
She is a professional mother and Ni Ping, and she does not accept advertising endorsements in her life

author:Dreaming or dreaming

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Chi Peng, this unassuming actor, won the love of the audience with his deeply rooted performance. Her name may not be common, but her acting skills are unforgettable.

In the TV series "Yimeng", she played her mother Yu Baozhen, a character full of hatred, love and selfless devotion. The audience was deeply moved by her performance, and the drama won many awards, and Chi Peng was nominated for the Flying Sky Award.

However, although many people complained about her performance, believing that her acting skills were better than other award-winning actors, Chi Peng faced it indifferently. She believes that fame is a bondage, and once fame is achieved, an actor's performance in the role may be limited. She prefers to remain obscure and focus on shaping the character.

She is a professional mother and Ni Ping, and she does not accept advertising endorsements in her life

Despite not winning the award, her family is still proud of her. Her mother expressed her pride in her by bringing flowers and a sumptuous dinner when she got home. Even the old actor Du Yuan expressed his respect for her, calling her his spiritual idol and professional idol.

Chi Peng's acting success is no accident. She was admitted to the Shandong Repertory Theater at an early age and became a colleague and friend with Ni Ping. Her solid studies and thoughtful personality quickly made her an outstanding actor. She is willing to make changes for the role, not only in appearance, but also in acting. No matter what role she plays, she can bring it to life.

She is a professional mother and Ni Ping, and she does not accept advertising endorsements in her life

Although she was already in an older role in her 20s, she was unobtrusive and quickly became a mainstay of the team. Her outstanding performance in the movie "Red Leaves, Over the Mountain" won her the award for Best Supporting Actress. This excellent acting skill attracted the attention of Xi'an Film Studio and won her more film opportunities.

However, despite her excellent acting skills, she fell into pain at one point. She found herself playing supporting roles such as "mother" and "aunt" frequently, and rarely had the opportunity to play the heroine. This made her doubtful, and she began to wonder if her acting skills were not good enough. But her mother's encouragement made her let go of her heart, and she understood that playing "mother" can also achieve extraordinary things, as long as she has real skills.

She is a professional mother and Ni Ping, and she does not accept advertising endorsements in her life

Over time, Chi Peng continued to accumulate rich acting experience. She has starred in a series of popular TV series such as "Wenzhou Family", "An Home" and "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes". She not only goes deep into the characters, but also handles the details to make the audience feel intimate. Her acting skills have earned her more praise.

However, although capital saw her business potential, Chi Peng was reluctant to accept business activities. She refused to give interviews and advertising endorsements, preferring to be an actress quietly and focus on the creation of the character. Although her decision affected her popularity and resources, she stayed true to her original intention, believing that the charm of the character itself was enough to attract the audience.

She is a professional mother and Ni Ping, and she does not accept advertising endorsements in her life

Chi Peng's low-key and focused have allowed her to maintain a long-term acting career. She is not only loved by the audience, but also respected by her peers. Her perseverance and pursuit of art is an example that each of us can follow. May Chi Peng continue to bring us more excellent works.

Inspiration from the article:

Chi Peng is a highly respected actress whose career and personality convey some important takeaways:

Humility and persistence: Although Chi Peng is not famous, she never measures her success by her fame. Her low-key and persistence prove that an actor can achieve a long career through acting skills and persistence.

The importance of characterization: Chi Peng firmly believes that the role of an actor is to provide life for the character, not for himself. She is willing to change herself for the role, and this attitude of focusing on the role makes her performance even better.

She is a professional mother and Ni Ping, and she does not accept advertising endorsements in her life

Balance between art and business: Despite the links between show business and business, Chi Peng shows that an actor can choose to remain independent and not be swayed by commercial interests, but still succeed.

Diverse Performances: Her career spans all types of roles, from old mothers to Wenzhou women, and she has demonstrated diverse acting skills, proving that actors should not be limited to specific types of roles.

Focus on art: Chi Peng's love of reading, understanding of acting, and deep thinking about roles all reflect that an actor can improve his acting skills by cultivating his inner qualities.


Chi Peng is a highly respected actress whose acting career is full of persistence, dedication and humility. Although she is not chasing fame, her acting skills and role shaping have made her highly recognized in the entertainment industry. Her decision not to accept interviews and advertising endorsements shows that she values her independence and is not swayed by business. Chi Peng's acting range is wide-ranging, and she has successfully played various types of roles, demonstrating diverse acting skills. Her love of reading and deep thinking about the role make her a deeply charged actor. Chi Peng's career is a model of inspiration for people to persevere in their pursuit of art, humility and focus. I hope she can continue to bring more excellent works to the audience.

Chi Peng's acting career also highlights an independent professional attitude. Her decision not to accept interviews and advertising endorsements shows her commitment to her artistic pursuits. This characteristic is especially precious in today's entertainment industry, because many actors are swayed by commercial interests, strive to maintain their public image, and even post their life on social media to gain more fans and business opportunities. However, Chi Peng chose to focus on her acting skills and roles, and this independent attitude earned her respect and recognition.

Her career has also highlighted the importance of characterization. She is willing to change herself for the needs of the role, whether it is in weight, appearance, or behavior. This dedication gives her performances more depth and realism. Her acting skills show her deep understanding of the characters, and she is able to interpret each role to the fullest, so that the audience can truly feel the inner world of the characters. This characteristic is an important revelation for any actor, and acting is not just about acting, but also about bringing characters to life.

Chi Peng's acting career also highlights the diversity of performances. From a young mother to a strong Wenzhou woman to an ordinary rural mother-in-law, she has shown a wide range of acting skills. This shows that actors should not be limited by specific types of roles, but should dare to challenge a variety of different theatrical themes and roles. Chi Peng's successful portrayal of various types of roles also proves her multi-faceted talent.

Finally, Chi Peng's acting career shows the importance of focusing on art. She is an actor who loves to read and think, and her inner qualities make her acting even better. This point of view reminds us that actors need not only external expressiveness, but also inner cultivation and deep understanding. Through deep thought and careful preparation, actors are able to better understand and present the characters to impress the audience.

Overall, Chi Peng's acting career is a model of persistence, dedication and humility. Her career has emphasized an independent professional attitude, the importance of character building, diverse performance and a focus on the arts. Her success proves that an actor can achieve long-term professional success through true talent and love of art. I hope that Chi Peng's story can inspire more people, especially young actors, to pursue their artistic dreams, persevere, not be influenced by external pressure and interference, and continue to create excellent works.

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