
Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

[Gandhi] Gandhi, the founding father of India, full name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. In the minds of Indians, Gandhi is an insurmountable monument. Gandhi enjoyed a high prestige in the world, and the famous physicist Albert Einstein spoke highly: "Posterity will hardly believe that there is a flesh and blood body like him in the world!" ”

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

[Gandhi and Nehru] This is a set of old photographs that reflect different periods of Gandhi, allowing us to enter the legendary life of Gandhi. Less well known is that Gandhi practiced abstinence, such as Gandhi solemnly vowed to his wife at the age of 37, announcing the official end of sexual life.

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

[Two little girls who cared for Gandhi] Gandhi once said: "If you control only one sense and allow other senses to enjoy, it is bound to be in vain." Listening to pornographic stories with your ears, looking at pornographic images with your eyes, tasting irritating food with your mouth, touching something that stirs people's hearts with your hands, but hoping to control the only sense that remains, is wishful thinking. It's like a person putting his hand on a fire and hoping not to burn it. ”

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

Abstinence is not an easy task, how did Gandhi do it? It's simple, bathe with a young and beautiful, sleep in the same bed, and sometimes even sleep with a few, as a way to exercise your concentration. Even more absurd, Gandhi also had two teenage girls by his side.

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

Historians say of Gandhi: "Gandhi has always been known for his simple life and refusal to have fun, but his harsh and unusual attitude towards sex is well known. He himself wrote that he was disgusted by the fact that when his father died in 1885, he had sex with his wife, Casterba, 15 years old. With four children, he was allowed to have sex in his later years and was not allowed to have sex in his place of practice. He taught men to take cold showers when they had sex drives. ”

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

"From the standpoint of the nonviolents, I must say that it is useless to use a China of 400 million people to deal with barbaric Japan with an army. Chinese should use the concept of non-violence and non-cooperation to guide this war, that is, not to fight against the Japanese, but to let them come with their own means of destruction, to take out two hundred million people themselves and destroy them, but the remaining two hundred million people will not yield, if they do this, the Japanese will be shocked by China, and the Japanese will suddenly become slaves to the Chinese. This is Gandhi's assessment of the Chinese's war of resistance, unbelievable.

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assassinated at the age of 79. On this day, Gandhi was shot three times in a row by the Hindu fanatic Nanduram Goldshew on his way to a prayer service. After Gandhi was shot and fell to the ground, he made a request to cremate himself within 24 hours. To the murderer who shot himself, Gandhi said, "Please forgive this poor man!" ”

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

[Gandhi cremation site] After Gandhi's death, his body was sent to be cremated on the Yamuna River east of New Delhi. On the day of the cremation, more than 1 million people witnessed the process. Gandhi's assassination left countless people devastated. Despite the police's efforts to maintain order at the cremation site, dozens of women jumped into the fire and were voluntarily martyred.

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

[Gandhi cremation scene] Manu is Gandhi's niece, and Abarara is Gandhi's niece and granddaughter-in-law. In the last years of Gandhi's life, these two beautiful girls stayed by his side until he was assassinated, and the two teenage girls also participated in Gandhi's ascetic practice. Gandhi believed that sharing the bed with Manu and Abarara was to guide her spiritual growth more holistically: "We slept in each other's arms, warming each other with our bodies until the time of prayer arrived." ”

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

Gandhi not only persuaded China not to rebel against the Japanese army, but also to persuade the Jews not to rebel against Hitler. For this reason, he was countered by the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber: "Mahatma, do you know what a concentration camp is and what is happening there?" What are the torturous punishments in the concentration camps? What are the methods of killing slowly and quickly? This cannot be the case with a devil of all evil. Under certain circumstances, spiritual power cannot be transformed into the power of truth. The word 'martyrdom' means witnessing, but what if no witnesses are present? ”

Old photographs look back at Gandhi's life: long-term bathing and sleeping with suggest that China stop resisting the Japanese army

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