
Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

author:Captain Wonder Man
Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

A few days ago, I was deeply moved by a piece of news.

In Fenyi, Jiangxi, a 37-year-old police officer died in the line of duty.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

At his memorial service, the Xinyu Public Security Bureau posthumously awarded him the title of second-class hero model of the national public security system, and sealed the police number he used before his death.

At the ceremony, the police salute pacesetter solemnly put the police 052339 into the sealing box.

The woman on the side was holding a red certificate symbolizing honor in her hand, and her expression was sad and weeping.

Next to her stood two young children, with a few lines of tears on their faces.

The policeman who died was their father, named He Zhe.

On September 10, 2023, He Zhe collapsed due to overwork at work and never woke up after a heart attack.

Faced with the fact that their father was gone, the children couldn't help but sob, "Dad won the meritorious award, but he has left us forever." ”

Don't talk about children, outsiders are worried when they hear this kind of thing!

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

And at the bottom of this news comment area, everyone in addition to remembering and paying tribute to this hero.

More often than not, asking "What does the siren seal mean?", this comment has nearly 1,000 likes.

In fact, the police number is equivalent to the ID card of every police officer.

When a police officer dies in the line of duty, his police number is permanently sealed.

And there is only one way to unseal, which is to wait for his bloodline descendants to inherit it.

This siren can be restarted again.

Sealing means sacrifice, and restarting means inheritance.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Behind every sealed siren, there are many untold stories.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

There was a siren and it was sealed twice.

The story behind it is embarrassing.

In the early morning of September 1, 1994, in a small border town in Yunnan, a big drama of police and bandits fighting each other was being staged.

The protagonist is none other than the anti-narcotics policeman Zhang Congshun and his comrades-in-arms.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

They had just received a tip-off and were squatting in advance to ambush a group of armed drug traffickers who were colluding at home and abroad.

The arrest process went smoothly, and the criminals were caught off guard and were quickly wiped out.

Just as Zhang Congshun and his comrades were about to breathe a sigh of relief, the frenzied drug dealer detonated a grenade.

When Zhang Congshun woke up, what he saw were his comrades lying in a pool of blood and his left calf that was blown up to a bloody pulp.

finally waited for reinforcements, but Zhang Congshun endured the severe pain twice and sent his comrades away first.

He said that he could hold on for a while, and the seriously injured comrades-in-arms mattered!

But he didn't notice that his left calf was bleeding until his entire body began to freeze.

I seemed to hear heart-rending cries in my ears: "Director, Director, wake up, don't sleep..."

In 2012, the siren 013262 sealed.

The result of this police and bandit fight was tragic, with 3 dead and 3 seriously injured.

It was also on that day that the county held a memorial meeting for them. The streets were full of people who came spontaneously to see them off.

In the crowd, Zhang Congshun's wife and three children cried heartbreakingly.

The 10-year-old son Zhang Ziquan cried and trembled, and said intermittently to the camera, "As soon as I saw the photo of my father... I just want to cry..."

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

When he grew up, Zhang Ziquan chose to inherit his father's siren.


However, when everyone saw Zhang Ziquan's figure again, it was in another form.

He appears in the same frame as his father.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Seeing the black and white photos of the father and son, people reacted in hindsight.

The little boy who had cried at his father's funeral was also killed.

He still chose to become an anti-narcotics policeman like his father.

His comrades-in-arms said that Ziquan's handling of cases was of high quality and he worked hard.

What dirty work, tiring work, dangerous work, is always on the front line.

Just because he said he was the son of a martyr.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Later, because he worked too hard to handle the case, he worked continuously and intensively, and he fell to the ground with a "bang" and never got up again.

And Zhang Ziquan's 5-year-old daughter thought that her father was still on a business trip, and kept sending WeChat voices: "Dad, why are you on such a long business trip this time......"

On the screen 27 years ago, 10-year-old Zhang Ziquan also cried to find his father.

So far, in 2023, the siren 013262 permanently sealed.

At the memorial service, Zhang Ziquan's mother Peng Taizhen did not shed a single tear.

Maybe the grief is too heavy to cry.

It's just that when she was about to leave, with the support of others, she twisted her head and looked at her son's portrait tightly.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

At this moment, the silent pain of a mother is more shocking than any accusation.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Behind these sealed sirens, there are too many heartbroken mothers.

In Hangzhou, a post-90s traffic policeman died in the line of duty, and his mother silently came to her son's unit, sitting on the side of the flower bed downstairs and not daring to go upstairs.

The young traffic policeman's name is Chen Wei, and he is the only son in the family.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

His death shook a city.

On August 12, 2016, the temperature was nearly 40 degrees Celsius, and there was a figure running wildly on the road in this suffocating heat wave.

The man shouted, "Don't run, kid, danger, don't move!" and he quickly caught up and grabbed the little boy who was running in the lane.

There is no doubt that he is saving a family.

Later, this scene was repeated 6 years later, and it was still the desperate figure on the road.

After 400 meters of wild running, he finally stopped the accident escapee.

Xinhuanet once put together his two videos of different years to frame Chen Wei's reverence for life.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

In addition, he also used his leisure time after work to start a column "Chen Wei Says Traffic".

The video is very down-to-earth, everyone likes and forwards it one after another, and the highest number of views of a single video is as high as 60,000.

But some people don't understand this.

If you don't enjoy life after work, you have to worry so much, what are you going to do?

But because of Chen Wei's love and worry, a traffic light was installed in front of the entrance of a primary school in the county.

Principal Zhang Minghui said with emotion that this young man took the trouble to report upward and coordinate the installation of traffic lights.

If it had been someone else, this matter would have been forgotten a long time ago!

For Chen Wei's love and worry, his colleagues also have a deep understanding.

Once, when he went out on duty, when he came back, he carried a bucket of glutinous rice and invited everyone to eat it very enthusiastically.

When I asked, I learned that he had investigated and punished an aunt who was driving a tricycle illegally.

My aunt's family was in difficulty, her car was impounded, and she couldn't sell more than 200 servings of glutinous rice that she had worked so hard to make.

After hearing this, Chen Wei paid out of his own pocket to cover all the buckets of glutinous rice.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Another time, he met an uncle who rode a tricycle illegally and led people.

The uncle said that his wife had suffered a stroke and had been bedridden for a long time, and he wanted her to see the changes in the town. So he took a hemp rope and tied her to himself, and rode like this to see the scenery.

Chen Wei was worried and unbearable, so he insisted on following the two old men for more than 30 minutes until he returned home safely.

It is said that he also called the master at that time and asked the master if he was doing it right?

There are many other worries like this, and all of them have turned into the mouths of colleagues who say "he is always like this..."

He's always so good.

It's so good that everyone wants to see this person live to a long life and all the best...

But his life was unusually short.

In the early morning of November 9, 2022, Chen Wei died of a sudden illness in the line of duty while working.

The siren 116866 was also permanently sealed.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

What a reason for this!

He was only 30 years old, and his story as a police officer could have been long.

Obviously, his family is well-off, he has just been married for less than a year, and his daughter has only been born recently.

He is working so hard, what is he trying to do?

Perhaps the answer lies in a video he once made.

It was a commemorative video of his 30th birthday, titled "Thirty years old, but my youth still goes on." ”

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

And at the end of the video, there is only a police hat with the caption "But I am still the same teenager I used to be." ”

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to be worthy of the police uniform he was wearing.

Navy blue is the hottest page in Chen Wei's youth, and he is still a teenager after returning from the police.

Now the column "Chen Wei Says Traffic" is still being updated, and his job card is hung with "on duty".

Chen Wei's story is not over yet, and the thirty-year-old youth continues...

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Can you imagine that the public security contingent is the contingent that has sacrificed the most and contributed the most in peacetime?

According to official statistics:

From 2023 to January this year, in just one year, the number of police and auxiliary police officers on the mainland who died in the line of duty was 417. The number of police officers and auxiliary police officers injured in the line of duty also reached 7,876.

The number of sirens sealed in the box is also increasing.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

Behind every string of numbers, there was a life as alive as ours.

I once saw a group portrait of the police posted by the People's Daily, and under the picture are the words they often talked about before their deaths.

It seems that it has long been a matter of fact.

49-year-old Zhao Zhilong said, "Your mother and I are on duty on New Year's Day, and you should read hard at school." ”

38-year-old Hu Youming said, "I'm sorry, there is an urgent matter in the bureau, I have to go quickly!"

Liu Guibin, 49, said, "It's dangerous here, please leave as soon as possible!"

38-year-old Xu Yuandong said, "To do grassroots work, you must make friends with the people." ”

Whose fathers, sons, and husbands are they?

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

There is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying the weight for us.

reminds me of such a passage in "Once Upon a Time in the Nehe River".

They also have flowers, but they always wither;

They also have medals, but they will always rust if they don't wipe them;

Maybe they've had a lot of coverage, but time will sink their names into the depths of the search bar.

Without their burdens, how could we have a quiet life now?

So for those ordinary heroes, it's not enough to pay tribute.

Tears burst into tears in a second! Behind the sealing of the siren, there are so many secrets

We have to remember their names.

We need to remember what they did for us.

They are alive for as long as we remember.

I am fortunate because I have the protection of the kings;

The reason why I am unfortunate is that I have only come to know you today.

The author of this article | Data cable

Editor-in-Charge | Faint emerald

Curated | Faint emerald