
People with good poop are healthier! How many of the 3 criteria for healthy bowel movements do you meet?

author:Beiqing Net

"Eating, drinking, lazing and sleeping" is a basic human need, among which "pulling well" is a very key health indicator.

Are you pulling well?

01 On time and on point

After the stool is formed, the intestine will push it to the left colon at a rate of 1~2 cm per minute 2~3 times a day and store it in the sigmoid colon.

After a person gets out of bed, due to the postural reflex or gastrocolic reflex, the entire colon will move at a rate of 10 centimeters per hour, which may directly contribute to bowel movements.

Therefore, after waking up in the morning and within 2 hours after eating, it is the golden two hours of pooping!

Therefore, people who defecate regularly during these two periods tend to have a better gastrointestinal digestive function.

02 The status is normal

Although it is disgusting, it is better to look back after pulling it, the appearance of poop can reflect your health to a large extent.

People with good poop are healthier! How many of the 3 criteria for healthy bowel movements do you meet?

Normal poop should be banana-shaped, brownish-yellow semi-solid, and other similar to dry, compact, sticky, unformed state, or the color of the poop has become "colorful", which indicates that there may be a gastrointestinal problem.

In particular, when there are unexplained blood stains and black tarry in the poop, it is necessary to be alert to gastrointestinal bleeding or tumors.

03 The bowel movement time is normal

The best time to have a bowel movement is no more than 10 minutes, and prolonged bowel movements may indicate constipation and other problems.

If you sit for more than 30 minutes each time, it is easy to cause the anal cushion to sag, forming hemorrhoids.

Although this is the case, there is no need to force it for those who have not developed the habit of waking up early to defecate.

It is best to have a bowel movement when you want to have a bowel movement, otherwise it will easily cause damage.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a word that makes people can't say it, but it's so common that we have to talk about it!

In general, constipation is considered to be constipation when the stool changes from 1 per day or 1 every 2 days to more than 2 days or more for the same person.

Of course, even if you can have a bowel movement once a day, but it looks like the one in the picture, it can be called constipation.

People with good poop are healthier! How many of the 3 criteria for healthy bowel movements do you meet?

Let's take a look, do you have constipation?

How to make the poop smooth

01Eat some crude fiber

The mouth determines the buttocks, and if you want to pull it out quickly, the dietary fiber in the food is especially important.

Therefore, in terms of living and eating, we should eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and it is best to replace half of the rice with coarse grains, bean porridge and potatoes when cooking.

In addition, drinking plenty of water is also good for promoting stool softening.

Don't try to use bananas anymore for laxatives, it doesn't have much dietary fiber, and unripe bananas contain tannic acid, which can aggravate constipation, so it's not recommended!

02Do some exercise

Exercise not only makes the body healthier, but also helps poop move around the intestines. Exercising at the right time, taking a walk after meals, and doing tai chi can promote intestinal peristalsis.

In addition, simple preparatory actions can be done before bowel movements, which can also relieve constipation:

Abdominal rubbing: Clockwise massage with the navel as the center can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis;

Levator ani: Try to contract your hip muscles while taking a deep breath, hold for a few seconds and then relax, repeat many times;

Pinch your fingers: Pinch the base of your fingers with your index finger and thumb, and pinch them for a while if you feel a little pain, which can help produce the urge to defecate.

03Get in a pose

What are the usual postures of defecation? Anyway, the editor knows two kinds, squatting and sitting.

Among them, although the sitting position is relaxed, scientific studies have shown that squatting and pooping is smoother than sitting and pulling.

People with good poop are healthier! How many of the 3 criteria for healthy bowel movements do you meet?

The principle is simple: when sitting, the rectum is strangled by a U-shaped muscle (pictured above), which affects bowel movements.

People with good poop are healthier! How many of the 3 criteria for healthy bowel movements do you meet?

If you have a toilet at home, add a small stool at your foot to achieve the same effect.

04Take some medicine

For the use of drugs, in fact, everyone's attitude has been polarized, some people have constipation to use drugs immediately, and some people insist on the theory of "three points of poison in medicine".

Actually, neither of these is good. Constipation that can be improved by changing diet and exercise habits can be done without medication.

If you really can't come out, then don't force it, you can use drugs that promote bowel movements under the guidance of a doctor, but avoid using stimulant laxatives.

Defecation is a major event in life, don't ignore it!

(Wellness China)

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