
Zelensky, who was killed and wounded, choked up, and the Ukrainian defense minister said: he has prepared a resignation report

author:Chen Gong's information number is liked

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In this absurd war, we witness a show of vanity. While the dawn of peace looms, hatred continues to spread. Rationality and tolerance become our guide to move forward, and only by opening our hearts and listening to every voice can justice lead us out of difficult situations.

Chernihiv was attacked, lives and property were lost, however, this is just a small episode in this absurd war. Zelensky's attempt to regain international attention through choked videos has failed to change Ukraine's passivity or arouse enthusiasm for Western countries to re-engage.

At the same time, a sniper on the Ukrainian front bluntly said that it is difficult to win if he continues to fight, reflecting the decline of the Ukrainian army. At the macro level, Western countries gradually withdrew their investment and reduced their strength, putting Ukraine on the back burner. NATO officials even advised Ukraine to voluntarily cede territory in exchange for peace. All these signs point to the decline in Ukraine's priority in the minds of the West, as well as the zeal to support it against Russia. The tide is changing.

Zelensky, who was killed and wounded, choked up, and the Ukrainian defense minister said: he has prepared a resignation report

However, Zelensky is still performing vigorously, trying to put the Ukrainian issue on the international stage again through the influence of public opinion and win new aid and support. But the international community is numb to the Ukraine issue, and his rhetoric and performance no longer have a real impact. Great powers value their own overall interests more than Ukraine's casualty figures. Such a performance is just a futile struggle that cannot reverse the passive situation in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian defense minister has prepared to report his resignation, both because of the military defeat and because of the military's fatigue and weariness of continuing to fight. The military only wants to stop the peace, and politicians are still hyping the topic. This disconnect heralds a division within Ukraine, forming a two-tier statement.

Zelensky, who was killed and wounded, choked up, and the Ukrainian defense minister said: he has prepared a resignation report

Behind all this, we also need to put ourselves in Zelensky's shoes. He needs to maintain morale at home, but over-the-top performances do not boost people's hearts, but are seen as political calculations. The early end of the war is the good news that the vast number of Ukrainian people really look forward to. Peace is in keeping with the common aspirations of all peoples.

To sum up, the war has exhausted both sides, and the rational approach is to return to the negotiating table and solve the problem through dialogue. Signals of an armistice between Russia and Ukraine are frequent, and peace is coming. Let us pray together for peace to come and an end to this absurd war.


In the vast river of history, each of us is a small snail. When fate reveals its cruel side, it is easy to be consumed by hatred and despair. However, the seeds of justice always exist in the fertile soil of humanity. We must believe that the light will eventually come.

Zelensky, who was killed and wounded, choked up, and the Ukrainian defense minister said: he has prepared a resignation report

This absurd war is long overdue, and hopes for peace are far away. Let us stop hatred, open our hearts, and listen to all voices; Let's retreat from prejudice, understand every group, and feel every burning heart. The dawn of peace is ahead, with reason and goodwill, and the fog will eventually lift.

We are all children of this land, and there are countless beautiful things waiting for us to create. Believe in the strength of our hearts, and we will finally usher in the day of reunion.


In this seemingly endless war, we see some profound revelations from Zelensky's performance. First, reason and tolerance are qualities we need to maintain in times of turmoil. Hatred and prejudice only worsen the situation, while rational thinking and tolerance are the way to find solutions. Zelensky tried to arouse international attention through emotional speeches, however, it reminded us to remain calm in the face of crises and avoid being driven by anger.

Zelensky, who was killed and wounded, choked up, and the Ukrainian defense minister said: he has prepared a resignation report

Second, for a long conflict, both sides can fall into a state of exhaustion. This is reflected in the statements of Ukrainian front-line snipers, as well as in the prepared resignation reports of the Ukrainian military. This reminds us that prolonged conflicts not only drain forces militarily, but can also cause fatigue at the political and social levels. This requires us to assess the situation and have the courage to seek a peaceful solution, rather than insisting on continuing to fight in vain expectations.

Most importantly, the international community's fatigue and indifference to war. Over time, the global popularity of the Ukraine issue has gradually declined, and the major powers have paid more attention to their own interests than to Ukrainian casualties. This reminds us that in international affairs, over-reliance on external support can lead to disappointment, and that real strength and problem-solving skills should come from internal efforts and cooperation.

Zelensky, who was killed and wounded, choked up, and the Ukrainian defense minister said: he has prepared a resignation report


In this seemingly endless war, Zelensky's performance, although trying to arouse international attention, failed to reverse the passive situation in Ukraine. With the frequent signals of a Russian-Ukrainian truce, we see a cold attitude, Western countries gradually reduce their support, and some even suggest that Ukraine take the initiative to cede territory in exchange for peace. This shows that Ukraine's position in international affairs is declining, and performances and verbal battles can no longer change this trend.

There is also a clear division within Ukraine, with the military tending to stop sums and politicians still trying to gain support through public opinion manipulation. This disconnect not only deepens the domestic dilemma, but also highlights the urgency of addressing the problem. Zelensky's excessive performance may be due to domestic political considerations, but it cannot change the international trend, and what can really bring good news is an early end to the war and usher in peace.

In this process, we have seen the fatigue of the international community with long-term conflicts, and the major powers pay more attention to their own interests. This reminds us that the key to solving the problem lies in both internal and external repair, and that while international support is important, it also requires stability and cooperation within Ukraine. The real solution can be found through dialogue rather than confrontation, through rational thinking rather than emotional performance. Ukraine's future requires the understanding and support of the international community, and even more importantly, internal cohesion and consensus. Hopefully, when the smoke of this conflict clears, the light of peace will shine on Ukraine and illuminate our common future.

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