
Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

author:39 HealthNet

In the adult population, the incidence of dyslipidemia, especially hyperlipidemia, is increasing.

According to the Report on the Status of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases in China (2020), the overall prevalence of hyperlipidemia among residents aged 18 and above in mainland China is as high as 35.6%, resulting in a serious disease burden.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

Hyperlipidemia is essentially a manifestation of lipid metabolism disorder, which can be judged by 4 abnormal indicators in blood tests: increased cholesterol, increased triglycerides, increased low-density lipoprotein, and decreased high-density lipoprotein.

Among them, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is considered to be an important risk factor for hyperlipidemia.

Bad cholesterol is the main material for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. If the arteries are blocked by plaque, the oxygen and blood supply to the organs of the whole body will be problematic, so hyperlipidemia is closely related to myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, stroke and other diseases.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

Depending on the cause, there are two types of hyperlipidemia, one is primary hyperlipidemia, which usually runs in families. The other is secondary hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia caused by certain metabolic, systemic diseases (diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.) and medications.

In addition, an unhealthy diet (e.g., too much cholesterol) is also an important trigger.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible
Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

1. Eat only vegetarian food, no eggs and meat

Although it is said that to prevent and treat hyperlipidemia, it is necessary to eat less fat and cholesterol, but eating less does not mean not eating at all. Eating a vegetarian diet without eggs and meat for a long time will cause insufficient energy intake and protein deficiency, which is not conducive to good health.

There are also good fats and bad fats, we need to limit the intake of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids, two types of bad fats, but we should increase unsaturated fatty acids in moderation, especially foods rich in omega-3 series polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

2. Only control oil, not salt and sugar

High blood lipids can also cause hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases, so in order to prevent complications, patients should not only control fat intake, but also limit salt and sugar to control blood lipids, blood pressure, and blood sugar at ideal levels.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

3. In order to reduce calories, do not eat staple foods

Long-term excessive consumption of delicate carbohydrates such as white rice and white flour is indeed easy to cause blood sugar to rise, promote triglyceride synthesis, and affect blood lipid regulation. However, if you don't eat it at all, it will also lead to problems such as malnutrition, low blood sugar, and metabolic disorders.

Therefore, the staple food has to be eaten, but it is healthier to eat delicate carbohydrates with whole grains. The dietary fiber in whole grains can be combined with bile acid in the intestine, which can reduce the absorption of lipids, thereby reducing blood cholesterol levels, and at the same time, it can also reduce blood insulin levels, improve the body's insulin sensitivity, and is conducive to the regulation of lipid metabolism.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

It can be seen that people with high blood lipids do have to learn to be "picky eaters" in their diets, but there is a principle of "ensuring balanced nutrition", eating a variety of foods, adequate intake of protein and dietary fiber, less salt, sugar and oil.

In addition to regulating blood lipids in the three diets, the "Dietary Guidelines for Adults with Hyperlipidemia (2023 Edition)" also recommends that people with hyperlipidemia "take measures according to the time and adjust them quarterly".

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, man and nature are an organic whole, and people's blood lipid levels will change in different seasons, so the diet should also be adjusted accordingly.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

Eat more seasonal vegetables such as celery, asparagus, etc., as well as ingredients that have the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi, nourishing the liver and clearing the liver, such as bergamot, raw malt, chrysanthemum, etc.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible
Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

Mainly to nourish qi and clear the heart, eat more duck meat, fish, rabbit meat, wheat, mung beans, and tofu. After entering the dog days, the climate is hot and humid, the diet should be light and less greasy, you can eat some orange peel, coix seeds, white lentils and other ingredients to strengthen the spleen and dissolve dampness.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

Autumn dryness is easy to hurt and consume fluids, so in autumn you should eat less spicy, fried, greasy and hot food, and more mulberries, black sesame, black plums, lilies, etc. that nourish yin and moisten the lungs.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible
Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible

In winter, in dissipating cold and evil, tonifying kidney yang, you can eat mutton and other warm foods, as well as foods such as wolfberry, yellow essence, and dogwood, which have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney.

Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible
Is an egg a day a cardiovascular killer? If you don't want blood vessels to be blocked, you should change your 3 eating habits as soon as possible


[1] Su Rong, Yu Deshui. Chinese Journal of Contemporary Medicine,2009,16(08):128-129.

[2] Zhang Peiran, Guo Gaihui. Chinese Clinician,2012,40(03):18-20.

[3] News of this journal. The National Health Commission issued 4 dietary guidelines including the "Dietary Guidelines for Adults with Hyperlipidemia (2023 Edition)[J].Shanghai Nursing,2023,23(02):18.)

[4].Dietary guidelines for adults with hyperlipidemia (2023 edition)[J].General Practice Clinical and Education,2023,21(07):581-583. DOI:10.13558/j.cnki.issn1672-3686.2023.007.002.

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