
Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

author:China's well-off network


  "Welcome the winter snow solstice, the evening rainbow hides. "At 22:03 on November 22, Beijing time, there will be a light snow solar term. Light snow is the 20th of the 24 solar terms and the second solar term of winter.

  In the ancient book "Qunfang Spectrum", it is said: "The light snow is cold and the snow will be snowy, and the ground is not cold and the snow is not big." "It's called light snow because "snow" is a product of cold weather. At this time, cold air activities tend to be frequent, the temperature continues to drop across the country, and the rain and snow weather gradually increases, and people have vaguely felt the arrival of cold winter footsteps. Therefore, "light snow" is used as a metaphor for the climatic characteristics during this solar term.

  Light Snow

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Wait for the rainbow to disappear

  The form of precipitation gradually changes from rain to snow

  The rain is thinning

  The rainbow was hidden

  Second, wait for the sky to fall

  The sky is yang and the earth is yin

  Yang energy rises, and yin energy sinks

  Yin and yang no longer intersect

  Heaven and earth are in their place

  Three waits for the closure into winter

  Nature's "metabolism" slows down

  This turns into a harsh winter

  Snow customs

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Cured bacon

  The folk have the custom of "pickling in the winter wax and storing it for winter". After a light snowfall, the temperature drops sharply and the weather becomes dry, making it a good time to process bacon.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Eat glutinous rice cakes

  Glutinous rice is a food made by steaming and mashing glutinous rice, and it is a popular delicacy in some regions of southern China.

  Light Snow Health Care

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Don't eat too hot

  Entering the light snow season, the temperature continues to drop, and colds have also entered a high incidence period.

  To prevent "cold package fire" cold, first of all, we should pay attention to avoid external wind cold, and secondly, we should pay attention to "clear the internal fire". Usually take more vegetables, according to the physique to drink "clear the internal fire" of traditional Chinese medicine tea, can effectively calm the internal heat, get rid of cold.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Tune in your spirits

  Spending more time outdoors in the sun can raise yang energy, refresh people's spirits, and prevent depression and boredom.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Pay attention to cold protection and apply moxibustion in a timely manner

  Entering the light snow season, the temperature continues to drop, and the cold continues to increase, at this time we should pay attention to the cold, but moxibustion can protect the yang. As the saying goes, "righteousness is stored in the body, and evil cannot be done".

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  Keep in mind the "three suits and three taboos"

  In the light snow season, the temperature is cold and dry, and the body is vulnerable to damage.

  It is advisable to clear the fire: Due to the thick clothes in winter, the house is dry and warm, and the hot food such as hot pot and spicy hot food in winter can easily lead to the accumulation of fire in the body and "fire". As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer". In the light snow season, you can eat more white radish to clear the fire and reduce gas, eliminate internal heat, and relieve the symptoms of fire.

  Appropriate temperature supplement: As the saying goes, "three nines make up for one winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", the weather is cold in winter, and it is necessary to nourish the body and help people accumulate energy. At this time, you should eat some warm and tonic foods, such as mutton, beef, cashew nuts, wolfberries, seeds, yams, chestnuts, black sesame seeds, black beans, etc.

  It is advisable to nourish the liver: In winter, the body's qi and blood are hidden in the internal organs, and the emphasis on health preservation is "hidden". Liver nourishment in winter should focus on mental, physical and physical reserves. In terms of diet, it is recommended to eat some warm foods such as chicken and walnuts. In terms of mental recuperation, it is necessary to calm the mind and avoid nervousness, excitement, anxiety and depression.

  Avoid cold outside: After a light snowfall, the temperature tends to plummet frequently. If the cold protection and warmth are not enough, the human body will feel the cold, resulting in wind chill and cold, and even the acute attack of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You need to pay attention to keeping warm when dressing in winter, and try not to show your belly button and ankles. In case of colds and depletion of yang energy.

  Avoid staying up late: Due to the weak yang energy of the human body in winter, it is difficult to resist the invasion of cold and evil at night, so we should pay more attention to going to bed early and getting up late, and use sufficient sleep to ensure the closure of liver blood and yin fluid, so as to reserve the material basis for the growth of yang energy in spring. In winter, you should get enough sleep and follow the rules of your biological clock, and the best time to sleep is around 22 o'clock in the evening.

  Don't be lazy: After winter, the body's metabolism slows down, and the body's ability to resist diseases decreases, so you can exercise through various sports. Winter sports should not be too strenuous and sweat slightly to avoid hurting qi and blood. It is best to arrange exercise after sunrise or in the afternoon, avoid sweating during exercise and undressing after sweating, so as not to feel cold.


  One of the three songs of the second rhyme, Zhang Mixiao, and Xixue

  Song Huang Tingjian

  The city tower is full of jade and dry, and the light snow is not cold when it is sunny.

  Moisten to the bamboo roots and fat bamboo shoots, and warm the vegetables and nails to help the spring plate.

  There are many events in front of you, and there are few tours, and the chest is worry-free and the amount of wine is wide.

  When I heard that the sand and pears had moved, I would have to whip the horse to see the mud.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  ▲ Photography: Jia Qiong

  Ask Liu 19

  Don Bai Juyi

  Green ant new brew wine, red clay small stove.

  If you want snow in the evening, can you drink a glass of nothing?

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  ▲Photography: Ning Ying

  Yukiko Yamanaka

  Qing Jung-sub

  When you open the door in the morning, the snow is full of snow, and the snow is clear and the sun is cold.

  The eaves flow is not dripping plum jelly, a kind of solitary is not idle.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  ▲Photography: Ning Ying


  Don Kezhi

  I don't get tired of looking at the snow and wind, and more of them are afraid of the forest.

  The sad person is under the book window, and a cold is flying.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  ▲Photography: Ning Ying

  Snow at night

  Don Bai Juyi

  The pillow has been cold, and the window is bright again.

  I know that the snow is heavy at night, and I hear the sound of breaking bamboo.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  ▲ Photography: Jia Qiong

  Kazu Mojiro Naka Koyuki Hisaku

  Don · Seo Hyun

  Expedition to the west of the house, the west of the slope, the new furnace self-brewed tea.

  The fence chrysanthemum was covered with water, and Saihong flew away to Lianxia.

  The lonely snow has been idle, and the mottled light frost sideburns are added.

  It can be regarded as a helpless place in the passing year, and Mo will wish Canghua with poems.

Today's light snow: clear and replenish the cold and protect the yang, and the "three should and three taboos" should be remembered!

  ▲ Cartography / Gui Ying

  Producer: "Xiaokang" Film and Television Center

  Producer: Zhang Qing, Gong Zimo

  Curator: Li Xuying

  Video production: Zhan Jiaqi

  Photography: Ning Ying, Jia Qiong

  Poster production: Gui Ying

  Editor: Tian Yuanying

  Proofreading: Wu Jinyang

  Review: Wang Fang

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