
The South China Sea summer monsoon is coming to an end, and the latest GFS alert that the next typhoon may approach the Bass Strait

author:Fans of the wind


There are only two or three days left in November, autumn has been deep, at this time, has basically withdrawn from the mainland mainland, but the southernmost part of the mainland Hainan is still under influence, according to the Central Meteorological Observatory at 8 o'clock on the 29th, public data show that in the past 24 hours, the precipitation in 9 places in the country exceeded 50 mm, of which Hainan accounted for the top five, and Wanning ranked first with 111.7 mm of precipitation.

The South China Sea summer monsoon is coming to an end, and the latest GFS alert that the next typhoon may approach the Bass Strait

During this time, the precipitation in Hainan is really more serious, Wanning has been on the list for several days, fortunately, this round of precipitation is now nearing the end, according to monitoring, after entering November, most places in Hainan will usher in good weather.

The South China Sea summer monsoon is coming to an end, and the latest GFS alert that the next typhoon may approach the Bass Strait
The South China Sea summer monsoon is coming to an end, and the latest GFS alert that the next typhoon may approach the Bass Strait
The South China Sea summer monsoon is coming to an end, and the latest GFS alert that the next typhoon may approach the Bass Strait

However, although the rain brought by the summer monsoon is nearing the end, but the typhoon in November, or really coming, in the latest forecast of GFS, the disturbance at the beginning of that month is becoming more and more obvious, it will appear around November 3, and then all the way to the northwest, peaking at 941 hPa, the key is from the path, in the middle of the month, this disturbance may approach the Bass Strait. This one is kind of scary.

The South China Sea summer monsoon is coming to an end, and the latest GFS alert that the next typhoon may approach the Bass Strait

However, according to meteorological common sense, the probability of a typhoon entering the Bass Strait in mid-November is still relatively small, so the circle thinks that it is a high probability event for this disturbance to enter the South China Sea after landing in the Philippines in early November, and the latest EC simulation shows this. Of course, we will continue to observe when Typhoon "Gelahua" will appear.

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