
Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

author:Chic Jinan

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

Shi Guangdong

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

In the early winter, the weather is very cold, but the Hongyan Social Organization in Zhoucun District is full of enthusiasm and heartwarming.

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

The Zhoucun District Writers Association, the Poetry Society, the Library, the Xinhua Bookstore, and the Reading Club of Runxin Bookstore gathered together to hold a readers' symposium on Zhang Zhicheng's work "The Long River of Love". People congratulated Mr. Zhang Zhicheng and gave full affirmation and high praise.

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

Mr. Zhang Zhicheng was born in 1952. Originally an oil worker, he was later transferred to Shandong Light Industry Machinery Factory to work. Since 1993, he has been suffering from hepatitis, in January 2008, he had seven stents implanted in his heart twice, in March 2012, lung cancer was found and one lobe of his lung was removed, in May 2012, his left leg was amputated due to arterial thrombosis, and in 2020, he was found to have gallstones and diabetes in his heart with an eighth stent.

Although he was full of hardships, serious illness, and several times on the edge of life and death, he was full of dangers, but he continued to write and wrote a lot. Hearing about his deeds is awe-inspiring, and he is a legendary worker writer.

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

I was fortunate to meet Mr. Zhang Zhicheng and received a new book "The Long River of Love", which gave me a sneak peek and a lot of feelings. Throughout the 20 chapters of the book, the theme is a "love", "family affection, love, no love" throughout. The book celebrates "truth, goodness, and beauty" and promotes positive energy. It is mainly through the description of the fate of the rural people in the context of reform and opening up, which profoundly reveals the living conditions and sincere love of the people in that era. A character, a story, and a scene all have the obvious imprint and characteristics of that era.

Love, the eternal theme of literary creation, is vividly and perfectly presented in "The Long River of Love". It is popular and popular.

Throughout the book, there are neither impetuous bells and whistles, nor any trickery, but the budding of youth, the romance of love, and the burning of the passion of life. There are both joys and sorrows, broken mirrors and reunions, and it is also written that lovers are difficult to become dependents. His thinking is active, his language is vivid, his thoughts are profound, his feelings are abundant, and he is very human. It can be seen that the author cannot write such a work without profound life experience.

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

What is particularly touching is that although Mr. Zhang Zhicheng is old and old, suffering from illness and pain, he is full of spirit and enthusiasm, and his pen has been working tirelessly, and his excellent works have continued, all of which radiate his vigorous literary youthful vitality. From Mr. Zhang Zhicheng, people see the shadow of Paul Kochagin and Zhang Haidi's strength, courage, disability, and self-improvement. He is only called the contemporary Paul Kochagin, and he is Zhang Haidi of Zibo. I was deeply moved by the indomitable and forging ahead spirit of this "writer in a wheelchair". His perseverance, his diligence, and his achievements are an example for us to learn from and a model for us to be around us.

Tribute, writer in a wheelchair
Tribute, writer in a wheelchair

Mr. Zhang Zhicheng is a valuable cultural resource, the protagonist of our story of Zhoucun, and an example of self-improvement for the disabled.

Salute, writer in a wheelchair!

I wish Mr. Zhang Zhicheng good health and good luck, and look forward to more excellent works from him!

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