
Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and ordinary people generally do not care

author:A mask that does not hurt

Wang Yangming, a native of Yuyao, Zhejiang, Shouren, Zi Bo'an, and Yangming, was a famous thinker and philosopher of the Ming Dynasty who founded the great "psychology" system and was one of the best philosophers in Chinese history.

As soon as his thoughts appeared, they caused a great reaction.

Zeng Guofan commented: "Wang Yangming corrected the old atmosphere and opened up a new atmosphere. ”

Over the centuries, Wang Yangming's thought has influenced countless people at home and abroad, and many people such as Zhang Juzheng, Zeng Guofan, kang Youwei and many others have benefited from it.

Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and ordinary people generally do not care

Tu Weiming, a professor at Harvard University, once declared: The 21st century is Wang Yangming's century.

His growth experience also points out the infinite possibilities of the human soul, even including the rules of life and the change of human destiny.

Wang Yangming: Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and the poor generally don't care!

1, the reason why secrets are secrets, can not be easily said

Everyone has their own secrets, and since it's a secret, don't tell anyone. After all, there are no impermeable walls in this world.

Once spoken out, your secret is no longer a secret and is likely to become something in someone else's hands.

Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and ordinary people generally do not care

Truly intelligent people never reveal their secrets to others, because they understand how they can be expected to keep them if they cannot keep them. So, not telling you the secret is the wisest choice.

It is said that man speaks only three words, but not all of it is my heart.

People should understand that secrets are for preservation, not for sharing.

2, as the saying goes: wealth is not revealed

It is true that wealth is not exposed.

Truly intelligent people, rich or not, don't reveal their wealth to others.

They understand that if you mix well and earn high income, others will often envy you; if you don't get along well, have a low income, or even be in debt, others will often look down on you and even laugh at you after they know.

3, don't think of anything to say

If you have dreams and goals, life will be motivated. However, it is best not to tell others about the goal. You say you have big goals, and others will think you're bragging.

Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and ordinary people generally do not care

If you say that the goal is small and others look down on you, it is better not to say it.

Truly intelligent people will not tell others their goals, will work hard silently, silently persist, and move towards their goals until they reach them.

After all, sometimes, you tell others what you think, whether others will let you plant a head is not easy to say, do not say good, so as not to cause trouble.

Walking on the road of life, not only to exercise the ability to speak, but also to cultivate the wisdom of not showing, for some things, choosing not to show is the real wisdom.

The smarter the person, the more humble, but the stupid people, always arrogant, a little achievement, they do not hesitate to use exaggerated language to beautify themselves, in order to win worthless applause.

It is by nature that people respect those who are humble, and there is a sense of repulsion toward those who love vanity and boasting, and it is also natural to do so. A person who likes to be arrogant and self-exaggerating and looking down on others will not be truly respected by others.

Everyone is willing to deal with gentlemen, but in this world, there are many villains, although there are many villains, the harm of these people cannot be ignored, when there are villains around you, then your life or career will be implicated by these people, these people are the tumors in interpersonal relations, if you do not pay a little attention, sooner or later you will be hurt by these people.

Of course, the above is just my superficial understanding of Wang Yangming's mind!

Learn from Wang Yangming, and life will be able to take a detour less

Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo once taught his life at a ceremony.

Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and ordinary people generally do not care

He took out his waist plate and showed it to everyone, on which were 7 big characters: Bow down to Yang Ming all your life.

The reason why Wang Yangming can be called a saint is because his psychology has influenced the world!

As soon as his ideas came out, they formed a huge response.

I like to read Wang Yangming the most, because he can teach me to cultivate the mind, let me find a way out when I am confused, can let me learn a lot of wisdom in life, and will not get anything for most of my life!

Wang Yangming's psychology is far more than this, since his thoughts were born, he has influenced thousands of generations of literati and inkers, including Zhang Juzheng, Zeng Guofan, Kang Youwei and others, who are his "disciples", who have perfected and carried forward Wang Yangming's psychology.

The Records of Transmission and Practice is an important work of Wang Yangming, an immortal sage of "Lide, Meritorious Service, and Speech", which is extremely rare in Chinese history, contains the main philosophical ideas of Wang Yangming, and is an important material for the study of Wang Yangming's thought and the development of psychology.

The "Unity of Knowledge and Action" is the core of Wang Yangming's mental science, recording many stories, from official stories, or folk interesting but thought-provoking stories, we learn the wisdom of living in the world.

When the heart is impetuous, when encountering difficulties, no matter when, reading Wang Yangming, it is natural to be able to go to a higher level!

Wang Yangming has a poem: "Everyone has their own fixed needle, and the root of wanhua is always in the heart." But he laughed before and saw it upside down, and the branches and leaves looked out. "The modern man who is on the run in Vanity Fair and floats with the world is the time to find his own setter.

In these two books, you can see Wang Yangming, who cut through thorns in the official arena, and you can also see Wang Yangming, who is brave and resourceful in the battlefield, and you can learn the most brilliant wisdom in his life!

I bought two sets, one set to read when I am idle, purify the soul, one set as a gift to a friend, for people who like history and culture, Wang Yangming is a must-read!

Wang Yangming's ideas have captivated Countless Chinese and foreign celebrities such as Zhang Juzheng, Zeng Guofan, Liang Qichao, Zhang Taiyan, and Xixiang Takamori, Inamori Kazuo, and so on. Harvard University professor Tu Weiming said: "The 21st century will be Wang Yangming's century!" ”

Reading Wang Yangming earlier in life will take a detour less!

Truly intelligent people rarely reveal their "3" things to people, and ordinary people generally don't care

Truly intelligent people rarely reveal these 3 things to people, and ordinary people generally do not care

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