
Although Wei Jizhong has made contributions to the Chinese sports world, serious mistakes must be investigated, and the old can no longer be relied on and sold by the old

author:Silly Xiaobai 6r5n

In the history of sports, there is a figure known as the "father of the Olympics", he is Wei Jizhong.

His old man's contribution is indispensable, and he is the key to Beijing's eventual success in bidding.

However, now at the age of 87, he should have retired and enjoyed honors and lived out his old age in peace.

However, unexpectedly, he unfortunately became the target of verbal criticism and suffered endless abuse and accusations.

For example, 2020 saw the birth of the Global Esports Federation.

It's an ecstatic thing.

When everyone learned that Wei Jizhong was appointed vice chairman.

The future of esports in China is worrying, and everyone sighs.

If it were someone else, who was still full of energy and passion even at this age, there was no doubt that they would be widely praised.

However, Wei Jizhong was ridiculed by people: "I don't stop when I'm old, it's really a sin!" and "Please leave the sports world, don't bring any more trouble."

What did Wei Jizhong do to make netizens' attitudes change so dramatically?

Wei Jizhong's experience in his youth or about Wei Jizhong's early life experience or Wei Jizhong's early life experience

Wei Jizhong was born in Shanghai in 1936 and came from a wealthy family.

As a result, he was exposed to many things that were unfamiliar to ordinary people while growing up.

After graduating from Nanyang Model High School, Wei Jizhong entered Nanjing University in 1954.

Wei Jizhong has had a love for volleyball since he was a child and has a dream of becoming a volleyball player.

After Wei Jizhong entered the university, he decided to join the volleyball team of Nanjing University.

Wei Jizhong has shown good volleyball strength, perhaps because he has dreams and has an innate talent.

She is not only the main player of the provincial volleyball team, but also a member of the national volleyball team.

Just when Wei Jizhong was hopefully preparing to embark on a bright path, reality hit him mercilessly.

Wei Jizhong suddenly felt unwell during training.

After a doctor's examination, it was found that there were only some minor problems.

However, this minor problem was enough to prevent Wei Jizhong from continuing to participate in volleyball.

Wei Jizhong decided to quit the volleyball team and devote himself to studying.

However, his passion for sports remained the same, and he was even sent to work for the National Sports Commission.

Later, he rose through the ranks and eventually became one of the key decision-makers of the National Sports Council.

From this point of view, Wei Jizhong has considerable talent in sports.

One of Wei's most striking talents was his successful bid to host the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

At that time, five countries applied to host the Olympics: Turkey, Japan, France and Canada.

As you can imagine, the competition is self-evident.

However, at that time, China urgently needed to hold an Olympics to show its strength.

China's two preliminary applications were unsuccessful.

Therefore, this application is particularly crucial for China.

The representative figure of China's bid for the Olympic Games for the third time is Wei Jizhong.

He summed up his previous experience of failing to apply for the Olympics.

It was decided to approach Samaranch, who was running for the presidency of the Olympic Games at the time.

Samaranch later succeeded in being appointed president of the IOC.

In the Wei period, the people surrounding Samaranch are left and right, and it can be said that they are gushing.

Successfully, he won the support of the IOC president for China's bid to host the Olympic Games.

With its support, the mainland finally succeeded in obtaining the qualification to host the event, which was achieved in the third application.

As a result, Wei Jizhong's status has been rapidly improved and is widely supported by many people in China.

If Wei Jizhong can rely on his professional experience and understanding of athletes.

This will enable the mainland's sports undertaking to gain greater room for development.

Moreover, he has been widely praised for his achievements in bidding for the Olympics.

He will surely become a well-respected sports hero in the hearts of the country.

Who would have thought that Wei Jizhong would not be able to fully display his talents.

As a result, a number of reforms have been introduced, which have been widely condemned.

What exactly did Wei Jizhong do to almost destroy two important advantages of Chinese sports?

forced Lang Ping to leave the country and was suppressed

I used to be because I didn't receive guidance and guidance from a good coach.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has always been in a relatively weak stage.

Therefore, we urgently need a good coach.

Lang Ping, who is currently working as a coach at an overseas club, is now the ideal candidate.

Lang Ping has led two clubs in the United States and Italy to win championships.

In 1995, the National Sports Commission sent an invitation to Lang Ping, hoping that she could return to China and serve as the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

So, Lang Ping agreed to the invitation to return to China.

This choice proved to be the right one.

After the Chinese women's volleyball team was coached by Lang Ping, it has achieved a series of outstanding results and has continuously shown its strong strength in various competitions.

Just when people thought that the Chinese women's volleyball team would become stronger because of Lang Ping's leadership,

However, Wei Jizhong's lack of respect for Lang Ping led him to ostracize him.

Lang Ping was suppressed in all directions, and not only that, but she was also deprived of many of the rights she should have as a women's volleyball coach.

Out of intolerable conditions for this environment, Lang Ping finally chose to resign as the head coach of the women's volleyball team and went to the United States.

Ironically, Lang Ping in China was suppressed and excluded by the leaders.

After Lang Ping went to the United States, he not only served as the head coach of the American women's volleyball team, but also enjoyed greater freedom than at home.

Lang Ping not only led the U.S. women's volleyball team to defeat the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Olympics that year and won the silver medal.

Countries all wanted to have such a good coaching talent as Lang Ping, but Wei Jizhong pushed her out of the team.

Wei Jizhong was unaware of his mistakes, and even ridiculed Lang Ping for his lack of gratitude.

Is that really the case?

Lang Ping finally chose to return to his homeland and serve as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team to meet the needs of the country.

Under the leadership of Lang Ping, the Chinese women's volleyball team has successfully established a "Five Crowns Dynasty" that can create history.

The performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team after Lang Ping's departure has seen a serious decline in strength.

Due to Wei Jizhong, he couldn't even reach the semi-finals of the international competition.

The women's volleyball team has consolidated the country under the guidance of Lang Ping.

The strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team is still a strong contender for the championship, even if Lang Ping leaves.

As long as you can find a reliable head coach, it is entirely possible to achieve excellent results.

Chen Zhonghe is a very reliable person, which was reflected after the National Sports Commission arranged for him.

Chen Zhonghe, the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, like Lang Ping, has performed well in the field of volleyball and has shown excellent coaching ability.

Under the guidance of Chen Zhonghe, the Chinese women's volleyball team overcame various difficulties in the game and achieved fruitful results.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has basically stabilized at this time.

The "Golden Generation" is in the glorious period of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

However, there was a confusion in Wei Jizhong, and no one expected it.

Because Chen Zhonghe did not show his favor to his leaders in accordance with the practice of Chinese officialdom.

Wei Jizhong immediately launched an all-round suppression of Chen Zhonghe.

Not only to denigrate Chen Zhonghe in public.

He also used the convenience of his position to weaken Chen Zhonghe's power as a head coach.

Chen Zhonghe is facing public opinion and pressure from all sides.

The reason for Chen Zhonghe's resignation can be traced back to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

In the game, the Chinese women's volleyball team was coached by Chen Zhonghe.

Failed in comparison to the American women's volleyball team at the time, and only finished third.

Because the truth of the matter is not known, many viewers began to abuse Chen Zhonghe.

Chen Zhonghe was blamed for the only reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team did not win the championship.

Chen Zhong was eventually forced by the pressure of public opinion.

gave up his position as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

And this is exactly what Wei Jizhong hoped would happen, that is, after Chen Zhonghe's resignation.

Cai Bin was appointed as the head coach of the women's volleyball team, which was arranged by Wei Jizhong using his position.

Cai Bin's lack of experience in coaching is unexpected.

It's like a rehearsal on paper, let him guide the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Cai Bin's low ability was verified in the subsequent matches.

The Chinese women's volleyball team is unique and has never been able to advance to the semifinals.

It can be clearly observed that Wei Jizhong showed extreme incompetence and stupidity in leadership.

Out of personal self-interest, he did not take into account the overall situation of the country and appointed his cronies.

In addition, Wei Jizhong also did many ridiculous things.

He almost ruined the dominance of table tennis, another field of sport.

Liu Guoliang's expulsion led to the precarious dominance of the "national ball".

When you think of table tennis, you immediately think of its unshakable dominance.

China has almost a monopoly on the title of champion of international table tennis competitions.

There was even a scene of two Chinese players competing for the title.

The scene of the Chinese flag being raised on three sides at the same time.

However, for a certain period of time, the dominance of Chinese table tennis was not precarious.

He was even suppressed by the defeated generals of his former subordinates.

Who caused this problem? If you want to say that the culprit is undoubtedly Wei Jizhong.

He proposed a "flattening" management reform program in which the head coach of the table tennis team was removed.

Therefore, Liu Guoliang, the head coach of the Chinese table tennis team, was unfortunately fired at that time.

However, at that time, the table tennis team coached by Liu Guoliang was the hegemon of all competitions.

Wei Jizhong's strange operation actually caused contradictions within the Chinese table tennis team, which is really unexpected.

There were many depressed players, even including Ma Long and Xu Xin, who considered quitting the game.

Wei Jizhong did not make any statement on the cause of this incident, but banned Ma Long and others.

The once solid dominance of the Chinese table tennis team is now facing wavering.

Losing the chance to win the championship not only happened in all the table tennis events that followed, but also happened.

And at the Olympics of table tennis, he only won a regrettable gold medal.

The global dominance of Chinese table tennis is no longer secure.

If this situation continues, the reform program of Wei Jizhong will be continued.

Table tennis will no longer be the "national sport" that Chinese are proud of.

Eventually, under public pressure, the National Sports Council relented.

The anger of the crowd subsided because we invited Liu Guoliang to continue as the head coach of Chinese table tennis.

There is no doubt that this decision was the right one.

Since Liu Guoliang became the head coach of the Chinese table tennis team again,

The Chinese table tennis team has continued to show its former glory in many table tennis events and has regained its former glory.

Wei Jizhong originally relied on his advantages in the Olympic bid to achieve great success in the Chinese sports world.

However, he unexpectedly made frequent mistakes and completely ruined the honor he won in the process of bidding for the Olympic Games.

With individual strength, two of China's dominant sports in the international sports arena are in jeopardy.

Wei Ji has reached the age of 87.

However, he remains active in his sports career.

He also serves as Vice President of the Global Esports Federation.

I don't know if he'll be like he was before.

Chinese esports, the industry that has achieved excellent results, has experienced a difficult past like table tennis and volleyball.

It is hoped that Wei Jizhong can learn from the lessons of the past and take this opportunity to improve his performance and promote China's e-sports industry to a new level.

Although Wei Jizhong has made contributions to the Chinese sports world, serious mistakes must be investigated, and the old can no longer be relied on and sold by the old
Although Wei Jizhong has made contributions to the Chinese sports world, serious mistakes must be investigated, and the old can no longer be relied on and sold by the old
Although Wei Jizhong has made contributions to the Chinese sports world, serious mistakes must be investigated, and the old can no longer be relied on and sold by the old
Although Wei Jizhong has made contributions to the Chinese sports world, serious mistakes must be investigated, and the old can no longer be relied on and sold by the old

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