
20 years of Sino-American integration: New York implies gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and Disney opens in the rain and says that water is wealth

20 years of Sino-American integration: New York implies gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and Disney opens in the rain and says that water is wealth

20 years of Sino-American integration: New York implies gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and Disney opens in the rain and says that water is wealth

At that moment, at this moment.


In 2002, at dusk on the south coast of the United States, Yao Ming crossed the sea to the east, and Houston half of the city greeted him.

The airport was filled with Chinese slogans, reporters from all over the United States flocked to the camera, and the little giant spoke meaningfully to the camera:

"After a long wait, it's like opening a door...".

At the beginning of the new century, Yao Ming boarded the Houston Sightseeing Guide, his giant photograph standing on the corner of the street, and children struggling to look up, fantasizing about the distant Orient.

Two years later, the NBA traveled to China for the first time, and in order to ensure the authenticity, the team brought a mascot, a beautiful cheerleading team and a special floor for the game.

In the same year, Jordan visited China for the first time, and Beijing was suddenly boiling, and the Dongdan venue was crowded with people, fans climbed the iron net, climbed the cloth shed, and finally crowded the overpass.

A basketball reporter was trapped in the crowd and couldn't move, he sighed:

"People who have very different experiences, but who can love the same things. It feels incredible. ”

American entrepreneurs arrived earlier than football stars. In 2001, at the APEC CEO Summit in Shanghai, more than 80 of the world's top 500 companies came, and some of them promised to set up their headquarters in Shanghai after staying in Shanghai for less than a day.

At Pudong Shangri-La's Shanghai Ballroom, GM's press conference was held in close proximity to Microsoft. GM announced the establishment of an auto credit company in China, and Microsoft upgraded its Shanghai R&D center to a global R&D base.

Standing behind the microphone, Bill Gates, with a red face, said that China is the future, and a few years ago, he changed the location of Microsoft Research Asia from New Delhi to Beijing.

That year, Wal-Mart moved its headquarters from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, KFC opened its 70th store in Beijing, and CNN reporters wandered around the city, saying that China was regaining its glamorous style.

When the Americans arrived, Chinese goods also set off. Yiwu's Christmas trees float across the sea in containers, and Haier TVs sell 8,000 units a day in American supermarkets, which are praised as "as durable as tanks".

Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu" was played on 2,500 screens in cinemas across the United States. Americans don't like to look down at subtitles, but in order to watch kung fu, they can make an exception.

Soon after, the first Chinese tourists traveled to the United States, visiting Capitol Hill, visiting the banknote printing plant, and visiting Universal Studios Los Angeles. The tour guide was worried that tourists were not familiar with the movie, but it turned out that they knew a lot about the blockbuster.

The ocean currents circulate endlessly, the Cold War is a thing of the past, and busy commerce and trade stitch the world together, Harvard professor Alex Ferguson merged China and America to create the new word Chimerica:

China and the United States have entered an era of economic symbiosis, and the largest consumers and largest savers have formed a community of interests, which will have a great impact on the world economy.

In 2008, more than 1,000 business tycoons from around the world flew to Beijing to watch the Olympics, and the capital airport was lit up at night and full of private jets.

The lights of the night were as bright as a dream. A year later, on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, Li Zhaoxing said:

Thirty years ago, the two peoples were isolated from each other, but now the two countries have established 35 pairs of friendship provinces and states, more than 5,000 people travel to and from the Pacific Ocean every day, and bilateral trade has reached $307.82 billion, making them the second largest trading partners.

On the day of the anniversary, on a vigorous morning, the Chinese national flag was raised on Wall Street for the first time.


In 2015, the U.S. and China signed 202 sister city pairs, double the number a decade ago.

The opening and closing of the great powers has finally turned the market silent, and people-to-people exchanges have become a real bond between China and the United States.

Flushing in New York can eat authentic fried pork, and Los Angeles is full of Chinese signs, so you can "pretend to be in China".

After the release of "Beijing Meets Seattle", Seattle became a popular tourist destination, and after the popularity of "Finding Your Way in China", American college students also knew about Fuling, which produces mustard vegetables.

In "Detective Chinatown 2", New York implies gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the opening ceremony of Shanghai Disneyland rains, and the Chinese side comforts that water is wealth.

"The Big Bang Theory" airs every Friday and is updated an hour later by the Chinese subtitle group. Every Wednesday in the play is Chinese dinner day, not far downstairs is the Sichuan restaurant, and Sheldon will also speak Chinese "Oops, scared me to death" and "take a good bath".

In the United States, there are more than 40,000 Chinese restaurants, and nearly 40% of the people eat Chinese food once a month, and they have even derived a new custom: to eat Chinese food, there are lucky cookies, which hide a small note of good luck.

In those years, the earth was like a village, the time zone was like a suburb, the sky was full of people every day, and more than 300,000 students went to the United States to study every year. American foreign teachers are all over China, and they can freely bargain in the vegetable market.

The NBA craze at the beginning of the century precipitated into the daily life of entertainment. Bryant has visited China for nine consecutive years and called China "home away from home." He opened a store on Taobao and incorporated the local custom to learn the phrase "no zuo no die!"

The feeling of Bryant's home comes from meeting everywhere. That year, along the way from Shanghai to Shandong Expressway, there were posters of his smiling face.

More legendary encounters in the movie in space. In the American movie "The Martian", astronaut Bad Damon is trapped 249 million miles away on Mars, and he has to rely on a Chinese rocket to get home.

Friedman, the author of "The World is Flat", said that in American theaters, when China and NASA join hands to rescue, the audience can't help but applaud, which makes people can't help but imagine:

"Why can't we keep doing this?"

Friedman said that the fate of China and the United States is intertwined, and the potential of each other is stimulated, and the world is also accelerated by China-US cooperation, and when the two countries reach a crossroads, the most important foundation is trust.

This is his speech in 2019. That year, a storm had taken shape in the ocean. Outside the port of Dalian, the "Pegasus Hornet" cargo ship loaded with soybeans drifted in the Yellow Sea for a month before entering the port to unload.

In early 2020, after the Delta Air Lines plane landed at the capital airport, it started broadcasting:

"Thank you for flying with Delta Air Lines to China, we are about to stop flying to China. Come on, China. Looking forward to seeing you again in the near future. ”

Passengers say that at that moment it felt like they were witnessing history.

Since then, the seaports have been closed, flights have been suspended, and in the blizzard of the times, it is difficult to see the east and the west.

In January 2020, 41-year-old Bryant was killed in a plane crash while flying in a private helicopter. After the news broke, sadness permeated both the East and the West.

Three days before he was killed, he had just posted on Weibo and pinned it, "Happy New Year, dedicated to my dear Chinese friends!" (Xin Chun Kuai Le to my dear friends in China! )”

The helicopter, lost in the fog, crashed into a hillside on the outskirts of Los Angeles, its propellers scattered on rocks and stagnant.


On the last day of 2022, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, according to the oriental custom, struck the bell 108 times, saying that it could eliminate bad luck and everything would go smoothly in the New Year.

The sun moved from the San Francisco to the Atlantic, and the wind and waves were suspended. At the beginning of the new year, the weather is different.

In the spring, CEOs of multinational companies such as Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, and Blackstone visited China together. Apple's Tim Cook called the relationship with China "symbiotic," while Musk said the two countries were conjoined twins and inseparable.

When Musk's remarks were swiping the screen, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase was leading more than 2,700 business elites from 37 countries to hold a China summit in Shanghai.

He overlooked the Shanghai Tower in Lujiazui and made a straightforward argument, "Don't try to decouple."

"China and the United States can only solve problems through engagement, not through the Pacific Ocean."

Friedman held a similar view, saying that a new page has been turned in history, and that where the world goes depends on China and the United States, and that "the relationship between China and the United States has always been the core engine of globalization."

In July, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited China, and easy details such as "rainbow on the spot", "love to eat Yunnan food", and "chopsticks are very skilled" began to appear in the hot search.

A month later, the number of flights between China and the United States doubled, and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce issued a statement that "we look forward to welcoming Chinese delegations to the United States again."

He likewise believes that "decoupling will not bring any benefits". The International Monetary Fund estimates that if China and the United States decouple, the world economy will shrink by 1.5%, and the loss will exceed 1.4 trillion US dollars.

A series of changes have made people who travel to and from the ocean perceive the direction of the wind in advance, and a partner of an American law firm who has been engaged in Sino-US investment for a long time said:

"The most difficult, non-contact period has passed, and now that we are starting to re-engage it, it shows that things are getting better. ”

In the summer and autumn, two 100-year-old friends visited China.

One was the 100-year-old Kissinger, who was one of the original pushers. One is 103-year-old former Flying Tigers Moyer. He climbed the Great Wall, and the past undulated like a mountain.

The gears of history return to a strange and familiar rhythm. In November, the Philadelphia Orchestra visited China, and the program included Beethoven's symphonies and "Fengqiao Night Park" and other famous Tang poems.

Fifty years ago, the Philadelphia Orchestra visited China for the first time, and that visit was called an "ice-breaking trip".

The day after the Philadelphia Orchestra performance, after a hiatus of more than 1,300 days, the direct flight route from Beijing to San Francisco resumed in both directions. On the first day of resumption of flights, the flight was full. According to the report:

"There are Chinese and Americans; there are middle-aged people doing business, students who travel to study, elderly people visiting relatives; there are also government workers, entrepreneurs and media reporters. ”

The flight destination is San Francisco, where the flags of the two countries have been planted on the roadside, Chinatown is lit up, and colorful lions parade through the night market.

The Pacific Ocean is like silk. This is the place where the Chinese first arrived in the United States, the place where China and the United States jointly signed the Charter of the United Nations, and the place where the two countries first established sister cities.

On January 7, 1981, a passenger plane of the Civil Aviation of China flew across the ocean and landed in San Francisco after 11 hours and 21 minutes, opening the first route between China and the United States.

Greeted by the Mayor of San Francisco at the airport, she said in her speech:

U.S.-China navigation has made the boundless Pacific Ocean look like a river.

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