
Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

author:Mr. Watcherlong

The Qing dynasty was an important feudal dynasty in Chinese history, beginning at the end of the 17th century and ending in the early 20th century. The following is the historical process of the Qing Dynasty from the beginning to the end:

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline


Early Qing dynasty

Before the entry of the Qing Dynasty, China was under the rule of the Ming Dynasty. The ancestors of the Qing Dynasty were the Jurchens, who lived in the northeast region. At the end of the 17th century, the founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Qing Taizu Nur Hachi, unified the various tribes of the Jurchen tribes, and Nur Hachi, the leader of the Jurchen prefecture, established Houjin. In 1636, the three ethnic groups of Han, Manchu and Mongolia submitted a persuasion table, and Emperor Taiji became emperor, and changed the name of the country to Daqing. In 1644, the Qing army invaded Beijing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty fell and the Qing Dynasty officially entered the customs.

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

After the Qing Dynasty entered customs, it adopted a series of policy measures to consolidate its rule. First, they implemented the Manchurian Eight Banners System, which organically combined the Manchus and other ethnic minorities and laid a solid foundation for the stability and prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. Second, the Qing government implemented a policy of shaving and changing clothes, forcing all Han Chinese to follow the Manchus' hairstyles and dresses in order to strengthen its control over the Central Plains. In addition, the Qing Dynasty also vigorously promoted Confucianism, advocated respecting the scriptures and respecting Confucianism, strengthened feudal ideology, and hindered the modernization process of Chinese society.

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

Middle Qing dynasty

In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, economic, cultural and technological aspects have been developed to varying degrees. On the economic front, the Qing government implemented a series of policies to promote the development of agriculture and handicrafts. At the same time, the Qing Dynasty also actively carried out overseas trade, exporting a large number of goods such as silk, tea and porcelain. This greatly enhanced the economic strength of the Qing Dynasty.

In terms of culture, the literature and art of the Qing Dynasty also achieved high achievements. For example, the compilation of the Siku Quanshu is a classic work in Chinese cultural history; The advent of literary masterpieces such as "Dream of Red Mansions" has also left a rich cultural heritage for future generations. In addition, crafts such as porcelain, jade and wood carving of the Qing Dynasty are also known for their exquisite skills and unique style.

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline
Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

In terms of science and technology, the Qing dynasty's gunpowder, compass and shipbuilding and other technologies were further developed and applied. Especially after the middle of the 18th century, the germ of capitalism began to appear in the navigation, textile and porcelain industries of the Qing Dynasty, which laid the foundation for the beginning of China's modernization.

Late Qing dynasty

However, by the late Qing Dynasty, due to the invasion of Western powers and domestic turmoil, the Qing Dynasty gradually declined. The First Opium War, which took place in 1840, forced China to open its markets, sign unequal treaties, cede Hong Kong to Britain and lose its tariff autonomy. Since then, China has become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline
Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

During this period, although the Qing government carried out some reforms and reforms, such as the Western Affairs Movement and the Reform of the Law, these efforts ultimately failed. In particular, in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, China suffered a crushing defeat to Japan, which made domestic contradictions unprecedentedly intensified. At this time, China was already in deep crisis.

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

End of the Qing Dynasty

In order to save the crisis, a series of new policies and reform measures were carried out at the end of the Qing Dynasty. For example, in 1901, the Qing government announced the implementation of the "New Policies", which included the implementation of modern education, the reform of the official system, the improvement of the legal system, and the development of industry and commerce. To a certain extent, these measures have promoted China's modernization process. However, due to the resistance of conservatives and the interference of internal and external forces, these reforms have not changed the fundamental face of China.

Qing Dynasty - The last feudal dynasty in Chinese history to rise to decline

In addition, the end of the Qing Dynasty faced a series of external pressures. Western powers have divided spheres of influence in China, forcibly occupying leased lands and territories. In particular, Japan invaded and occupied the three northeastern provinces of China in 1931 and launched a full-scale war of aggression against China in 1937. At this time, China was in a state of internal and external troubles.

Finally, after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the history of the Qing Dynasty came to an end. China has entered a new historical stage and continues to develop in the direction of modernization and prosperity.

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