
Afghanistan is really tough: it took only 20 years to break the "internal cycle" of the United States

author:o Moonlit engraving

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When talking about America's war in Afghanistan, we must start with the context of the war. The war began with the events of 9/11 in 2001 as the nominal war on terror. However, the real motives for this war are often deeply embedded in politics and interests. America's strength is built on the three pillars of finance, military, and technology, which are interdependent and mutually supportive of the United States' global position.

The United States has always used military force to maintain its position, often flexing muscles, threatening other countries, and not hesitating to use military force, such as provoking many wars in the Middle East. This strong internal circulation system has allowed the United States to maintain its global dominance, continuously absorbing funds for military and scientific research and development.

Afghanistan is really tough: it took only 20 years to break the "internal cycle" of the United States

A notable example is the war in the Middle East, where by supporting Israel, the United States provoked tensions in the Middle East, leading to a sharp rise in oil prices. This further strengthens the position of the dollar, as oil transactions are usually settled in dollars. The United States uses war and tension to consolidate its economic and political position.

Afghanistan has also played an important role in this strategy. Its unique geographical location, in the heart of Eurasia, has become a strategic location. Controlling Afghanistan means threatening neighbors, such as Iran, to protect U.S. interests. Thus, the United States demonstrated its military might in Afghanistan in an attempt to consolidate its regional hegemony.

Afghanistan is really tough: it took only 20 years to break the "internal cycle" of the United States

However, the geographical and social conditions of Afghanistan made the war extremely difficult. Afghanistan's complex terrain, numerous mountains, urban and rural intertwined, provide ideal conditions for guerrilla warfare. The Taliban are good at learning the concept of guerrilla warfare, and their spiritual cohesion far exceeds the technological superiority of the United States.

The United States drove the Taliban from the cities to the countryside and mountains, which was a strategic mistake. The scattered Taliban ranks, which are more difficult to defeat, are able to maneuver and constantly launch attacks, leaving the U.S. military in a difficult position. Afghanistan's terrain also makes it impossible for the United States to invest in traditional army equipment on a large scale, and it is difficult to capture cities and mountains.

Afghanistan is really tough: it took only 20 years to break the "internal cycle" of the United States

In addition, the Taliban have a broad popular base, they are religious Muslims, mingling with the local population. This made it impossible for the American people's war to achieve substantial victory. But U.S. military chaebols and interest groups have always wanted to keep the war going, because it brings huge military spending and kickbacks.

In the end, the war resulted in countless casualties among innocent children and civilians. They cannot choose their own country, but they unfortunately live in the midst of war. This makes one wonder that the descendants of the American bourgeoisie enjoy a quality life, but this life is exchanged for bringing disaster and bloodshed to the world.

The decline of the United States also reminds us that the international community will not forget evil, and that one day those countries that have invaded and gone to war will face the judgment of history. This is also a warning, not a failure to report, the time has not come. What we look forward to is a more peaceful and just world.


The above provides a detailed analysis of the causes and failures of the United States in the war in Afghanistan, as well as its impact on Afghan children and the international community. In this neutral analysis, we can draw some revelations and truths.


The real causes of war are often complex: the war in Afghanistan was initially proclaimed to be a counterterrorism operation, but in reality, there were more complex political and economic motives behind the war. This reminds us to look at the interests and motivations behind international conflicts.

The Power of Culture and Belief: The Taliban regime's spiritual cohesion in Afghanistan is strong, in part based on religious beliefs. This shows how culture and beliefs can play a key role in conflict, both positive and negative.

The importance of terrain and guerrilla tactics: The topography of Afghanistan makes guerrilla tactics particularly effective here. This suggests the importance of geographical conditions and tactical choices in military conflicts.

People's support: The Taliban have a certain level of popular support, which makes it difficult for the U.S. military to move in Afghanistan. This underscores the role of people in conflict and the importance of enlisting popular support for success.

Internal factors of war: Internal interest groups such as military chaebols in the United States have a certain influence on the continuation of the war, which may lead to the continuous escalation of the war. This is a case of reflection on how decision-makers weigh internal and external factors.

Impact of globalization: The war in Afghanistan has had far-reaching consequences for the international community, including oil price volatility. This reminds us of the complexity of international conflicts and how instability in one region spills over into others.


In the war in Afghanistan, the United States, in the name of counterterrorism operations, fell into a long-term quagmire. The reasons for the defeat of this war include a combination of political motives, culture, geography, tactics, popular support, and internal interests. The war in Afghanistan is not only a case of military strategy, but also reveals how international conflicts are influenced by multiple factors. For the future, we should carefully weigh the costs and effects of conflict to avoid similar failures. At the same time, it is a warning that crimes and barbarism will eventually face trial by the international community, emphasizing the importance of international order and morality. On the judgment bench of history, powerful States cannot escape responsibility for their actions.

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