile phones, so this also has higher requirements for mobile phone manufacturers to adjust and optimize the ultrasonic fingerprint recognition program, if this problem can be solved, ultrasonic fingerprint or will replace optical fingerprint, which will be used in more high-end models, which will also improve the experience of mobile phone users to a certain extent.

Cover image source: OPPO

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