
Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

author:Clever grape 5f who loves life

In the night under the bright starlight, Xu Jiayin, the head of Evergrande Group, walked into the rehearsal hall of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe. His gaze is strict and critical, scrutinizing every detail. As a man with an almost demanding pursuit of perfection, he often visits the cabaret to look for the shortcomings that lurk in the corners.

He asked the actresses to wear tights, dance to show the graceful posture of the palace maids, and turn into vivid pictures. This is the art in his mind, the endless pursuit of beauty.

Zhang Jianan, known as the "first beauty of the song and dance troupe", always humbly cedes this honor to the head of the troupe, Bai Shanshan. She is like a dazzling pearl, full of light, but always kept a low profile and dedication.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

In his work, Zhang Jiannan has repeatedly created miracles, helping the company to establish good cooperative relations with the outside world again and again, but due to the company's regulations, the three-bedroom apartment he bought in Guangzhou is vacant, silently abiding by the regulations, showing loyalty and respect for the team.

Although she has repeatedly achieved success in her career, in private, she has also faced temptations and choices. When a leader in Sichuan made an improper request to her, she did not back down or blindly agree, but expressed her love and dedication to the art of dance.

In the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, Zhang Jiannan and Bai Shanshan work hard together and contribute their own strength to the development of the company. Although many people in the group left because of personal interests and became other people's "little three", they always adhered to their principles and bottom line.

In the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, Zhang Jiannan and Bai Shanshan work together to promote the development and stability of the team. They are well aware that grievances and hatreds within the team may affect the cohesion and execution of the whole team, so they are always vigilant and strive to create a harmonious working environment for the team.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

As the head of the regiment, Bai Shanshan is well aware of her heavy responsibility, and always leads by example and treats every member of the regiment fairly and selflessly. She always patiently listens to the members of the group and tries her best to solve the difficulties they encounter in work and life. Her dedication and dedication to the team have won the respect and trust of the team members.

However, competition and contradictions within the team remain. For the sake of personal interests, some members do not hesitate to slander their colleagues behind their backs, and even resort to improper means for personal gain. These behaviors seriously disrupt the harmonious atmosphere of the team and also pose a threat to the stability of the team.

As the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe has attracted more and more attention on the stage at home and abroad, the competition and contradictions within the troupe have become increasingly fierce. In order to get more performance opportunities and higher salaries, some members even do not hesitate to use improper means to slander their colleagues behind their backs, create public opinion, and try to suppress their competitors.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

Bai Shanshan, as the head of the regiment, felt very troubled by this situation. She knows that if such infighting is not stopped in time, it will eventually corrode the cohesion of the team and affect the development of the team. So she decided to go out in person, investigate the truth of the matter, and seek justice for the unjust treatment of the group members.

Under the leadership of Bai Shanshan, the song and dance troupe organized an internal investigation. After an in-depth and meticulous investigation, the truth gradually emerged. It turned out that in order to compete for the opportunity to perform, several members of the team teamed up to slander an excellent member Xiao Li behind their backs, trying to snatch the opportunity to perform by framing Xiao Li.

Bai Shanshan expressed great disappointment with the behavior of the team members and severely criticized them in an internal meeting of the team. She emphasized that every member of the team should earn the opportunity to perform through their own efforts, rather than achieving their own goals by suppressing their colleagues. She demanded that the members of the group publicly apologize to Xiao Li and punish them accordingly.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

Bai Shanshan's words were stern, her eyes were like knives, and she looked directly at the members of the group. Her authority and sense of justice were fully displayed at this moment, so that everyone present could feel her responsibility and responsibility as the head of the regiment. The atmosphere of the team's internal meetings became unusually serious.

The members of the group bowed their heads, their hearts full of guilt and remorse. Under Bai Shanshan's forced gaze, they finally realized their mistake. After the meeting, they plucked up the courage and walked up to Xiao Li, sincerely apologized to her, and expressed their willingness to bear all the consequences caused by it.

Xiao Li did not forgive them immediately, but she expressed her approval of their repentance. She knows that if a person is not a sage, he can do no wrong. It is important to recognize mistakes and have the courage to correct them. She believes that through this incident, they will definitely be able to learn their lessons and become better versions of themselves.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

Bai Shanshan is also paying attention to all this. She knows that as the head of the team, her responsibility is not only to deal with the contradictions and conflicts within the team, but more importantly, to guide the members to establish correct values and cultivate their team spirit and professional ethics.

She decided to take this incident as an educational opportunity to strengthen the ideological education and professional ethics training of the members of the regiment to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Bai Shanshan realized that it was not enough to just deal with this incident, and she needed to fundamentally solve the problem of grievances and hatreds within the team. Therefore, she decided to carry out a series of in-depth team building activities and ideological education to enhance the cohesion of the team and the mutual trust between the team members.

First of all, Bai Shanshan organized a team development training, through a series of teamwork games and challenge activities, so that the members of the team in the process of overcoming difficulties together to enhance their understanding and trust with each other, but also let them realize the importance of team spirit.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

Then, Bai Shanshan invited a well-known professional ethics lecturer to conduct a profound professional ethics education and training for the members. The lecturer used real case analysis to make the members realize the importance of professional ethics, and also made them understand the code of conduct and moral bottom line that they should abide by as a professional actor.

Under the guidance of Bai Shanshan, the members of the team have carried out deep self-reflection and shared their thoughts and insights within the team. They realized that only when everyone worked together and united could the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe be more prosperous.

However, the feuds within the team are not completely eliminated overnight. Bai Shanshan knows that she needs to make unremitting efforts to continuously strengthen the ideological education and team building of the members in order to fundamentally solve this problem.

Zhang Jianan, the first beauty of Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe: I forgot to dance, but I learned to please men

At the same time, Xu Jiayin has also been paying attention to the situation within the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe. He spoke highly of Bai Shanshan's efforts and determination, and supported her in various ways. He believes that under the leadership of Bai Shanshan, the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe will be able to overcome all difficulties and move towards a more brilliant future.

After a series of efforts, the atmosphere inside the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe has gradually changed. The relationship between the team members has become more harmonious, and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team have also been significantly improved. Under the leadership of Bai Shanshan, the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe once again radiated vitality and became a bright star on the stage at home and abroad, winning warm applause and widespread praise from the audience.

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