
When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

author:Little sun

Deer difficulty

In the ancient land of China, there are countless mysterious and legendary stories. Among them, there is a story about a woman who saw a doe in childbirth and helped, and then triggered a series of jaw-dropping adventures, which has been praised by future generations.

In the distant foothills of Yunmeng Mountain, there is a small village called Bixi Village, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the people are simple. There is a girl named Xiuyun in the village, she is smart and kind-hearted, and she is deeply loved by the villagers.

One day, when Xiuyun was collecting medicine in the mountains, she stumbled upon a doe lying in the grass and struggling in pain. When she took a closer look, she found that the doe was in a critical condition. Xiuyun couldn't bear it, she immediately put down the medicine basket in her hand and used the medical skills she learned to help the doe deliver the baby. After some hard work, the doe finally gave birth to a fawn, and the mother and child were safe.

Just as Xiuyun was about to leave, the doe suddenly knelt in front of her, her eyes showing gratitude. It lowered its head and licked the fawn, then raised its head and looked at Xiuyun affectionately. Xiuyun's heart moved, she seemed to feel the doe's gratitude, so she comforted softly: "Don't worry, I will take good care of the fawn." ”

However, what Xiuyun didn't expect was that just as she turned to leave, the doe actually spoke out and said to her: "Benefactor, you saved the lives of my mother and son today, and I can't repay it." But I have something to give, and I hope it will help you to be rich and prosperous in your life. With that, the doe spat out three crystal clear rubies from her mouth.

Xiuyun was surprised, she hurriedly waved her hand and refused: "How can this be made?" I saved your mother and son out of my own heart, not out of greed for reward. But the doe insisted that she take them, telling her that the rubies were immortal and would bring endless wealth and good luck.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

Under the hospitality, Xiuyun had no choice but to accept the three rubies. She carefully placed the gem in her bosom and said goodbye to the doe. The doe looked at her distant back, her eyes full of gratitude and reluctance.

When Xiuyun returned home, she told her parents about it. Her parents were also surprised, but they knew that their daughter was kind-hearted and would not lie. So, they decided to keep the three rubies in good storage and wait for the right time to use them.

However, what they didn't expect was that on the same night, three red snakes suddenly broke into their home. These three red snakes emitted a faint golden light, and they looked extraordinary. They coiled in front of Xiuyun's bed, spitting letters, as if guarding her.

After Xiuyun was awakened, she couldn't help but be startled when she saw this scene. But when she looked closely at the three red snakes, she saw that they were not malicious. On the contrary, their eyes are full of gentleness and kindness. Xiuyun's heart moved, she remembered the ruby that the doe gave her, could it be that these three red snakes were related to those gems?

At this moment, one of the red snakes suddenly spoke: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are here to repay the favor." "It turns out that these three red snakes are immortal spirit beasts, and they came to protect the Xiuyun family on the orders of the doe. They told Xiuyun that if she kept the three rubies in a prominent place in her home, she would attract endless wealth and good fortune.

Xiuyun was overjoyed when she heard this, and she hurriedly took out the ruby and placed it in the center of the living room at home. Sure enough, not long after, Xiuyun's family began to embark on the road to wealth. Their business grew bigger and bigger, and their wealth grew more and more, and they became the richest man in the village.

However, with the increase in wealth, Xiuyun's family did not become arrogant and domineering, but became more humble and kind. They often help villagers in need, and have won everyone's respect and love.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

Time flies, time flies. In the blink of an eye, Xiuyun has grown up and become a beautiful and kind woman. She inherited the fine tradition of her parents, not only carried forward the family business, but also often helped the poor and did good deeds. Her acts of kindness touched Heaven and made her an admired philanthropist.

However, just when Xiuyun's career was in full swing, an unexpected reversal occurred. It turned out that the three rubies were not immortal things, but ordinary gems specially found by the doe in order to thank Xiuyun for saving her life. Although they are priceless, they do not bring endless wealth and good luck.

After Xiuyun learned the truth, she couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. She understood a truth: true wealth and good fortune do not come from external gifts, but from inner kindness and hard work. So, she decided to donate the three gems to the village school to improve the learning environment for the children.

This decision made the villagers admire Xiuyun even more. They praised Xiuyun as a good person with wisdom and love. And Xiuyun has also received more support and help because of this, and her career has become bigger and bigger, becoming a real success.

As the years went by, Xiuyun's fame spread far and wide, not only because of her wealth and success, but also because of her kindness and generosity. Her story of donating those three gems to the school has inspired and moved more people. Because of the better learning environment, the children in the village are working hard to learn and hope to contribute to society like Xiuyun in the future.

However, just as Xiuyun was enjoying the joy of success and the respect of the villagers, a sudden disaster shattered the tranquility of the village. A rare flash flood swept through the entire village of Bixi. The flood raged like a beast, destroying houses, flooding farmland, and plunging villagers into panic and despair.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

At this critical moment, Xiuyun stood up without hesitation. She organized the villagers to evacuate quickly to safety and personally risked their lives to rescue the trapped villagers in the flood. Her bravery and selflessness touched everyone, and everyone worked together to resist the flood.

After several days and nights of fighting, the flood waters finally receded. Although Bixi Village suffered huge losses, under the leadership of Xiuyun, the villagers did not give up, they supported each other, worked together, and began to rebuild their homes.

In the process, Xiuyun found that the three red snakes did not leave. They have been silently guarding the village, helping the villagers to clear the rubble and repair their houses. The villagers were full of gratitude to the red snakes, and they all expressed their desire to treat these spirit animals well and live in harmony with them.

With the reconstruction of the home, Bixi Village gradually regained its former prosperity. In this process, Xiuyun also realized the true meaning of life more deeply: real success is not personal glory and wealth, but the ability to contribute to society and benefit more people.

However, just as Bixi Village was about to usher in a new life, a shocking news spread throughout the village. It turned out that those three rubies were not ordinary things, they were actually immortal treasures, containing powerful energy. When placed together, they trigger a mystical ritual that gives the wielder endless wisdom and power.

This news made Xiuyun feel both surprised and delighted. She realized that this was a rare opportunity and she wanted to be able to harness the energy of these gemstones to bring more well-being to the village. So, she decided to perform a grand ceremony to fuse the three gems together.

On the day of the ceremony, the whole village is immersed in joy and anticipation. Xiuyun stood on the ceremony stage, holding three gems in her hand, her heart full of awe and gratitude. She took a deep breath and gently placed the gems together.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

It was at this moment that a miracle happened. The three gems suddenly emitted a dazzling light, reflecting the entire sky red. A powerful energy poured out of the gem and surrounded Xiuyun's side. She felt her mind washed by this energy, becoming incomparably clear and bright.

As the energy dissipated, Xiuyun felt as if he had gained some kind of magical power. She can clearly see the future and can also sense the inner needs and desires of the villagers. She understands that she wants to use this power to help more people and make Bixi Village a truly happy and harmonious place.

So, under the leadership of Xiuyun, Bixi Village began a new journey. Using the wisdom and power of gemstones, they developed various industries and improved the living conditions of the villagers. They have also built public facilities such as schools and hospitals, so that villagers can enjoy better education and medical services.

Over time, Bixi Village gradually became a well-known and wealthy village. And Xiuyun has also become a hero and role model in the hearts of the villagers. She proved with her own actions that as long as she has good intentions and moves forward bravely, she can create her own brilliant life.

As Bixi Village prospered, Xiuyun's name became a household name, and she was not only a successful businessman, but also a well-respected philanthropist. However, Xiuyun knows that true success is not only the accumulation of wealth and fame, but also the satisfaction of the heart and the contribution to others.

By chance, Xiuyun discovers that the three fused gems have an even more magical function - they can predict disasters and guide people to find ways to avoid them. This discovery strengthened Xiuyun's belief that the power of the gem was for her to better help others and protect the land.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

As a result, Xiuyun began to use the magical power of gemstones to predict and prevent various natural disasters in advance. She organized villagers to build strong flood control levees that strengthened the mountain and reduced the risk of landslides and mudslides. She also guided the villagers to learn how to grow drought-tolerant and flood-resistant crops to ensure that they would still have a stable income and livelihood in the event of a disaster.

Xiuyun's actions have not only made Bixi Village safer, but also won the respect and love of more villagers. They all said that it was Xiuyun who gave them hope and courage, allowing them to straighten their backs in the face of difficulties and face challenges bravely.

However, just as Bixi Village ushered in one harvest year after another, Xiuyun was faced with a difficult choice. She discovers that the power of the gem, while powerful, also requires the consumption of her life force to maintain it. As she used the gem more often, her body gradually weakened.

Xiuyun understands that if she continues like this, her life will come to an end. But she also knew that if she gave up using the power of the gem, Bixi Village and the villagers would face great risks. At this critical moment, Xiuyun made a shocking decision - she wanted to inject all her life force into the gem, so that the gem would always protect Bixi Village and the villagers.

Early one morning, Xiuyun gathered the villagers and told them about their decision. The villagers wept when they heard this, they did not want to lose this kind and great leader. But Xiuyun firmly said that this was her own choice and her last contribution to Bixi Village and the villagers.

Under the witness of the villagers, Xiuyun injected his vitality into the gem. At that moment, the whole sky changed color, and a dazzling light rose from the gem to the sky. The villagers felt a powerful energy envelop the entire village, as if a god was guarding them.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

As the light dissipated, Xiuyun's body gradually became transparent. She smiled and said to the villagers, "Goodbye, my friends. I will always protect this land and you. With that, her body turned into a ray of light and melted into the gem.

Since then, Bixi Village has not been hit by any natural disasters. The villagers lived a happy and peaceful life, and they knew that Xiuyun had bought her life for it. To commemorate Xiuyun's great contributions, the villagers enshrined the gem in the central square of the village and built a tall monument to commemorate the great leader.

And the three red snakes have been guarding the gems and monuments by the square. They have become one of the patron saints and symbols of Bixi Village, reminding the villagers to always remember the kindness of Xiuyun and the magical power of gemstones.

The moment Xiuyun turned into light and melted into a gem, the entire Bixi Village seemed to be shrouded in a sacred and solemn atmosphere. The villagers were silent, save for the sound of the breeze blowing through the treetops and the murmuring of a stream in the distance. Their hearts were filled with endless sorrow, but more importantly, they were endlessly grateful and admired for Xiuyun.

Since then, Bixi Village has entered a new era. The villagers took Xiuyun as an example, worked hard, lived in harmony, and built this beautiful home together. They always remember Xiuyun's teachings and guard this land with kindness and diligence.

And the three fused gems have also become the treasures of Bixi Village. They not only guard the tranquility of the village, but also guide the villagers in the direction of their progress. Whenever the villagers faced difficulties and challenges, they would come to the center of the square and pray to the gems for wisdom and strength. The gems also seem to have spirits, and can always give the villagers the most timely and accurate guidance.

When the woman saw that the doe had a difficult birth, 3 red snakes went home with her, and the whole family was rich and prosperous for a lifetime

However, the power of gemstones seems to be waning over time. The villagers are beginning to realize that they need to rely on their own hands and wisdom not only to protect their homes by the power of gemstones. As a result, they began to study and work harder, constantly improving their abilities and qualities.

In the process, Bixi Village has also welcomed more and more foreign tourists. They are fascinated by this beautiful and mysterious village and come to visit and play. The villagers also warmly received each visitor, telling them the legendary story of Xiuyun and the gem. These stories not only shocked and moved the tourists, but also filled them with respect and curiosity about Bixi Village.

By chance, a Taoist priest from afar came to Bixi Village. After hearing the legend of Xiuyun and the gem, he decided to come and find out for himself. The Taoist priest traveled around the village, interacting with the villagers, and gaining insight into the history and culture of the village.

Eventually, the priest came to the center of the square and stood in front of the jewel. He closed his eyes and quietly felt the energy emanating from the gem. After a long time, the Taoist priest opened his eyes with a shocked look on his face. He told the villagers that this gem was actually a spiritual bead that was rare in a thousand years, and it contained the essence and energy of heaven and earth. And the reason why Xiuyun was able to exert the power of gems to the extreme is because she has a pure and kind heart.

The Taoist priest's words surprised and delighted the villagers. They have expressed that they will cherish this spiritual pearl more and use it to protect their homes and benefit future generations. At the same time, they are also more grateful for Xiuyun's dedication and contribution, and regard her as the guardian saint and soul of the village.

With the help of the Taoist priests, the villagers began to learn and master how to better use the power of the spirit beads. They use it not only to predict and prepare for natural disasters, but also to boost crops and improve the health of villagers. The power of the spirit bead has made Bixi Village more prosperous and beautiful, and it has also made the lives of the villagers happier and more satisfied.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is a hundred years later. Bixi Village has become a well-known tourist attraction and cultural mecca. The legend of Xiuyun and the gem has also been passed down by future generations and has become an eternal legend and symbol. Whenever people mention Bixi Village, they always think of that kind and great woman - Xiuyun and the precious wealth and endless spiritual power she left behind.