
The "big tiger" of police number 00001 amassed 550 million yuan, and more details were exposed.

author:Life is hot

It really subverts the imagination of the broad masses of the people, and Wang Dawei, former director of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department of the "big tiger", illegally amassed a wealth of up to 550 million yuan.

The "big tiger" of police number 00001 amassed 550 million yuan, and more details were exposed.

On October 19, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, held a public hearing in the first instance of Wang Dawei, former vice governor of the Liaoning Provincial People's Government and former director of the provincial public security department, for accepting bribes.

Who is this 000001 siren Wang Dawei? Let's take a look at Wang Dawei's promotion path: paving the way with high education.

The "big tiger" of police number 00001 amassed 550 million yuan, and more details were exposed.

1983.09-1987.07 Forest Harvesting and Transportation Engineering, Northeast Forestry University

1987.07-1990.07 Graduate student of Forest Harvesting and Transportation Engineering, Northeast Forestry University

1990.07-1992.01 Cadre of Forest Engineering Project Department, State Forestry Investment Corporation

1992.01-1992.12 Cadre and Assistant Engineer of the Secretariat Bureau of the Economic and Trade Office of the State Council

1992.12-1994.05 Chief Clerk, Economic and Trade Office of the State Council

1994.05-1997.10 Deputy Secretary of the General Office of the State Economic and Trade Commission

1997.10-1998.09 Secretary of the General Office of the State Economic and Trade Commission

1998.09-1998.12 Deputy Director of Marketing Department of China Unicom

1998.12-1999.02 Staff of China Development Research Foundation

1999.02-2001.03 Deputy Secretary-General of China Development Research Foundation

2001.03-2003.06 Deputy Secretary-General of China Development Research Foundation (Director General) (2001.6-2003.6 Deputy Mayor of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province)

2003.06-2007.01 Vice Mayor of Harbin Municipal Government, Heilongjiang Province

(2000.09-2005.12 Obtained a doctorate degree in management from the School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, majoring in technical economics and management)

2007.01-2009.08 Member of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Harbin Municipal Committee, Heilongjiang Province

2009.08—2013.03 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department

2013.03—2013.04 Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department

2013.04—2017.02 Member of the Party Leading Group of Liaoning Provincial Government, Assistant to the Governor, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department[1]

2017.02—2018.01 Vice Governor of Liaoning Provincial People's Government, Member of the Party Group, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and Chief Inspector of the Provincial Public Security Department (concurrently)[7]

2018.01—2022 Vice Governor of Liaoning Provincial People's Government, Member of the Party Group, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department.

The wealth was as high as 550 million, and the means were varied

From 2008 to 2022, Wang Dawei took advantage of his positions as a member of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department, etc., to facilitate the abuse of power for personal gain and wanton wealth. Power, which was supposed to benefit the people, became a tool for him to accumulate wealth. While standing at the venue to call on officials in the province to fight corruption and promote clean government, on the other hand, he slapped himself in the face and indulged in greed.

(1) Provide assistance to illegal businessmen Liaoning Zhongwang Group Co., Ltd., Liaoning Hongyun Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., Meng Bing and other units and individuals in matters such as enterprise operation, case handling, job promotion, adjustment, etc., and accept bribes and money. He used his power to collude with some unscrupulous businessmen to trade money. These businessmen are responsible for paying for his extravagant life, and he is responsible for using his power to "open the back door" to these people.

The "big tiger" of police number 00001 amassed 550 million yuan, and more details were exposed.

(2) Wang Dawei "recognizes money but not people", breaking the due principles and methods of doing things, and money has become the standard for measuring everything, openly selling officials. It also provided Wang Dawei with a shortcut to "get rich". He began to openly put a clear price on some official positions, and the highest price was obtained.

The "big tiger" of police number 00001 amassed 550 million yuan, and more details were exposed.

(3) After having money power, Wang Dawei began to indulge in women. At first, the unscrupulous businessman often sent him beautiful women for personal gain. Access to various high-end wind and moon places. He began to use his identity to frequently find some young and beautiful women, satisfy his desires, and immerse himself in the sound of dogs and horses. Let Wang Dawei completely lose the bottom line of being a man, and begin to act recklessly, destroying the balance of the entire political environment. Both money and beauty are tools to satisfy his growing desires.

The "big tiger" of police number 00001 amassed 550 million yuan, and more details were exposed.

(4) Wang Dawei deceived the organization, refused to divorce his original wife, found one of his lovers, and handled a fake marriage with him. In order to confuse the higher organization, but also to maintain their existing rights and status. He transferred a large amount of his property.

The development of a place, first of all, is the rule of law environment and government service attitude, many years ago, there was investment but not Shanhaiguan, and even today, there is a saying that investment cannot be invested in the Yellow River, water and soil problems or conceptual problems?

Many acts of unrighteousness will kill themselves, and Wang Dawei will suffer the consequences of his own evil. There is an old saying that "it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes when you are not the master of the people", but today's people often forget the duty of being an official. It is suggested that the anti-corruption efforts be intensified, leaving no blind spots, resolutely rectifying the entire political and legal system in Liaoning, and returning the people of Liaoning to the rest of their work.

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