
The enemy who made Guo Degang hate it to the bone was not Jiang Kunhou Yaohua, but he was ugly and changeable

author:Optimistic positive energy universe

In the crosstalk circle, the contradiction between Jiang Kun and Hou Yaohua, two old artists, and the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang has caused extensive discussion. They have always strongly opposed the so-called "three secular" crosstalk, and this attitude is also expressed in their treatment of Guo Degang. But behind these controversies, there are some incomprehensible emotions.

Perhaps, Jiang Kun and Hou Yaohua have special feelings for Guo Degang, an emotion that seems to be "hated to the bone". As soon as Guo Degang makes any small mistake, no matter how insignificant, they will target and blame. However, what really made Guo Degang feel "hateful" was not them, but a comedian named Ma Chunran.

The enemy who made Guo Degang hate it to the bone was not Jiang Kunhou Yaohua, but he was ugly and changeable

Different people have different views on this incident. Some viewers supported Jiang Kun and Hou Yaohua's opposition, believing that they were defending the purity of traditional crosstalk and resisting the corrosion of art by "three secular" crosstalk. But others believe that Jiang Kun and Hou Yaohua's attitude towards Guo Degang is too fierce and even hostile. Some people deeply dislike Ma Chunran's behavior, thinking that he has completely abandoned the bottom line of morality.

In the field of art, controversy and contradiction are commonplace. Everyone has their own aesthetics and concepts, and crosstalk, as an art form, is also full of diversity and inclusiveness. Whether for or against, we should respect everyone's views and opinions.

The enemy who made Guo Degang hate it to the bone was not Jiang Kunhou Yaohua, but he was ugly and changeable

The most important thing is that crosstalk, as a traditional art form, needs to inject fresh blood at all times, constantly innovate, and keep pace with the times. It is hoped that every crosstalk actor can dedicate more outstanding works to the audience with noble moral character and excellent performance talent, and contribute their own strength to the inheritance and development of crosstalk art.


The controversies and contradictions in the crosstalk circle remind us of some important truths. First of all, art is subjective and everyone has different preferences and philosophies. This diversity should be respected and not overly criticized or attacked. Second, disputes should be handled in a mature and rational way, not through hatred and hostility to express grievances. Finally, traditional art forms need to evolve with the times, remain innovative and dynamic in order to appeal to a new generation of audiences, while preserving and developing this cultural heritage.

The enemy who made Guo Degang hate it to the bone was not Jiang Kunhou Yaohua, but he was ugly and changeable

Controversy and contradictions in crosstalk circles reflect diversity and inclusion in the art world. Jiang Kun and Hou Yaohua's attitude towards "three secular" crosstalk suggests that they are trying to maintain the purity of traditional crosstalk, but some believe that their attacks are too fierce. Ma Chunran's misconduct sparked widespread condemnation, showing that ethics and literacy are equally important in the art world.

In the end, we hope that all comedians can handle the controversy in a mature and sensible way, bringing more joy and resonance to the audience. As a traditional art form, crosstalk needs to maintain its innovation and vitality at all times to continue to attract audiences and contribute to the inheritance and development of art. Whether for or against, respecting everyone's views and opinions is a principle we should uphold.

The enemy who made Guo Degang hate it to the bone was not Jiang Kunhou Yaohua, but he was ugly and changeable

However, disputes need to be resolved in a mature and sane manner, not through hatred and attacks. Excessive criticism and malicious rhetoric will only lead to more contradictions rather than constructive effects. The art world needs more constructive dialogue to facilitate the resolution of disputes and the advancement of the arts.

Above all, crosstalk as a traditional art form needs to remain innovative and dynamic. Art should not be bound to the past, but should constantly adapt to the changing times, attract new audiences and continue traditions. This requires comedians to show noble character and outstanding talent in performance and creation, and bring more excellent works to the audience.

The enemy who made Guo Degang hate it to the bone was not Jiang Kunhou Yaohua, but he was ugly and changeable

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