
Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

It's autumn, perfect for drinking fish soup, the taste of the fish soup is delicious, and you can really enjoy it in one bite! The nutrition is also very high, men and women of all ages are worth drinking, because the protein, lecithin, minerals, vitamins, etc. in fish are very rich, often drink quite nourishing.

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

Now, crucian carp has a fat meat, and it is perfect for stewed fish soup, which is a good tonic for people with poor physique. Drink often in autumn to enhance immunity, get sick less in autumn and winter, and be more comfortable.

Stewed crucian carp soup, many people actually think a little simple, thinking that as long as you add water to the pot and stew, you can drink it.

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

Can drink is can drink, but the taste gap is a little big, delicious and can drink, but completely different. When stewing crucian fish soup, the most avoided is to add water directly to stew, that is, many people get this wrong.

If you want the fish soup to be sweet and fragrant, and the color is milky white and not fishy, you must do 2 important steps.

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

【Stewed crucian fish soup】

Ingredients: crucian carp, tofu/radish, chopped green onion/coriander, ginger slices, salt, white pepper, cooking wine, cooking oil

1. If you stew crucian carp soup, you can use small crucian carp, and the large one can be stewed and eaten, or braised or sweet and sour, sauce stewed, etc., to remove the scales, gills, fishy thread and internal organs of crucian carp.

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

2. On the body of crucian carp, pour an appropriate amount of cooking wine, then spread evenly, spread well, set aside, and marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the tofu or radish again, cut it and set it aside, prepare for a while, chopped green onion or coriander, and ginger slices.

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

3. Pour oil into the pan below, and when the oil is hot, we take a piece of kitchen paper, wipe off the moisture on the crucian carp, and then put it in the oil pan and fry. Fry both sides until golden brown, so that the crucian carp will have a stronger aroma and a more delicious stew, the first step in the "important 2 steps".

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

4. Put the ginger slices in it, stir-fry slightly, and after stir-frying the taste of ginger, you can add water and stew. But at this time, there are also skills, can not use cold water, if you want to stew out crucian carp soup, the color is white, not colorless, you have to use boiling water, the second step of the "important 2 steps".

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white

5. Add a lot of boiling water, cover the lid, and after the high heat is grunted, you can simmer over low heat. Simmer for about 20 minutes, the fish is well cooked, then add tofu or radish, and then continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes, and finally season with salt and white pepper, serve and drink, sprinkle with coriander or green onion to taste.

Stewed crucian carp soup, avoid directly adding water to stew, do the important 2 steps, the soup is sweet and milky white