
The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

author:Poetic Apple EXI

In recent years, with the continuous development of the global economy and the continuous changes in trade relations, the grain market has also undergone great changes. As one of the world's most important food crops, the price volatility of corn has always been a matter of concern. Recently, there has been a big change in the corn market, and the price may fall below 8 cents, but the large-scale operation of the grain reserve may bring about a big increase in the price of grain.

The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

First, let's take a look at the current state of the corn market. Due to the recovery of the global economy and the improvement of trade relations, the demand for corn is increasing. At the same time, the supply of corn has decreased due to factors such as abnormal weather and reduced acreage, resulting in corn prices that have been high. However, in recent times, corn prices have begun to decline due to the accumulation of negative factors in the market.

The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

Among them, an important negative factor is the inventory of corn. Due to the high price of corn in previous years, many farmers chose to plant corn, resulting in a significant increase in corn stocks. Although this year's maize production has decreased, the pressure on stocks remains high, making it difficult to maintain maize prices at high levels.

The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

In addition, changes in international trade relations have also contributed to the decline in maize prices. As the trade war between China and the United States intensifies, China has had to import more corn from other countries, making the domestic corn market more competitive. At the same time, due to the uncertainty of the global economy, some traders have doubts about the future demand for corn, which has led to a decline in corn prices.

The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

However, despite the decline in corn prices, the large-scale operation of China Grain Reserves may lead to a sharp increase in grain prices. China Grain Reserves is one of the largest grain reserve enterprises in China, and its procurement and sales behavior has a great impact on the domestic grain market. Recently, China Grain Reserves has increased its procurement of corn, which may be to gain an advantage in the future grain war.

The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

The large-scale operation of grain storage may bring two effects. First of all, the purchasing behavior of China Grain Storage may increase the price of corn. Since China Grain Reserve is one of the largest grain reserve enterprises, its purchasing behavior will reduce the supply in the market, which will push up the price of corn. Secondly, the procurement behavior of China Grain Storage may also drive the purchasing enthusiasm of other enterprises, which will increase the demand of the entire market and further push up the price of corn.

The corn "big change" will fall below 8 cents immediately! Grain storage is generous! In November, the price of grain rose sharply!

In general, although there have been some negative factors in the corn market that have led to a decline in prices, the large-scale operation of China Grain Reserves may bring about a large price increase in grain grabbing. For enterprises and farmers, they should pay close attention to market dynamics and reasonably arrange production and sales plans to cope with changes in the market.

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