
Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

I still remember the 2019 KPL Autumn Lower Bracket Finals, the famous scene after AG pushed off the DYG.JC crystal in the 4th small game, when all AG members shouted a sentence, that is: "We are the runners"! What's going on? After AG defeated DYG.JC 4-0, they managed to get the second ticket to the finals.

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

At that time, AG was able to break into the finals in the first season of returning to the KPL and win the first championship in team history, not only fans dared not imagine, but even players dared not dream of it! After all, before that, the AG player revealed in an interview that before the semi-finals of the Beaters Division, the opponent at that time was estarpro, and they hid a good thing, that is, a ticket home. After all, the state of the AG full training match was not particularly good at that time, and estarpro was a two-time champion team. However, at that time, both sides played full BO7, and in the end, AG won in a thrilling way!

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

Questioning and crawling forward! AG is such an amazing team. When the outside world is generally optimistic about them, they can always drop the chain in some unexpected links. But when the outside world generally looks down on them, they always perform miraculously to surprise most people. Like winning the 2019 KPL Autumn Tournament, there is also this year's Cup Finals.

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

Before the start of the cup, the outside world was generally not optimistic about AG, and they all felt that they could enter the knockout round and keep the top 8 results. When AG was in the Swiss round, the signing luck was really bad, and he won the semi-finals of the summer tournament 4 times in 5 draws, and many times many people thought they were finished, but this gave them to survive, which is not easy! If AG loses one more game, they may not be able to enter the knockout round. Don't forget, there are a lot of KPL teams that have overturned this year, and many of the top four in the summer tournament have not reached the knockout round.

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

Maybe it's because the luck of the Swiss round is too bad, and the signing of the knockout round, AG is finally bitter. Compared with Wolves, TTG and other teams, AG is relatively easy to reach the finals when most people are not optimistic. And their opponent happened to be the opponent of the 2019 KPL Autumn Tournament, that is, Wolves. This scene is familiar! Could it be that history is repeating itself again?

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

Before the finals started, the outside world was still generally not optimistic about AG, and even many netizens said that it would be good for AG to win 1 small game, and the outside world generally predicted that the score of the finals was 4 to 1 or 4 to 0. However, as we said earlier, AG is a magical team, and when the outside world is generally not optimistic about them, they can burst out with unlimited potential. And basically not optimistic about AG, even if AG loses at that time, the pressure of public opinion will not be too great, and the players will not be questioned, after all, they are not optimistic, if they lose, they will lose, but if they win, it will be different.

Will AG be able to repeat the miracle of '19? AG is not optimistic, but people have something to look forward to!

With doubts and crawling forward, everyone is not optimistic, and in this context, the AG in the finals makes people look forward to it. Do you think AG will be able to create another miracle in the fall of 2019?

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