
After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

author:Attend your seat at 7 p.m

Dumplings, a well-known delicacy, have an unshakable status in northern China. Whenever a guest visits, the family will always warmly wrap dumplings to entertain. In my spare time, I can make a bunch of dumplings and enjoy them every once in a while, and this comfort is really indescribable. There are various types of dumpling fillings depending on the region and taste.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

What I want to share today is my personal favorite dumpling - cucumber and mushroom stuffed dumplings. Yes, you heard it right, cucumber and mushrooms, two seemingly unrelated ingredients, are paired together to make dumplings, but they make for an unforgettable delicacy.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients. After half a catty of oyster mushrooms are cleaned, they need to be torn into small pieces and blanched in boiling water in a pot for two to three minutes. This step removes some of the mushroom's moisture and grassy smell, making the mushroom taste more delicious. After blanching the mushrooms, you need to put them in cold water to chill them, which can make the mushrooms more crispy and tender. Finally, wrap the mushrooms in gauze, squeeze out the excess water, and chop them up for later use.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

At the same time, cucumbers also need to be washed and cut into thin strips. Add an appropriate amount of salt to the shredded cucumber and marinate it, this process takes about ten minutes to allow the salt in the cucumber to seep out. Then, squeeze the cucumber slightly, as clean as possible, and finally chop it up as much as possible.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

Next, place the chopped mushrooms and cucumbers in a pot and add four more scrambled eggs. At the same time, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of spicy fresh, a spoonful of vegetable fund, an appropriate amount of pepper, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and a spoonful of sesame oil according to personal taste, and stir well. In this way, the delicious cucumber and mushroom filling is considered ready.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

The last step is to make dumplings. Wrap the filling in the dumpling wrapper, knead the edges, and start cooking the dumplings. The water in which the dumplings are cooked needs to be boiled, and then the dumplings are put in and cooked slowly. Wait until the dumplings are all floating, then cook for a few more minutes before they are ready to cook.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

This cucumber mushroom-filled dumpling has a refreshing and non-greasy taste, making it perfect for summer. Moreover, mushrooms and cucumbers are rich in nutritional value, which is not only delicious but also very healthy. If you think this combination is novel, then you are wrong. In Chinese cooking, there has always been a tradition of this pairing, but it may not have been widely spread due to regional and taste differences.

In addition to cucumber and mushroom stuffed dumplings, there are actually many other delicious dumpling fillings to go with. For example, leek egg filling, pork and green onion filling, beef radish filling, and so on. Each pairing has its own unique texture and characteristics, which can be chosen according to individual tastes.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

Of course, in addition to the filling, you also need to pay attention to the making of the skin and the skills of making dumplings. The raw materials of the dumpling wrapper are generally flour and water, and when mixing the dough, you need to master the amount of water and strength, so that the dough is neither too hard nor too soft. Making dumplings requires skillful techniques and tight sealing to ensure that the cooked dumplings are beautiful in shape and good in taste.

After eating dumplings for 20 years, only this filling never gets tired of eating, which is more fragrant and delicious than eating meat

In short, there are a lot of details that need to be paid attention to in making dumplings, but as long as you master the basic skills and combine them with personal taste to innovate, I believe everyone can make their own delicious dumplings, and this cucumber and mushroom stuffed dumplings are just one of the options, I believe you will love its texture and taste after trying it!

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