
Cai Wenji: The daughter of the Thin Life Sand Dust Historian, eighteen beats press wenjun

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Cai Wenji: The daughter of the Thin Life Sand Dust Historian, eighteen beats press wenjun

Author: Dai Ke, Source: Tang Poetry song poetry ancient poems (ID: tsgsc8)

In 1979, the International Astronomical Union named 310 Mercury craters. Among them, 15 Chinese artists are named Mercury. Among the outstanding female representatives, in addition to Li Qingzhao, a resident of Yi'an, there was also Cai Yan, the daughter of Cai Yong of the Eastern Han Dynasty, that is, Cai Wenji.

Mention cai wenji's name, I believe that every Chinese will not be unfamiliar. The Qing dynasty critic Zhang Yugu wrote a poem saying:

Wen Jicai wanted to suppress Wen Jun, and she was sad and indignant.

Old Du Gu Zong Cao seven steps, do incense can also and skirt.

Cai Wenji's poetry was studied by Lao Du and others, which is easy to understand, after all, any great predecessor, his works have remarkable points. But when it comes to suppressing Wenjun, I think the main reason is that Wenjun's social influence is not as good as the latter.

Wen Jun was originally the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and her status was actually not high. Cai Yan is the only daughter of the university scholar and great musician Cai Yong, and because of the strong praise of Cao Cao and others, her fame is naturally greater than that of Wenjun.

Cai Wenji married three husbands in her lifetime, and when it comes to talent and style, none of them can be compared with Sima Xiang. It can be seen that she is a real person with a short life. There is no love, in a chaotic world, the family is separated, can only go with the flow, but in the end with a song "Hu Di Eighteen Beats", overwhelmed the head of the crowd. Such a Cai Wenji, what reason do we have not to like it?

Cai Wenji: The daughter of the Thin Life Sand Dust Historian, eighteen beats press wenjun

Family education is important

Now parents are most concerned about their children's learning problems. As a teacher, I have done my best to teach every student well. But I have to admit that family education is indeed more important.

Parents may not spend much time educating their children now, but this in itself is a matter of turning into invisible. Believe it or not, see how the great writer Cai Yong educated his daughter more than 1,800 years ago.

As soon as Cai Wenji was born, her father was relegated to the outside world. Later, fearing persecution by courtiers, he lived in seclusion in Wudi for twelve years. When he was young, he studied music with Hu Guang and was determined to revise history. Now that I have such an opportunity, I write articles while teaching my daughter. He had been practicing hard in the mountains for several years, and he saw craftsmen paint the walls with white white, so he realized the "flying white body", and the calligraphy was accomplished. Xiao Wenji followed her father all day to learn calligraphy and cursive writing.

And when it comes to his other skill, it's music, of course. Cai Yong is not only superb in piano skills, but also very well-known in tone. You can discover the famous piano jiaowei from a burst of "crackling", and you can detect the owner's state of mind before entering the guest door. And even those who have such a talent have to go through learning. Cai Yong began to train Wen Ji in judging timbre, that is, listening to this link.

At that time, Wen Ji was nine years old, and her father played the piano outside the window at night, and suddenly a string broke. Wen Ji said in the room, "It is the second root that is broken." So he ran to send it to his father. Cai Yong said, "You just said it by accident." Then he deliberately broke another one, and Wen Ji replied, "It's the fourth one!" "This time it didn't come out.

Cai Yong laughed, and Fang knew that his daughter had indeed inherited his talent in sound. Not only do I know which string is broken, but I also know that he did it on purpose, so I don't gamble on it.

Music and calligraphy have been taught, and the next step is the article. I have to say that this father's skills are too comprehensive. Wen Ji recited many of her father's articles and decided to carry out the idol worship to the end.

Cai Wenji: The daughter of the Thin Life Sand Dust Historian, eighteen beats press wenjun

A thin-lived woman in marriage

Cai Wenji married three husbands in her lifetime. The first husband was Hedong Wei Zhongdao, and perhaps Cai Yong was also more satisfied with this son-in-law. But in less than a year, this white-faced student who could only chant poetry was sick and whimpering. Cai Wenji was only seventeen years old at this time, and her experience with Zhuo Wenjun was so similar. But next, what awaited her was not Sima Xiangru, but living far away in Northern Shuo.

In the second year of Xingping (195 AD), Dong Zhuo and others committed rebellion, opening up the chaotic situation of the Three Kingdoms. The Southern Xiongnu, who were eyeing the tigers in the north, took the opportunity to plunder. Cai Yan was taken captive to the steppe during the xiongnu rebellion. Twelve years of exile began. After arriving in the Xiongnu, Cai Wenji became the concubine of King Zuoxian and was forced to bear him two children. And some people in later generations actually called this love. This is not only confusing, but also disappointing Wen Ji's heart.

Unlike Wang Zhaojun, Cai Wenji was unpredictably involved in the vortex of this war. The so-called "Han En is shallow and deep, and life is happy in knowing each other", but it is very inappropriate here for Cai Wenji. If you don't believe me, please read her "Eighteen Beats of Hu Di".

"Rong Xian forced me to be a family member of the chamber, and sent me to the end of the world", "The Yue Han Kingdom entered HuCheng, and it was better to lose my life than to have no life". Where can I see the ode to love? What she has is just "day and night, I don't think about my homeland, and I am the most bitter." Cai Yong could not have imagined that the daughter he regarded as his successor would have such a tragic fate.

When it comes to Cai Yong's old age, it is also extremely desolate. Because he was persecuted by Dong Zhuo, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility and served as an official for several years. After Dong Zhuo was killed, Cai Yong sighed at the celebration banquet, but Wang Yun was regarded as dissatisfied and was thrown into prison. Sima Jiao, the grand lieutenant, said: "Bo Zhao is a prodigy of the world, and we should leave him behind and let him complete the heavy task of writing history." Wang Yun said, "In the past, Emperor Wu did not kill Sima Qian, so he was asked to write a book of slander, so how can we repeat the mistakes of the past?" ”

Wang Yun really did not understand the importance of history, so a generation of scholars Cai Yong could only die tragically in prison. Zheng Xuan heard this and sighed: "The affairs of the Han Dynasty, who will test it?" "Don't worry, there must be someone in Kao Ding, but he is already a fan of his later dynasty."

Cai Wenji: The daughter of the Thin Life Sand Dust Historian, eighteen beats press wenjun

Affection is an attitude

In the eleventh year of Jian'an (207 AD), Cao Cao, a great scholar, suddenly remembered his friendship with Cai Yong, considering that Cai Yong had no sons, only one daughter. Meng De then used a thousand gold and a pair of white walls to send people to the Xiongnu to redeem Cai Wenji.

Once, when I read this history, I also thought that if Cai Yong had a son in the Central Plains whose talent was equal to that of his daughter, he might not spend money to redeem it. But history does not assume that Cao Cao will do this in order to show the world his gravity and righteousness, and attract all four parties to vote.

After returning to the Central Plains, Cao Cao did not take her for himself, but instead married her to Dong Qi, the governor of Tuntian under his account. Dong Qiben was an obscure person, but because of this wife, he left his name in the long river of history. We should really be grateful for Cao Gong's kindness. But he committed a felony and was to be put to death.

At that time, the snow was falling, meng de was feasting and drinking with the guests, and on a whim, he said: "Cai Yong's daughter is outside, do you want to see it?" ”

Everyone has always admired Cai Yong's talent, and since they have the opportunity today, they naturally want to meet this character who has been exchanged for thousands of gold to see what is strange. Only to see Wen Ji walk in with her head covered and barefoot, she fell to her knees on the ground. Everyone knew that she was interceding for her husband, and could not help but be moved. Only Meng De pretended to be vain: "The document has been sent down, and it cannot be returned." Wen Ji then said that there were thousands of good colts in the stables of the prime minister, and tens of thousands of warriors under the tent, so why should he be stingy about riding to save this dying life! Cao Cao thanked her for her words and deeds, spared Dong Qi's death penalty, and gave her a turban and shoes and socks.

Meng De asked again: "I heard that you have a lot of ancient books in your house, can you send me some?" Wen Ji replied, "In order to escape the chaos of the war, my father gave some books to Wang Cang. Only four thousand volumes were left for me, and they were lost. However, I can still remember about four hundred in my mind. Cao Cao then provided a pen and paper, and Wen Ji, with her amazing memory, wrote it down word for word and gave it to Xiang Xiang.

Since then, Wen Ji and her husband have lived a simple and happy life. Because I missed the children on the grassland too much, I lamented that the things after I returned were human, and the times changed, and I wrote two "Poems of Sorrow and Indignation". One of them has a passage that says:

There are guests from outside, and they are often happy to hear.

Greeting his news, he was not in the township.

When you meet, you will meet yourself.

He shall be freed from self-righteousness, and shall forsake his son.

Heaven is filled with hearts, and there is no other meeting date.

Survival is eternally separated, and it is not easy to reconcile with it.

He hugged me by the neck and asked my mother what she wanted.

When the mother is gone, will there be a time for return.

Amu is always merciful, and now he is even more unkind.

I'm not an adult yet, so I don't care.

Seeing this collapse within five, trance is crazy.

The trumpet sobbed and caressed, when the question was repeated.

There are both contemporaries, sending each other goodbye.

I am alone, and the cries are broken.

The horse is standing, the car is not turning.

The spectators sighed and whimpered as they walked.

Go and cut love, march day by day.

Three thousand miles, when to resume the meeting.

Thinking of me out of my belly, my chest is destroyed.

Having already suffered a lot, he could finally return to his homeland. But separate from the child. "Amu is always merciful, and now he is even more unkind." I'm not an adult yet, so I don't care. Such a simple and soul-piercing question, not only Wen Ji, even those of us who have never met before, can't help but be moved. Perhaps as a child of a single-parent family, I have some deep understanding of this.

Cai Wenji: The daughter of the Thin Life Sand Dust Historian, eighteen beats press wenjun

When Wen Ji heard the child's questioning, her internal organs seemed to crack. In this hesitation, he hesitated to leave. Three thousand miles, if you say that you meet again, it is already impossible. The so-called birth and separation, that is, death and death. In general, an affectionate person like her will never be treated gently by life.

Later, when Fan Ye wrote the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, he commented that Cai Wenji "had traces of end-of-the-road exercises and was leisurely and tolerant." Ou Ming wind cracked, Zhao I guan Tong." Fan Ye is not only talented, but also proficient in musical rhythms, and is also a character like Cai Yong. Prior to this, there were already more than ten families repairing the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but as soon as Fan Ye's book came out, it became a correct history, and other works were gradually buried.

Fan Ye is also a person with delicate emotions. In the biography of The Daughters of Lie, whether it is the wife of the sheep, or the daughter of Mu Jiang, Cao E, and Ma Rong, but because of the incident. For Wen Ji, her two poems were preserved intact. However, I am afraid that the torrent of history will wash away this wonderful women's work. Knowing that she was like this, Cai Wenji had a soul, and probably felt a little lucky.


Kong Yao. Pen name Daiko. Love life, love literature, love poetry. A pure and simple literary and artistic youth; a red fan who is difficult to extricate himself; an ethereal ancient poetry writer!

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