
The box office of "Man Jianghong" exceeded 1.8 billion: the six golden sentences in the play that make you break the defense in an instant

author:MR Qingdi

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The movie "Man Jianghong" was directed by Zhang Yimou, and the box office exceeded 1.8 billion yuan in five days, ranking first on the list. The film breaks the stereotype of traditional Chinese New Year films, with passionate themes, gripping plots, and hilarious performances from the actors. After watching the movie, the audience realized that a knife may only be able to end traitors like Qin Hui at one time, but a single word can reveal their crimes countless times. The charm of this movie lies in the fact that the audience can get a variety of different inspirations from it, some people are baptized by the soul, some people feel the excitement of suspense, some people appreciate the wonderful plot, some people appreciate the charm of the quintessence of the country, and some people think about the profundity of philosophy. The movie also contains a series of golden sentences, let's analyze six of them and explore the wisdom they contain.

The box office of "Man Jianghong" exceeded 1.8 billion: the six golden sentences in the play that make you break the defense in an instant

Jin sentence 1: "Whether it's a wolf or a dog, it all depends on what kind of meat is fed" - Sun Jun, the commander of the pro-military camp. This quote underscores the importance of incentives. As long as you reward your subordinates, you can maximize their potential, which is the secret of your majesty. This principle is not only applicable to the matter of commanding troops in ancient times, but is also close to the wisdom of modern management and leadership. Knowing how to motivate others and feed them the right "meat" at work and in life can make the whole team stronger and more efficient.

Jin sentence 2: "Benxiang is a literati who drinks tea and composes poems, his heart is not in the temple, he only cares about his name." All such false accusations and prejudices are of the greatest concern to the present and must be clarified. - Prime Minister Qin Hui. This phrase shows hypocrisy and vanity in officialdom. Officials are obviously obsessed with officials, but they have to flaunt their indifference to fame and fortune. Obviously did something unseemly, but he had to go to great lengths to conceal and clarify. This kind of disagreement is not uncommon in officialdom. Therefore, in officialdom, in addition to being obedient, you must also learn to understand the voices outside the words, otherwise you may get into trouble.

The box office of "Man Jianghong" exceeded 1.8 billion: the six golden sentences in the play that make you break the defense in an instant

Golden sentence 3: "How can people like you and me catch their shortcomings?" —Mafu Liu Xi. This sentence reminds us that it is best not to make mistakes for little people without background, even if they make mistakes, they can't be caught, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. In a complex society, people at the bottom are often more vulnerable to wrongful and unfair treatment, so be careful not to give others a chance to take advantage of them.

Golden sentence four: "This plan is not a game, but a person." - Little Soldier Zhang Da. This quote emphasizes that understanding human nature is the key to making a plan. Only with a deep understanding of human nature can the little people defeat the big ones through clever planning. In real life, understanding the reasons behind the motivations and behaviors of others will help you get along better with people and reach consensus.

The box office of "Man Jianghong" exceeded 1.8 billion: the six golden sentences in the play that make you break the defense in an instant

Golden sentence five: "You really changed my identity, and it was the same." - Prime Minister Qin Hui. This quote conveys an important message: everyone has their own worries. Whether it's a peddler and pawn busy trying to make a living, or a prince and general anxious about power, everyone has their own troubles. This quote reminds us not to be easily jealous of others, as everyone carries different burdens and challenges.

Jin sentence six: "Some things are more important than life and death" - Sun Jun, the commander of the pro-military camp. This sentence profoundly reflects the true meaning of life. Although life and death cannot be controlled by us, we can influence our lives in our lifetime. Values such as honour and morality may be more important than life and death, as they can remain in people's hearts forever, beyond the transience of life. In the journey of life, we should think about what is really important, pursue inner truth and adhere to values.

The box office of "Man Jianghong" exceeded 1.8 billion: the six golden sentences in the play that make you break the defense in an instant

When all the forbidden troops in the film sing "Manjiang Hong", the Chinese romance and helplessness contained in it can only be truly understood by Chinese. Chinese's feelings of home and country often need not be expressed, because this emotion is rooted in everyone's heart and deeply affects their lives and choices. These golden sentences are not only lines from the movie, but also a reflection on the wisdom of life, inspiring us to think deeply about our own behaviors and values in order to better cope with the challenges and choices in life.

In the past few days of watching "Man Jianghong", I deeply feel that the success of the film is a combination of many factors. First of all, this work directed by Zhang Yimou has achieved a box office of more than 1.8 billion yuan in just five days, which is not easy. This undoubtedly reflects the director's exquisite skill in the production of the film and his accurate grasp of the audience's tastes. The film breaks through the traditional ceiling in the field of Chinese New Year films, bringing the audience an audio-visual feast that is both passionate and intriguing.

The box office of "Man Jianghong" exceeded 1.8 billion: the six golden sentences in the play that make you break the defense in an instant

Secondly, the film's success is inseparable from its excellent theme, plot, and performances. The theme is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, resonates with the audience, and fully demonstrates the feelings of the Chinese people. The plot is tightly designed and full of reversals that make the audience think about it. The actors' acting skills are profound, and funny elements are interspersed with them, which makes people laugh. These factors work together to make the audience not only emotionally resonate during the viewing process, but also enjoy the wonderful storyline, which is a major success of the film.

The golden sentences in the film also left a deep impression on the audience. These golden sentences are not only reflected in the plot, but also a deep reflection on some wisdom and truth in real life. For example, Sun Jun, the commander of the pro-military camp, said that "whether it is a wolf or a dog, it all depends on what kind of meat is fed", tells us that stimulating the potential of subordinates requires appropriate incentives. Prime Minister Qin Hui's golden sentence: "Benxiang is a literati who drinks tea and composes poems, his heart is not in the temple, he only cares about his name", which reflects the hypocrisy and prejudice of officialdom in reality. These golden sentences are not only close to reality, but also provoke the audience to think deeply.

In addition, the film also does a pretty good job of showing the quintessence of China. When all the forbidden troops recited "Man Jianghong", that kind of Chinese romance and family and country feelings can only be truly understood by Chinese audiences. This episode not only makes people feel proud, but also makes us cherish the feelings of family and country more and realize the greatness of traditional Chinese culture.

Finally, I think the golden sentences in the film not only reflect the profound connotation of the film, but also provide some inspiration for the audience in real life. These golden sentences contain reflections on power, human nature, morality, etc., which can trigger the audience to think deeply about social phenomena. In officialdom, it is a very important skill to understand what is said outside the word and be able to distinguish between truth and falsehood. And the honor and morality mentioned in the golden sentence are also principles that we need to cherish and adhere to in real life.

In short, the success of "Man Jianghong" is not only reflected in the box office and audience response, but also in the profound connotation of the film and the wisdom provided by the golden sentences. This film brings the audience an experience of both entertainment and thought, and is not only a successful Chinese New Year film, but also a work worthy of in-depth discussion by the audience. I believe that this film will continue to arouse discussion and thinking among the audience, and become one of the classics of Chinese cinema.

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