
In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

author:Self-improvement and unremitting star uXw

Chairman Mao once named Li Min and Li Ne with the words "a gentleman is sensitive to words and deeds", hoping that the two daughters can match their words and deeds. However, Li Min and Li Ne's life trajectories are completely different, each experiencing happiness and setbacks, growth and challenges, leaving a completely different mark on their lives.

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Li Min's happy life

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Li Min, born in 1937, was full of happiness in his childhood. She spent some time in the Soviet Union, an experience that provided a special backdrop for her upbringing. Later, Li Min married Kong Linghua, and the two had a son named Kong Jining. In the family, she enjoys a happy life, and the affection between her husband and son is warm and lasting.

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Among Li Min's personality traits, gentleness and tolerance are significant. She always treats people and things around her with a smile and tolerance. This personality has influenced her growth and life, and it has also allowed her to be kind to others, and has been widely recognized in her family and social circle.

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Li Ne's tortuous experience

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Unlike Li Min, Li Ne's childhood and life experience were more tortuous. She is the daughter of Chairman Mao and Jiang Qing, and this identity is destined for her life to be different from that of her sister Li Min. Li Ne's life was full of political and social twists and turns, successively accompanying Chairman Mao and experiencing difficult moments such as decentralization.

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Li Ne's character is tough and determined, and she always adheres to her beliefs and principles under the pressure of politics and life. This kind of personality trait made her find the direction of her life in the difficult situation, and also allowed her to overcome many difficulties.

In her later years, Li Ne talked about Li Min and said enviously: My sister is more capable than me, and the two children are very promising

Friction and affection in sisterhood

Although Li Min and Li Ne are sisters, friction sometimes occurs due to differences in life backgrounds and personalities. Once, the two had a disagreement over whether Chiang Kai-shek was Chinese. However, Chairman Mao handled the conflict between his two daughters with a peaceful attitude, encouraging them to care for each other and support each other. This kind of family affection has benefited the two daughters for life as they grow up.

Both Li Min and Li Ne remembered their father's teachings. Chairman Mao's teachings allowed them to find the motivation to move forward on the road of life, and shaped the character traits of tenacity, tolerance and firmness.

Happiness in old age

Li Min's later life has been low-key and happy. Her children have successful careers and happy families. Li Ne's life also improved in her later years, and she overcame the difficulties to regain her place.

At Chairman Mao's Memorial Day party, the two sisters often compare their children's achievements, showing the affection and envy between the sisters. Chairman Mao's teachings have always accompanied them and become the spiritual strength of their lives.


The story of Li Min and Li Ne is not only a part of the history of the Chinese revolution, but also a testimony to the family affection and growth between sisters. No matter the twists and turns of life, family affection and disputes, Chairman Mao's teachings have always guided them forward. They each went through a bumpy road, and finally found their own happiness. Li Min and Li Ne are resilient women, exemplars of sticking to their original intentions, and witnesses of China's revolutionary history.

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